Zoho Assist Customer Plugin Bulk Deployment
This guide walks you through the prerequisites and step-by-step instructions for each deployment method on MacOS, ensuring smooth configuration and hassle-free installation.
Deployment Methods
1. Script Method
2. Pkg Method
3. Pkg Method using Intune
Script Method
Steps to Deploy the Script File:
1. Download the script file provided.
2. Log in to Zoho Assist.
3. Navigate to the Download Page and select macOS from the For Customer section.
4. Open the script file and replace the existing deployment link with the actual deployment link.
5. Run the modified script on the enrolled Mac devices you wish to configure for the Customer Plugin.
Pkg Method
Download the `ZohoPlugin.zip` file.
This ZIP file contains `com.zoho.assist.MacPlugin.plist` and `ZohoPlugin.pkg`.
Steps to Deploy the PKG File:
1. Log in to Zoho Assist.
2. Go to the Downloads page and click on macOS in the For Customer section.
3. Download the `ZohoPlugin.zip` file, which includes `com.zoho.assist.MacPlugin.plist` and `ZohoPlugin.pkg`.
4. First deploy the `com.zoho.assist.MacPlugin.plist` file on the enrolled Mac devices. This file is required for configuration and must be installed before the `ZohoPlugin.pkg`.
5. After deploying the `com.zoho.assist.MacPlugin.plist`, deploy the `ZohoPlugin.pkg` to the enrolled devices.
Pkg Method using Intune
Ensure you have administrative access to your account.
Download the following files:`ZohoPlugin.zip` file. This ZIP file contains `com.zoho.assist.MacPlugin.plist` and `ZohoPlugin.pkg`.
Deploying the PLIST File
Extract the downloaded ZohoPlugin.zip file that includes the com.zoho.assist.MacPlugin.plist and ZohoPlugin.pkg files.
Open com.zoho.assist.MacPlugin.plist file in text editor and remove the outer content from bottom and top of the file shown below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> </dict> </plist> |
Steps to Deploy com.zoho.assist.MacDeploy.plist:
In the Intune console, Select Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile.
Specify the following properties:
Platform: Select macOS
Profile: Select Templates > Preference file.
Click Create.
In Basics, enter the name and description. Select Next.
In Configuration settings, configure the following settings:
Preference domain name: com.zoho.assist.MacPlugin
Property list file: Upload com.zoho.assist.MacPlugin.plist
Click Next.
Assign the Profile to the devices or group and click Create.
Deploying the PKG File
Now to add pkg, Select Apps > All apps > Add. In the Select app type panel, under the Other app types, select Line-of-business app.
Under App information, update the following details:
Upload ZohoPlugin.pkg.
Set ignore app version as yes.
Assign the policy to your target devices or device groups.
Save and enable the policy to initiate the deployment.