Zoho Assist enables Admins to import their customer contacts into the Zoho Assist console, allowing technicians to easily invite customers to remote sessions either using their email addresses or by selecting their names in the console. Users can also select a contact to look up reports of their previous sessions for auditing and billing purposes. Admins can import contacts from their Google account, Zoho CRM account, or as .csv or .vcf files.
Note : Contacts, whether imported or created by Super Admins and Admins, can be modified or removed by any member within the organization.
Feature highlights
Import any number of contacts
Sync multiple Google accounts with Zoho Assist
Contact list automatically updated when a new email address is added
Import contacts
Go to
Select Remote Support and then Contacts.
Click Import Contact.
You can import contacts from a Google account, Zoho CRM account, or as .csv or .vcf files.
Importing Google contacts
Click Google Import.
Select the consent check box to import your Google contacts.
Select Allow to give Zoho local access to your Google accounts.
Sign in to your Google account to import your contacts.
Your Google contact list has now been imported to Zoho Assist.
Importing Zoho CRM contacts
Click Zoho CRM Import.
Importing contacts from .csv or .vcf files
Click Contact Import.
Check the consent check box to allow access to your contacts on the desktop.
Choose the file to import contacts from.
When importing contacts, please ensure that your .csv file organizes your contact info only using the following supported headers.
Work Phone
Zip Code
Your contact list has now been imported to Zoho Assist.
To access your contacts
Select Remote Support and then Contacts to display a list of all your contacts.