Technician Survey
The Technician Survey feature allows technicians to share their valuable feedback, contributing to the improvement of remote service quality. After the completion of a remote session, technicians are prompted to fill out a survey form, providing insights into the remote assistance experience. These responses can be compiled into Survey Reports for detailed analysis at a later stage.

To create a survey:

  • To create a new Technician survey, navigate to Settings > General > Survey >Technician.

  • Click Create New Survey and provide details like Survey Name and Description, and select the session type from the drop menu.

  • Click Add Question and choose from various question types, such as single choice, multiple choice, short answer, drop-down, or star rating. Enter the question and provide the appropriate choices.

  • Click on Add New Question to add further more questions.

  • Use the provided checkbox to mark questions as mandatory.

  • Once questions are added, click Create Survey.

  • Surveys can also be created department-wise.

  • After creation, click Publish to publish the survey to make it available for technicians at the end of each session.

  • Technicians will be displayed with the survey at the end of each session only when it is published.


    To preview, view, edit, and delete the Survey

  • Click the three-dot icon and choose either edit or delete.

  • To preview a created survey, click the Preview icon located under the Action column.

  • To view a created survey, hover the cursor over the survey and click on it.

Survey Reports

Survey reports can be viewed in two ways:

  • Access Survey reports by clicking the Survey Reports icon under the Action column for the respective survey.

  • Alternatively, you can access the survey reports by navigating to Reports > Survey Report > Technician. Reports can be filtered by Survey, Session Type, Technician type, and Time period.

  • The Survey Report overview includes details like Technicians, conducted sessions, sessions with surveys, and survey responses.

  • Choose Overall Summary to view the graphical summary of all technicians' responses.

  • Select Individual summary for detailed individual technician survey responses.