Join Session

Joining session using Session ID

  • Go to
  • Enter your Name and the session ID shared by your technician and click  JOIN SESSION.
   3. Click  Download  in the new browser window that opens up.
   4. Double click on  ZA_Connect.exe  to join the remote support session initiated by your technician.  

Joining session using Session Link

  1. Open the session link sent by your technician.

  2. Enter your name and click on  JOIN SESSION.

  3. Click  Download  in the new browser that opens up.

  1.  Double click on  ZA_Connect.exe  and then click on  JOIN  to join the remote support session initiated by your technician.

Joining session using Email Invite

  • Open the email invite sent by your technician.
  • Click on  JOIN SESSION.
   3. Once the page opens with the pre-filled session ID and name, click on  JOIN SESSION
   4. Click on  DOWNLOAD, in the next page that appears. 

  1.  Double click on  ZA_Connect.exe  to join the remote support session initiated by your  technician.

Joining session from Android device

   2. Enter the session key shared by your technician.
   3. Click  ACCEPT  to grant access to screen share.

   4. Once you click ACCEPT, the device will display a  prompt  as below.
 5. Once you click START NOW, the screen sharing will begin.
 6. For the technician to gain control over the device, click ALLOW in the below prompt.

   7. Click ACTIVATE in the below prompt to grant administrator privileges to the technician and let the technician to remotely control your device. 


Joining session from iOS device

  1. Download  Customer App- Zoho Assist from App store.

  2. Follow the onboarding screen and click Agree & Continue.

  3. Enter the session key shared to you by your technician and click Join.

Joining session from Linux OS

  • Open the session join link sent by your technician.
  • Click on either Download 32 bit or Download 64 bit in the new browser that opens up.
  • Right click on the downloaded  Connect  application.
  • Click on Properties and choose Permissions.
  • Enable Allow executing file as program.
  • Once enabled, double-click on the  Connect  application to join the session.