Privacy Settings

You can configure your privacy settings to manage the data that is collected and stored in Zoho Assist. Privacy settings let you consent to data gathered and processed from third-party services, limit usage through role-based access for users, receive breach alerts, and delete information pertaining to specific users in your organization. 


As an Admin, you can decide when, how, and why data should be gathered and processed in Zoho Assist. You can set up permissions for whether your data can be accessed from third-party services such as Zendesk, ServiceNow, and Google for integration with those services. You can revoke given permissions at any time. 


  • Go to Settings and choose Privacy Settings  below  Security & Compliance.

  • Click the edit symbol to modify the given consent.

Data Protection 

Manage your data privacy and security using the Data protection settings. Set up user confirmation before initiating an unattended access session, provide limited access to data by assigning roles to users in your organization, and customize notification messages for your customers.


  • Go to  Settings and choose Privacy Settings below Security & Compliance.
  • Choose the tab Data Protection.
  • Click the settings symbol below User Confirmation to show a session confirmation at the remote end.
  • Click the settings symbol below Role-based Access to modify roles assigned to users, grant privileges to conduct remote support and unattended access sessions, and to modify computer groups assigned to users in your organization.
  • Click on Settings given below Confirmation Prompt to enable/disable the prompt or to customize the confirmation message to be shown to your customers before initiating any action.

Breach Notification

Configure your settings to receive breach alerts if critical information is compromised in a breach. By default, the Super Admin will be notified within 72 hours through email. Breach alert can even be emailed to users of your choice. 


  • Go to Settings and choose Privacy Settings below Security & Compliance.
  • Choose the tab Breach Notification.
  • Click Add Email Address to include users to receive the breach alert.

Right to Erasure

You can choose to remove all data relating to a given user including their name, email address, action logs, and usage reports saved within your organization, using these settings.  


  • Go to Settings and choose Privacy Settings below Security & Compliance.
  • Choose the Right to Erasure tab.
  • Click Remove User. Click the delete symbol to remove the user from your organization.
  • Click on Settings below Anonymize Personal Data to anonymize personal data that is older than the specified number of days. Click on the checkbox Repeat daily to repeat the process on a daily basis.
  • Click on Delete and Anonymize Now below Anonymize Personal Data to anonymize all the personal data that is stored within Zoho Assist till date.