Appointment Scheduler

You can make use of the Schedule Appointment option in Zoho Calendar if you want to schedule meetings with various people. The Schedule Appointment feature helps you share your appointment request form with the public so that people can fill out the form to request an appointment with you. You can embed this form on your website/blog. The visitors can check your availability using the calendar that you have embedded on the website and fill out the necessary details in the form to request a meeting. 

When a person fills out the appointment form embedded in your website, an email will be sent to your primary address asking you to confirm the appointment. After you have confirmed the appointment, it will be added as an event on your calendar. Also, a notification will be sent to the particular person who requested the appointment that it has been confirmed.

Steps to enable Schedule Appointment for your calendar

  1. Log in to Zoho Calendar.
  2. Right-click the calendar from the left pane of the calendar window and click Edit (or) Go to Settings  > Calendar > My Calendars and click on the calendar.
  3. Under Sharing and permissions > Public access, enable public access for the calendar.
  4. Choose if you want others to View only free/busy status or View event details from the drop-down.
  5. Click on Customize near the Schedule Appointment option under public access to customize your Schedule Appointment interface.
  6. Choose the desired language from the drop-down and Color for your interface.
  7. Click Copy HTML to copy the embed code of the appointment form to be used on your website.
  8. Click on the Preview button to get a preview of the appointment form that is going to be embedded on your website.
  9. After copying the embed code, insert it into your webpage and the appointment request form will be embedded.