Resource Booking Setup

The Resource Booking feature in Zoho Calendar helps administrators to manage their resources efficiently in their organizations. The admin can configure resource booking for all the members in an organization by setting up branches, buildings, and floors and adding rooms present on each floor. Once the configuration is done for the organization, the rooms will be visible to the users. Depending on the availability of rooms, the users can book the required rooms at their convenience. 

​Adding a Branch

To begin with, for the set-up for Room Booking, go to Zoho Calendar and navigate to Resources. Once you open the resources, you need to add a Branch from your office. If your organization contains more than one branch, you can add them in the setup or you can add them later in the settings. Once you have set up the branch for your office, you will be asked to add the resources. Click Start to add a branch. Learn more.

​Adding a Room

After you have added a branch to your office, you need to add rooms for the branch. While adding rooms, you need to provide the exact location of each room and the room will be added to the particular floor in the specified branch. You can categorize the rooms into three types in Room Booking: Meeting room, Conference room and Training room. Each room has a specific seating capacity and also features like AC, Wi-Fi, Monitor, Projector, White Board and LAN. You need to provide a photograph of the room as well. Click Add Room to start adding a room for the branch. Learn more.

​Default Location

Once you have added your branches and rooms, you will be asked to set your default location. You can pick your default location from the list of floors added to the branches. Every time you open Room Booking, the rooms in your default location will be listed first. You can make changes to your default location under Room Preferences in Settings. Learn more.


Resource Booking feature is available only for users with one of the Zoho Mail paid plans.