User roles and permissions

Every Zoho TeamInbox account consists of three entities. 

i) Organization ii) Team iii) Inbox

Under each of these entities, there are different pre-defined roles that are available by default. Click the links below to view the list of permissions across different entities.

  • Organization level permissions - This section gives you the list of permissions for the following roles: organization admin, organization moderator, and organization member.
  • Team level permissions - This section gives you the list of permissions for the following roles: team admin, and team member.
  • Inbox level permissions - This section gives you the list of permissions for the following roles: inbox admin, inbox member, and inbox observer. 

Organization level permissions

There are three roles at the organization level of Zoho TeamInbox. 

  1. Organization admin
  2. Organization moderator
  3. Organization member

Below are the permissions for various actions at the organization level.

Note: The organization admin has access to all the actions in Zoho TeamInbox. 

Note: Other actions that have not been mentioned in this table are subject to the role of the person in the team or inbox they belong to.

Team level permissions

There are two roles at the team level of Zoho TeamInbox.

  1. Team admin
  2. Team member

Below are the permissions for various actions at the team level.



Note: Other actions that have not been mentioned in this table are subject to the role of the person in the organization or the inbox they belong to.

Inbox level permissions

There are three roles at the team level of Zoho TeamInbox.

  1. Inbox admin
  2. Inbox member
  3. Inbox observer

Below are the permissions for various actions at the inbox level.


Note: Other actions that have not been mentioned in this table are subject to the role of the person in the organization or the team they belong to.