Inbox Settings

Inbox settings in Zoho TeamInbox allow you to automate various functions in shared inboxes. These settings help you manage threads, add members, and select an outgoing email channel for a shared inbox.

Only organization admin and moderators can view and edit these settings.

Automatically add new teammates to this inbox

Whenever a new team member is added, they will be automatically added to this inbox, saving you from adding them manually.

Automatically assign thread upon compose/reply

If you want to assign a thread to a team member when they compose/reply to message, this option comes handy. It will auto-assign the unassigned thread to that person.

Automatically un assign thread when archived

When a thread is archived , use this option to auto unassign the thread. This means that the thread will no longer be assigned to any member in the inbox.

Member access to their personal outgoing email channel

Members can use their personal outgoing email channels as sender addresses to send emails from this inbox.

To manage Inbox Settings

  1. Login to Zoho TeamInbox.
  2. Click the Settings icon in the top right corner.
  3. Click More Settings, select the Organization tab.
  4. Go to any inbox under the teams, click Settings.
  5. Click on the toggle button to enable or disable the settings.
  6. To give members access to use personal email channels, select the member from the drop-down menu. Click Save Changes.

Set default outgoing email channel

To send replies, you can associate multiple outgoing email channels  to be used as sender addresses with an inbox and select one while sending out emails. To set default outgoing email channel, click on Select default outgoing email channel  and choose the email address from the available options to set it as default for sending messages.