Managing incoming messages

Once you've created your inboxes and start receiving all your messages here in Zoho TeamInbox, you can assign it to yourself or to your teammates, collaborate over the thread, close it when the conversation is done, thus manage your incoming emails efficiently.

Assigning a thread

As and when a new conversation starts, you can assign the thread to the person responsible for it. This ensures that no message is ignored and will also help everyone in the team know who is working on what.

To assign, navigate to the thread and click Assign on the top-right corner and enter the name of the assignee in the search bar and select them to assign the thread. You can assign the thread to yourself by clicking Assign to me . This thread will now be visible under the assignee's Assigned to me view.

To unassign a thread, click Assigned to on the top right corner and click Unassign.

Following a thread

If you want to be notified about the activities happening over a specific thread like thread assignments, comments made, etc., you can follow it. This way you can stay informed of the most important conversations.

To follow, navigate to the thread and click Follow at the top-right corner. This thread will now be visible under your Following view.

If you don't want to receive updates about the thread you are following, you can unfollow by clicking the Unfollow button on the top-right corner of the thread. Now this thread will be removed from the Following view.

Snoozing a thread

If you want to hide a specific thread from your inbox for a certain time period, you can snooze it and set a time for when you want it to reappear in your inbox. Snooze less important conversations so to concentrate on the most important ones at hand or snooze a thread to be reminded to follow up later.

To snooze, navigate to the thread and click Snooze from the top bar. Select the time after which you want the thread to reappear in your inbox. This thread will be hidden from your inbox and be visible under your Snoozed view until the set time period.

To cancel the snooze time that you've set for a thread, find the thread under the Snoozed view, click Snoozed from the top bar and click Unsnooze. Now the thread will be removed from the Snoozed view and will reappear in your inbox.

Archiving threads

As and when you're done with conversations you can archive the thread, thus eventually attaining inbox zero. This will help you focus on conversations that are still to be responded to.

To archive, navigate to the thread and click Archive from the top bar. You can also archive a thread while sending a reply by hitting the Send and archive button. When you archive a thread, it will be removed from the Open view of your inbox. You can however find it under the All view.

If you want to reopen an archived thread, find the thread in your inbox under the All view and click Unarchive from the top bar.

Adding comment

Use comments to have internal discussions on the messages without forwarding them to your teammates. Just @mention the person you want to include in the conversation, and they will be notified about the comment so they can respond promptly.

Click the Comment icon from the top-right corner. Type into the comment field at the bottom and click the Send icon to add the comment. You can @mention any member of your workspace, even if they are not a member of the inbox or its team. The conversation will be visible under their Shared with me view.

Move to Inbox

You can move a thread from one inbox to another by creating rules or a simple drag and drop. Creating rules allows users to set specific criteria for incoming emails or messages and automatically directs them to the designated inbox.

 For example, a user can create a rule that any emails from a certain sender will be automatically moved to a specific inbox. Another way to move a thread from one inbox to another is by using a simple drag and drop function.

Duplicate Threads

When a client sends an email to two different email addresses, the email will appear in both inboxes, causing confusion for team members who may not realize that the email has been duplicated. 
You can mark such emails as duplicate .This will help team members to identify that the email has already been received and responded to, preventing them from sending duplicate responses. Marking emails as duplicates also helps to keep the team's inbox organized and clutter-free.