Types of Contacts

Zoho Mail provides the option to add both Personal Contact and Organization Contact.This helps you categorize your Contacts efficiently. When you add a new Contact by default they are placed under Personal Contact where as Organization Contacts can be added only by the organization Admin.

Personal Contacts

Personal contacts are visible only to you and are placed here by default whenever a new Contact is added. You can view, modify, or export them from your account. All your Personal Contacts will automatically appear in your address book. You can add categories to Personal Contacts, to Group them and use them to add multiple Contacts during Compose. 

Organization Contacts

When the Organization Administrator adds a user or a Group, the email address gets added to the Organization contacts automatically. All the Organization Contacts appear automatically in the autofill when you compose emails. When a new user is added to the Organization, the user can easily look up or compose emails to colleagues using the Organization Contacts. 

Organization Contacts are accessible for all users in an Organization where they can view and use them, but only the Organization Administrator can add, edit, or delete contacts. Additionally, the Organization Admin can add common external users, which can be accessed by other Organization users as this helps in third party contacts such as insurance providers, Partners common to the Organization, or other service providers for the Organization. 

The Organization Contacts you have added will be used in multiple places like Search, Streams, Tasks, Email Sharing, Folder Sharing etc. 

Organization Groups

Zoho mail provides you with the option to create Organization Groups to help different teams work better together. Only the Administrators of the organization can create Organization group, unless they have enabled it for other Organization users. Group Contacts are helpful when you need a shared contact list just for your group, not the whole Organization. These Contacts can only be seen and used by Group members.


Only the Owner or the Moderator of the group can add or delete contacts from the group.

Contact Categories

A fixed set of Contacts can be grouped by assigning them to a Category. The Categories help you to add a 'batch' of bulk contacts to your email when you compose an email. Personal and Organization Categories are listed in the 'Address book' for easy access while composing an email.

Creating Categories

You can create a new Category by clicking on the Add Category option on the left pane under Views section. You can also create Contact Categories directly from the Address book in the Compose editor. Click here for detailed instructions.

Adding Contacts

Contacts can be added to Categories by dragging and dropping them in the desired Category.. You can add multiple Contacts at once to a Category by selecting the relevant contacts and clicking on the Add to  icon.

You can also remove a Contact from a specific Category by selecting the check box of the Contact and clicking on the delete option.


Contacts in a Group Category can only be deleted by the group admin, whereas contacts created in the Personal Category can be deleted by the user themselves.

More Options

You can right-click on a Category Under personal view to Rename, Delete, or export them. You can use the Export option to export only the Contacts in that Category. You can secure your export using a password. You can also export Contacts from an Organization or Organization group you are part of.


The option to edit or delete a Group Category is limited only to the owner or the moderator of the group.

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