
If a bot needs some time to reply to the visitor's message, the pending action can be used.

For example: 

  • When it tries to generate a report and send it to the visitor
  • Or tries to create a profile for a visitor, which may take some time (but lesser than 3 mins).

A unique request ID will be available inside the request param in all the handlers. Once the pending action is returned by the bot, the request_id (found in the request object) sent in the param during execution will be used to handle the pending action. While the action is pending and the response is yet to be given, info messages can be sent to the visitor to show the progress of the pending action. During the pending action, the progress info and the response can be sent to the visitor using callback APIs. Learn More

Channel compatibility



    "action" : "pending",
    "replies" : {"Your text here"}


Use Case:

Copied"user_defined": {
  "zohosalesiq": {
    "action": "pending",
    "replies" : ["Please wait while I generate a report for you"]