Using Input/Display Cards in Microsoft Azure

The responses that you feed to your Zobot need not necessarily be plain text all the time, you can add rich text too. Ex: image, select option, slider, links, etc. You can add them to the Zobot using the pre-defined codes for each action.

SalesIQ Platforms offer various Input and Display Cards to procure inputs and show output to the visitors. 

You can also add Microsoft cards while using the Azure Bot Service inside the Zobot. The table below will explain which Microsoft cards are supported inside SalesIQ and what they are converted to when they are used in the platform.

Microsoft CardsSalesIQ SupportConverted as
Hero cardYeslink



Thumbnail cardYesimage/link
Animation cardYesimage
Suggested actionsYessuggestions
CarouselYesdisplay a list of display cards based on the MS card type
Receipt cardNo 
Video cardNo 
Audio cardNo 
Adaptive cardNo 
File attachmentsNo