The visitor object is a map containing the profile information of the website visitor.
The visitor object contains the following properties:
Attributes | Description |
name | The name of the visitor. |
The email address of the visitor accessing the website. | |
phone | Phone number of the visitor accessing the website. |
active_conversation_id | The ID of the conversation. |
channel | The conversation initiated channel (Website/Facebook/Instagram/WhatsApp/Mobile App). |
browser | Browser used by the visitor on the website. |
country | The country of the visitor is visiting your website. |
time_zone | The current timezone of the visitor is visiting your website. |
language | Language code of the visitor detected from browser. |
os | Operating system used by the visitor. |
city | City of the visitor accessing the website. |
state | State of the visitor accessing the website. |
question | The question asked by the visitor while initiating a chat. |
campaign_content | UTM used for testing and content-targeted ads. |
campaign_medium | UTM used to identify a medium such as an email or cost-per-click. |
campaign_source | UTM used to identify a search engine, newsletter name, or another source. |
current_page_url | URL of the page where the visitor is currently accessing |
current_page_title | Title of the visitor's current website page. |
landing_page_url | URL of the page where the visitor has landed on the website. |
landing_page_title | Title of the website page where the visitor landed. |
previous_page_url | URL of the page where the visitor previously accessed. |
ip | The IP address of the visitor accessing the website. |
lead_score | The Lead score earned by the visitor with the actions performed on the site. |
number_of_past_chats | Count on the number of past chats with the visitor. |
number_of_past_visits | Count on the number of visits by the visitor to the website. |
referer | Source from where the visitor is referred from. |
company_name | The company name of the visitor. |
company_headquarters | The headquarters visitor's company. |
company_employees | The number of employees in the visitor's company. |
last_call_attender | The name of the operator who attends the last call of the visitor. |
crm_type | Category of the visitor in CRM. |
crm_potential | The potential of the visitor in CRM. |
last_visit_time | The time at which the visitor had last visited the website. |
custom_info | Custom information about the visitor |
Use Case:
"name": "Tricia",
"email": "",
"phone": "005678900677",
"browser": "Apple Safari",
"country_code": "us",
"time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"language": "es",
"os": "Apple Macintosh",
"city": "Los angels",
"state": "California",
"active_conversation_id": "671017000500550001",
"question": "Hello, I would like to know my shipping status",
"channel": "website",
"campaign_content": "end_sale",
"campaign_medium": "UTM",
"campaign_source": "email",
"current_page_url": "",
"previous_page_url": "",
"last_call_attender": "(Operator id)",
"landing_page_url": "",
"landing_page_title": "Zylker-Furnitures-Home",
"number_of_past_visits": "6",
"number_of_past_chats": "2",
"lead_score": "200",
"referer": "",
"crm_type": "Lead | Contact",
"company_name": "Zylker inc.",
"company_employees": "7000",
"ip": "",
"visitid": "234",
"department_id": "606000001830053",
"uuid": "47324902-6799-4c4f-a53b-29839e39ccc3_3"
"last_visit_time": "1566472239770"
"custom_info" :
"customer_id" : "1532",
"tier" : "gold"