
Bank Account Verification

When you add a bank account to Zoho Payroll—whether for setting up Direct Deposit for an employee or your organization—it undergoes a verification process.

This process helps Zoho Payroll ensure the correctness and accuracy of the provided bank information.This is an automated process that typically takes 2 to 3 business days.

Let’s explore how this process works and how to recover in case of a failure.

How it Works

A $0 ACH payment will be initiated to the provided bank account.

$0 ACH paymentBank Account Verification StatusResult
Successfully credited to the provided bank accountSuccessYou can start processing payroll in Zoho Payroll.
Payment failedFailureBank account will be disabled in Zoho Payroll

Possible Reason for Failure

The $0 ACH payment may fail if the provided bank account information is incorrect or if there are issues with the bank account.

Effect of Failure

If the bank account fails verification, any attempts to move money in or out of the account through Zoho Payroll will be rejected by the bank.

Handling Failures

If the bank account fails verification, you’ll need to replace the bank account with a new one. The new account will then undergo the same verification process.

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