
Access Zoho Payroll

Accessing Zoho Payroll is straightforward and user-friendly. With just a stable internet connection and a web browser, you can effortlessly sign in to Zoho Payroll and manage all your payroll needs from anywhere.

Zoho Payroll’s flexible pricing plans cater to businesses of all sizes. You can also sign up for a 14-day free trial and explore all the features before subscribing to a paid plan.

Sign up for Zoho Payroll

To sign up for Zoho Payroll:

  1. Visit the Zoho Payroll website.

Sign Up or Start a Free Trial of Zoho Payroll

You’ll be redirected to our sign up page.

  1. Provide the required details, including your company’s name and email address.

Sign Up for Zoho Payroll

Company NameYour registered business name.
EmailThis will be used to sign in to your Zoho Payroll account. A verification link will be sent to this email address. Hence, ensure accuracy.
Contact NumberLink your mobile number to keep your account secure.
PasswordChoose a password with at least 8 characters. For security, choose a strong password.
CountrySelect the country where you operate your business.

Note: Selecting United States as your Country will let you use the US edition of Zoho Payroll.
StateEnter the state where your business is located.
  1. Read through our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Once you understand and agree to them, check the box to indicate your consent.
  2. Click SIGN UP NOW. You’ll be redirected to the organization creation page.

Create your First Zoho Payroll Organization

  1. Fill in the required information on the Zoho Payroll Organization Creation page:

Create Zoho Payroll Organization

Organization NameYour registered business name.
Business LocationYour country of operation.
IndustryThe specific area or type of business your company belongs to. It helps categorize businesses based on their main activities, making it easier for regulation and analysis.
Legal StructureThe type of your business as classified by the government. It regulates certain aspects of your business like determining your tax burden and liabilities.
Doing Business As (DBA Name)The name under which you operate your business (optional).
Organization AddressYour primary work location.
Phone NumberYour primary contact number.
Time ZoneYour preferred time zone.
  1. Select whether you’ve run payroll earlier this financial year:
    • If yes, select Yes, we’ve already run payroll(s) for this financial year.
    • If no, select No, we’ll run this financial year’s first payroll with Zoho Payroll.

INSIGHT Answering this question helps Zoho Payroll enable the Prior Payroll feature for you.

  1. Click Save & Continue. You’ll be redirected to a screen to set up signatory details.

Add Signatory Details

  1. Enter the required signatory details.

Add Signatory Details

Signatory NameEnter the first, middle, and last name of the signatory.
DesignationEnter the job title of the signatory.
EmailThe email address of the signatory, auto-populated from the previous screen.
  1. Click Save Signatory.
  2. Read through the Check Payroll User Service Terms. Once you understand and agree to them, click Agree and Get Started.

Read and Accept Signatory Terms

Your Zoho Payroll organization will be created, and you’ll be on a 14-day free trial.

Once the trial period ends, or even during the trial period, you can subscribe to a paid plan that suits your requirements.

Sign in to Zoho Payroll

To sign in to Zoho Payroll:

  1. Visit the Zoho Payroll website.
  2. Click SIGN IN.

Sign in to Zoho Payroll

You’ll be redirected to our sign in page.

  1. Enter your registered email address.

PRO TIP You can also use the Federated Sign in option, which allows you to sign in using third-party services like Google, Microsoft, Apple, LinkedIn, etc.

  1. Click Next.
  2. Enter your password.

INSIGHT If you forgot your password, sign in using email OTP or reset your password.

  1. Click Sign in.

You’ll be signed in and redirected to the Dashboard or Getting Started page.

Learn how to use and navigate Zoho Payroll.

Reset your Password

To reset your password:

  1. On the sign in page, click Forgot Password.

Forgot Password for Zoho Payroll

  1. Verify CAPTCHA, if prompted.
  2. Enter your registered email or mobile number.
  3. Enter any of your previous passwords remember. If it matches, you can continue to sign in. Else, click Continue to reset password.
  4. Click Send OTP. An OTP will be sent to your registered email or mobile number.
  5. Enter the OTP and click Verify.
  6. Enter a new password and confirm it.
  7. Click Change Password.

Your password will be reset, and you can sign in using your new password.

Additional Resources

  1. Change your Zoho account password.
  2. Change your primary email address used to access Zoho Payroll.
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