This help page is for users in Creator 5. If you are in the newer version (Creator 6), click here. Know your Creator version. Export Users
To export users from the application:
- Click the Users option under the Users and Control section of the Settings page.

- The Users page will be displayed and will list all the users of the application. Click the Export button.

- The Export Users tab will appear.

- In the Filter by Permission drop down you can choose the users to be exported based on their permission.

- In the Filter by Role drop down you can choose the users to be exported based on their roles.
Note : The Filter by Role option will be available only when the Role Hierarchy has been configured.
- In the Filter by Status drop down you can choose the users based on whether they are active or inactive.

- In the select format to export field choose the file format in which the users have to be exported. There are four available formats - CSV, XLS, XLX and TSV

- Click on the Export button. The file containing the users will now get downloaded.
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