This help page is for users in Creator 5. If you are in the newer version (Creator 6), click here. Know your Creator version.

JS API documentation

Download the latest JS SDK library from the CDN URL given below and link it using the script tag. Initialize the SDK using the below method and use then block to write the logic
            .then(function() {
              //Code goes here

To get the value from the parameters configured in pages, use the below method
    var queryParams = ZOHO.CREATOR.UTIL.getQueryParams();

The values of the image field will be an API endpoint in case the image is uploaded from computer or phone, use the below method to convert the endpoint to image data and assign the value to the source of the image tag. In another case, the image can be a public image link, and this method works for both cases.
    var imageTag = document.getElementById("imgtag");
    var imageURL =
    ZOHO.CREATOR.UTIL.setImageData(imageTag, imageURL, callbackFunction);
Widget API allows customers to push and pull data from other apps in their Creator account. The success of the API call to push or pull data in other apps depends on the permissions provided for users of that app.

Record APIs

These APIs help you perform different tasks with the records of the application. The various Record APIs are as follows:

Note: appName needs to be passed only when you need to push or pull data from other apps in your account.

Add Record

Method : addRecord
formNameLink name of the form to which the records to be added. Refer this page to view and change the link name.
dataForm data in json format, where the format for all the fields has been specified here.
appNameLink name of the application from which data needs to be pushed to.

Syntax :
    //configuration json
    config = {
            appName : "${APPNAME}",
            formName : "${FORMNAME}",
            data : "${FORMDATA}"
    //add record API
        //callback block
Example :
    var config = { 
           appName : "zylker"
           formName : "timesheet", 
    ​       data : formData 
        if(response.code == 3000){
         console.log("Record added successfully");
Form data :
    formData = {
        "data" : {
            "Name": {
                "first_name": "James",
                "last_name": "Kyle",
            "Address": {
                "address_line_1": "Dari Mart",
                "address_line_2": "Hayden Bridge Rd",
                "district_city" : "Springfield",
                "state_province" : "Oregon",
                "postal_code" : "97477",
                "country" : "United States"
            "Rich_Text" : "The phone number is <b>+1541-726-4051</b>",
            "Phone_Number": "+15417264051",
            "Single_Line": "A simple one line text",
            "Email": "",
            "Dropdown" : "Open",
            "Radio" : "Closed",
            "Multi_Select" : ["New", "Used"],
            "Checkbox" : ["Refurbished", "Used"],
            "Number": "1000",
            "Decimal" : "1000.00",
            "Percent": "60.00",
            "Date_field" : "10-Jan-2020",
            "Date_Time" : "23-Mar-2020 12:25:43 PM",
            "Image" : "/sites/zweb/images/creator/profile-01.jpg",
            "Ur1": {
                "value": "Dari Mart",
                "url": "",
                "title": "Dari mart provisional store"
            "Lookup_Single_Select" : "521270000078464",
            "Lookup_Multi_Select" : ["5212750000247932","5212750000564867"],
            "SubForm" : [
                    "Single_Line" : "Service Equipment",
                    "Dropdown" : "New Order"
                    "Single_Line" : "Rotary Machine",
                    "Dropdown" : "Replacement",
Response :
    response = {
        "code": 3000,
        "data": {        
            "ID": "2000000245119"
        "message": "success"

Update Record

Method : updateRecord
reportNameLink name of the report through which the record to be updated. Refer here to get and update the link name of a report 
idID value of the record to be updated
dataForm data in json format, where format for all the fields have been specified here
appNameLink name of the application in which data needs to be updated.

Syntax :
    //configuration json
    config = {
            appName : "${APPNAME}",
        reportName : "${REPORTNAME}",
        id: "${RECORDID}",
        data : "${FORMDATA}"
    //update record API
     //callback block
Example :
    var config = { 
           appName : "zylker"
           reportName : "All-Timesheet", 
           id : "2000000245119"
           data : formData 
        if(response.code == 3000){
            console.log("Record updated successfully");
Response :
    response = {
     "code": 3000,
     "data": {  
      "ID": "2000000245119"
     "message": "success"

Get All Records

Method : getAllRecords
Configuration :
reportNameLink name of the report through which the record to be updated. Refer here to get and update the link name of a report 
criteria (optional)Condition to filter the record, which is applied along with the condition specified in the report filter. The criteria must be specified in the format: {fieldlinkname} <<operator>> {fieldValue}, where fieldlinkname is the link name of the field, which compares with the respective field's value and the comparison is based on the specified operator. The supported operators are !=, <=, >=,<, >, ==. You can combine more than one criteria using logical AND (&&) and logical OR(||). Example : (Stage == "Open" && Score > 40). Learn more
page (optional)Index or number of the page to be retrieved. The default page number is 1
pageSize (optional)Total number of records to be retrieved in the specified page. The default size is 100 and the maximum size is 200
appNameLink name of the application from which data needs to be pulled from.
Note :
  • The response will return the data that’s displayed in both the Quick view and Detail view of the corresponding report
  • When the Detail view sports a related block of data, which is related via a lookup field, this API’s response will also include the data from that lookup field's display fields.
Syntax :
    //configuration json
    config = {
            appName : "${APPNAME}",
        reportName : "${REPORTNAME}",
        criteria: "${CRITERIA}",
        page : "${PAGENUMBER}",
        pageSize : "${PAGESIZE}"
    //get all records API
        //callback block
Example :
    var config = { 
        appName : "zylker"
        reportName : "All-Timesheet", 
        criteria : "(Status == \"Open\" && Priority = \"High\")",
        page : 1,
        pageSize : 10
        var recordArr =;
        for(var index in recordArr){
Response :
    response = {
      "code": 3000,
      "data": [
          "ID": "52129000000146011",
          "Name": {
            "first_name": "James",
            "last_name": "Kyle",
            "display_value": "James Kyle"
          "Address": {
            "address_line_1": "Dari Mart",
            "address_line_2": "995 Hayden Bridge Rd",
            "district_city": "Springfield",
            "state_province": "Oregon",
            "postal_code": "97477",
            "country": "United States",
            "latitude": "33.9307727",
            "longitude": "-116.8767541",
            "display_value": "Dari Mart, 995 Hayden Bridge Rd, Springfield, Oregon, United States"
          "Rich_Text": "The phone number is <b>+1541-726-4051</b>",
          "Phone_Number": "+15417264051",
          "Single_Line": "A simple one line text",
          "Email": "",
          "Number": "23",
          "Decimal": "1000.00",
          "Percent": "60.00",
          "Date_field": "10-Jan-2020",
          "Date_Time": "23-Mar-2020 12:25:43 PM",
          "Dropdown": "Open",
          "Radio": "Closed",
          "Multi_Select": [
          "Checkbox": [
          "Image": "/sites/zweb/images/creator/profile-01.jpg",
          "File_Upload": "/api/v2/zylker/Contacts/view/Contacts/635900380/Upload/download",
          "Ur1": {
            "value": "Dari Mart",
            "url": "",
            "title": "Dari mart provisional store"
          "Lookup_Single_Select": {
            "display_value": "James - 4269",
            "ID": "521270000078464"
          "Lookup_Multi_Select": [
              "display_value": "Door Step Delivery",
              "ID": "5212750000247932"
              "display_value": "Cash on Delivery",
              "ID": "5212750000564867"
          "Subform": [
              "display_value": "Service Equipment,New Order",
              "ID": "5212750000433263"
              "display_value": "Rotary Machine,Replacement",
              "ID": "5212750000090778"
          //Record 2
        //Record 3

Get Specific Record Using ID

Method : getRecordById
Configuration :
reportNameLink name of the report through which the record to be updated. Refer here to get and update the link name of a report 
idID value of the record to be retrieved
appNameLink name of the application from which data needs to be pulled from.
  • The response will return the data that’s displayed in the Detail view of the corresponding report
  • When the Detail view sports a related block of data, which is related via a lookup field, this API’s response will also include the data from that lookup field's display fields.
Syntax :
    //configuration json
    config = {
            appName : "${APPNAME}",
        reportName : "${REPORTNAME}",
        id: "${RECORDID}"
    //get specific record API
        //callback block
Example :
    var config = {
           appName : "zylker"
           reportName : "All-Timesheet", 
           id : "2000000193171"
Response :
    response  = {
     "code": 3000,
     "data": {
            "ID": "52129000000146011",
      "Name": {
                "first_name": "James",
                "last_name": "Kyle",
       "display_value": "James Kyle"
      "Address": {   
       "address_line_1": "Dari Mart",
                   "address_line_2": "995 Hayden Bridge Rd",
                   "district_city" : "Springfield",
                   "state_province" : "Oregon",
                   "postal_code" : "97477",
                   "country" : "United States"
       "latitude": "33.9307727",
       "longitude": "-116.8767541",
       "display_value": "Dari Mart, 995 Hayden Bridge Rd, Springfield, Oregon, United States"
      "Rich_Text" : "The phone number is <b>+1541-726-4051</b>",
              "Phone_Number": "+15417264051",
              "Single_Line": "A simple one line text",
              "Email": "",
      "Number": "23",
              "Decimal" : "1000.00",
      "Percent": "60.00",
              "Date_field" : "10-Jan-2020",
              "Date_Time" : "23-Mar-2020 12:25:43 PM",
      "Dropdown" : "Open",
              "Radio" : "Closed",
              "Multi_Select" : ["New", "Used"],
              "Checkbox" : ["Refurbished", "Used"],
            "Image" : "/sites/zweb/images/creator/profile-01.jpg",
            "File_Upload" : "/api/v2/zylker/Contacts/view/Contacts/635900380/Upload/download",
      "Ur1": {
                   "value": "Dari Mart",
                   "url": "",
                   "title": "Dari mart provisional store"
      "Lookup_Single_Select" : {
                "display_value" : "James - 4269",
       "ID" : "521270000078464"
      "Lookup_Multi_Select" : [{
       "display_value" : "Door Step Delivery",
                "ID" : "5212750000247932"
       "display_value" : "Cash on Delivery",
                "ID" : "5212750000564867"   
         "Subform" : [{    
       "display_value" : "Service Equipment,New Order",
                "ID" : "5212750000433263"
                   "display_value" : "Rotary Machine,Replacement",
                "ID" : "5212750000090778"

Get Record Count

Method : getRecordCount
Configuration :
reportNameLink name of the report for which the record count is required. Refer here to get and update the link name of a report 
appNameLink name of the application from which data needs to be pulled from and counted.
Condition to count the record, which is applied along with the condition specified in the report filter.
  • The response will return the count of the number of records in corresponding report​
Syntax :
    //configuration json
    config = {
        appName: "first-application",
        reportName: "Form_Report",
        criteria: "(Single_Line = \"High\")" //optional
    ZOHO.CREATOR.API.getRecordCount(config).then(function (response) {
        //your code goes here.
Example :
    var config = {
           appName : "zylker"
           reportName : "All-Timesheet", 
    ZOHO.CREATOR.API.getRecordCount(config).then(function (response){
Response :
    response  =

     "result": {
            "records_count": "4"
      "code": 3000

Delete Record

Method : deleteRecord
Configuration :
reportNameLink name of the report through which the record to be updated. Refer here to get and update the link name of a report 
criteriaCondition to filter the record, which is applied along with the condition specified in the report filter. The criteria must be specified in the following format
<Field Name> <Operator> <Value>

<Field name> is the link name of the field, which compares with the<Value> and the comparison is based on the <Operator>. The supported operators are !=, <=, >=,<, >, ==

You can combine more than one criteria using logical AND (&&) and logical OR(||)
Example : (Stage == "Open" && Score > 40)
appNameLink name of the application from which data needs to be deleted.
Note: The maximum of 200 records can be deleted for every API call and you will receive error when the number of records exceeds 200.
Syntax :
    //configuration json
    config = {
            appName : "${APPNAME}",
        reportName : "${REPORTNAME}",
        criteria: "${CRITERIA}"
    //delete record API
        //callback block
Example :
    var config = { 
           appName : "zylker"
           reportName : "All-Timesheet", 
           criteria : "(Status == \"Invalid\" && Date '01-01-2019')"
        console.log("Record has been deleted");
Response :
    response = {
        "result": [{
            "code": 3000,
            "data": {
                "ID": "66359000000021016"
            "message": "success"
           "code": 3000,
           "data": {
               "ID": "66359000000024309"
           "message": "success"
        "code": 3000

Upload File

Method : uploadFile
Configuration :
reportNameLink name of the report through which the record to be updated. Refer here to get and update the link name of a report 
idID value of the record where the file to be uploaded

Link name of the field to which the file has to be uploaded. Refer here to get the link name of the field. The allowed field types are ImageFile UploadAudioVideo. 

In case the file has to be uploaded to a field which has been added inside a subform, the fieldName will be subform field link name followed by the field link name of the field to be uploaded with (dot) in between. Example: ${SUBFORMFIELDNAME.FIELDNAME}

fileIt is a javascript File object to be uploaded. Refer here to know more about javascript File API
parentIdIn case the file has to be uploaded to a field which has been added inside a subform, then the parentId is the ID value of the parent record, i.e the main form record in which the subform has been embedded.
appNameLink name of the application in which data needs to be uploaded.


Note: The file can be uploaded only after submitting a record and this API will upload one file to one field at a time. In case of more number of fields in a form, this API need to call for each field separately

Syntax :

    //configuration json
    config = {
            appName : "${APPNAME}",
        reportName : "${REPORTNAME}",
        id: "${RECORDID}",
            fieldName : "${SUBFORMFIELDNAME.FIELDNAME}",
        parentId : "${RECORDID}",
            file : "${FILEOBJECT}"
    //upload file API
     //callback block
Example :
    var fileObject = document.getElementById("fileInput").files[0];
    var config = { 
            appName : "zylker"
        reportName : "All-Timesheet", 
        id : "2000000193171",
        fieldName : "Attachments",
        file : fileObject
     console.log("File uploaded successfully");
Response :
    response = {
      "code": "3000",
      "data": {
        "filename": "Rental Agreement-March.pdf",
        "filepath": "1587402896598_Rental_Agreement-March.pdf",
        "message": "success"

Read File

Method : readFile
Configuration :

reportNameLink name of the report through which the record is to be read. Refer here to get and update the link name of a report 
idID value of the record where the file to be read

Link name of the field to which the file has to be read. Refer here to get the link name of the field. The allowed field type is File Upload

In case the file has to be read to a field which has been added inside a subform, the fieldName will be subform field link name followed by the field link name of the field to be read with (dot) in between. Example: ${SUBFORMFIELDNAME.FIELDNAME}

parentIdIn case the file has to be read to a field which has been added inside a subform, then the parentId is the ID value of the parent record, i.e the main form record in which the subform has been embedded.
appNameLink name of the application in which data needs to be read.


Note: The file can be read only after uploading a file and submitting that record. This API can read only one file at a time. In case of multiple file upload fields in a form, this API need to call each field separately.
Syntax :

//configuration json
config = {

	reportName : "${REPORTNAME}",
	id: "${RECORDID}",
        fieldName : "${SUBFORMFIELDNAME.FIELDNAME}",
	parentId : "${RECORDID}"

//read file API
 //callback block
Example :

var config = { 
        appName : "zylker"
	reportName : "All-Timesheet", 
	id : "2000000193171",
	fieldName : "Attachments",

 console.log("File read successfully");
Response :

The response returns the content of the file that requires to be read.

response = {
 "code" = "3000",
"value" = "#f00"

Preview image API

Users can preview the uploaded images from their Zoho Creator applications' records using the setImageData API. Below is the API format:



<img id="image" src="#" alt="Image from Get Record(s) API" width="500" height="600">

var imageTag = document.getElementById("image");
var imageFromGetRecordsAPI = "api/v2/zylker/Contacts/view/All_Contacts/66359000000015039/Upload/download"

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