Search Records


To search records using field values.

Request URL<module_api_name>/search

module_api_name - The API name of the module whose record you want to search

Request Method





NameData TypeDescriptionMandatory
api_nameStringAPI name of field to be searched onYes
valueStringField value with which to perform the searchYes

Use this parameter to determine how the search should be performed.

The values allowed are:

contains: will fetch records whose field value or a substring of the field value matches the search string

equal: will fetch records whose field value exactly matches the search string

Unless specified the contains operator will be considered. The comparator parameter is currently supported for the auto-generated field - Name

pageIntegerTo get the list of records from the respective pages. Default value for page is 1. 
per_pageIntegerTo get the list of records available per page. Default value for page is 200. 

Supported Modules and Fields

Module NameModule API NameField API Name
ContactsContactsEmail, Last_Name, Mobile, Phone, ZBilling_Id, ZCRM_Id
CompaniesCompaniesCompany_Name, ZBilling_Id, ZCRM_Id
RequestsRequestsCompany, Contact, Name, Status, Territory, ZCRM_Deals_Id*, ZCRM_Deals_Name*
EstimatesEstimatesCompany, Contact, Name, Status, Territory, ZCRM_Deals_Id*, ZCRM_Deals_Name*
WorkOrdersWork_OrdersCompany, Contact, Name, Status, Territory, ZCRM_Deals_Id*, ZCRM_Deals_Name*
ServiceAppointmentsService_AppointmentsCompany, Contact, Name, Status, Territory
Service_And_PartsService_And_PartsName, ZBilling_Id, ZCRM_Id
TerritoriesTerritoriesName, City, State, Country, Zip_Code

*This is the ID/Name of the Zoho CRM Deal from which the Zoho FSM record was created.

‡ If you search by the Completed status, then the records fetched will be in descending order of completed time (recently completed ones first).

Sample Request

Copiedcurl --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.xxxx.xxxxxe'

Sample Success Response

   "data": [
           "Owner": {
               "name": "Harry",
               "id": "111112000000032788",
               "email": ""
           "Phone": "12",
           "Company_Type": "Analyst",
           "Website": "",
           "Company_Name": "Test Company",
           "id": "111112000000038009"
   "info": {
       "per_page": 200,
       "count": 1,
       "page": 1,
       "more_records": false

Sample Failure Response

       "code": "INVALID_DATA",
       "details": {
           "supported_values": [
       "message": "Unsupported field for search",
       "status": "error"

Sample Failure Response

       "code": "INVALID_DATA",
       "details": {},
       "message": "Invalid module specified for search",
       "status": "error"

Sample Failure Response

       "code": "INVALID_REQUEST",
       "details": {},
       "message": "unable to process your request. please verify whether you have entered proper method name, parameter and parameter values.",
       "status": "error"