Create a Scheduled Maintenance
To create a new scheduled maintenance record.
Request URL
Request Method
Input JSON Keys
Name | Description | Type |
Name (mandatory) | The name for the scheduled maintenance | String |
Schedule (mandatory) | The schedule details. The possible values of the JSON keys are:
- Frequency: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly
- Interval:
- By_Days: 1 to 7
This key corresponds to the values Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday that you will choose for the Weekly frequency
- By_Dates: 1 to 31
This key corresponds to On Each for the Monthly frequency. You can provide a maximum of five values. Example: "By_Dates": "1,2,3"
- By_Week: First, Second,....., Fifth, Last
This key corresponds to On The for the Monthly, Yearly frequency.
- By_Day:
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Day This key corresponds to On The for the Monthly, Yearly frequency. | JSON Object |
Batch (mandatory) | The batch details. The possible values of the JSON keys are:
- Batch_Interval: Any number Use this if DAYS_BEFORE is chosen for Batch_Type
| JSON Object |
Start_Date (mandatory) | The date on or after which you want the records to be created for the maintenance plan. | Date |
Ends | Use this to specify the criteria for when you want the record creation for the maintenance plan to end. The possible values of the JSON keys are: - End_Type: On, After - Ends_On: Specify the date on which you want the record creation for the maintenance plan to end. Provide this value if you choose On for End_Type. - Ends_After: Any number. Provide this value if you choose After for End_Type. - Ends_After_By: Batch, Schedule. Provide this value if you choose After for End_Type. | JSON Object |
$work_order_template | Use this to add the work order template. The mandatory fields are the same as those for a work order record. If a scheduled maintenance plan is created without a work order template, then by default, it will be in inactive state. | JSON Object |
$appointment_template | Use this to add the service appointment template. The mandatory fields are the same as those for a service appointment record. Use the Status key to un/check the Dispatch Appointment checkbox. If you want to select the Dispatch Appointment checkbox, set the value of Status to Dispatched. If you want to leave the Dispatch Appointment checkbox unselected, set the value of Status to Scheduled or leave it blank. Please refer to this page for details on the Dispatch Appointment checkbox. | JSON Object |
Sample Request
Copiedcurl --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.26xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx0' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data "@sm.json"
Sample Input
"data": [
"Name": "Landscaping services for Acme Pvt. Ltd.",
"Description": null,
"Schedule": {
"Frequency": "Monthly",
"Interval": "2",
"By_Dates": null,
"By_Day": "Monday",
"By_Week": "First",
"By_Days": null
"Batch": {
"Batch_Type": "DAYS_BEFORE",
"Batch_Interval": 1
"End_Type": "After",
"Ends_After": 10,
"Ends_After_By": "Batch"
"$work_order_template": {
"Summary": "Landscaping services for Acme Pvt. Ltd.",
"Priority": null,
"Type": "Service",
"Company": {
"id": "6191000000232001"
"Contact": {
"id": "6191000000232009"
"Email": "",
"Phone": "111-111-11111",
"Mobile": null,
"Asset": null,
"Territory": {
"id": "6191000000227288"
"Service_Address": {
"id": "6191000000232018"
"Billing_Address": {
"id": "6191000000232017"
"Preference": {
"Preferred_Time": null,
"Preference_Note": null
"Discount": 0,
"Discount_Type": "Currency",
"Adjustment": 0,
"Service_Line_Items": [
"Service": {
"id": "6191000000232031"
"Description": null,
"Quantity": 1,
"Unit": null,
"List_Price": 12,
"Amount": 12,
"Sequence": 1,
"Line_Item_Amount": 12,
"Status": "New",
"Contact": {
"id": "6191000000232009"
"Skill_Line_Items": [],
"Part_Line_Items": [],
"Service_Tasks_Line_Items": []
"$appointment_template": {
"Summary": "Landscaping services for Acme Pvt. Ltd.",
"Contact": {
"id": "6191000000232009"
"Company": {
"id": "6191000000232001"
"Asset": null,
"Email": null,
"Phone": null,
"Mobile": null,
"Scheduled_Start_Date_Time": {
"relativeDateTime": "10:00 AM",
"relativeDateType": "SAME_DAY"
"Scheduled_End_Date_Time": {
"relativeDateInterval": 1,
"relativeDateTime": "10:00 AM",
"relativeDateType": "DAYS_AFTER"
"Service_Line_Items": [],
"Status": "Dispatched",
"$Service_Resources": [
"Lead": "6191000000299016"
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Sample Response
"result": "success",
"code": "SUCCESS",
"data": {
"Scheduled_Maintenances": [
"UID": "Scheduled_Maintenances_0",
"Modified_Time": "2024-02-27T17:30:55+05:30",
"Modified_By": {
"name": "Alicia Florrick",
"id": "6191000000227001"
"Created_Time": "2024-02-27T17:30:55+05:30",
"id": "6191000000436062",
"Created_By": {
"name": "Alicia Florrick",
"id": "6191000000227001"
"TabName": "ScheduledMaintenances"
"status": "success"
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