Create a Contact


To insert a new contact record.

Request URL

Request Method




Mandatory Parameters

Last_NameThe last name of the contactString
EmailThe email address you want to associate with the contactString
The following tax parameters will differ based on the edition chosen:
TaxableWhether taxable is true or falseBoolean
Tax_NameTax name if taxable is trueString
Tax_Exemption_CodeTax exemption code if taxable is falseString
Tax_AuthorityA tax authority needs to be provided if taxable is falseString
GST_TreatmentApplicable for the Indian editionString
Place_of_SupplyApplicable for the Indian editionString
Tax_Reg_NumberApplicable for the Indian editionString
VAT_TreatmentApplicable for the UK editionString
The below parameters are mandatory if multi-currency is enabled. The base currency will be applied by default.
CurrencyThe currency you want to choose for the contactString
Exchange_RateThe exchange rate w.r.t the base currency of the organizationString

Sample Request

Copiedcurl --location --request POST '' \
-d "@newContact.json" \
--header 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1xxx.xxxxxxxxxx'

Sample Input

    "data": [
            "Salutation": "Ms.",
            "First_Name": "Lucy",
            "Last_Name": "Robins",
            "Email": "",
            "Phone": "111-111-1111",
            "Mobile": null,
            "Company": "1011000000195085",
                    "Address_Name": "Service Address",
                    "Street_1": "813 E State St",
                    "Street_2": null,
                    "City": "Rockford",
                    "State": "Illinois",
                    "Zip_Code": "61104",
                    "Country": "United States",
                    "Territory": "1011000000139343",
                    "Tax": {
                        "Taxable": true,
                        "Tax_Name": "IllinoisExciseTax",
                        "Tax_Authority": null,
                        "Tax_Percentage": 6.25,
                        "Tax_Exemption_Id": null,
                        "Tax_Exemption_Code": null,
                        "Tax_Id": "2908070000000092001",
                        "Tax_Authority_Id": null
            "Billing_Address": "$SUBLOOKUP_Service_Address",
            "Tax": {
                "Taxable": true,
                "Tax_Percentage": 6.25,
                "Tax_Name": "IllinoisExciseTax",
                "Tax_Exemption_Id": null,
                "Tax_Exemption_Code": null,
                "Tax_Id": "2908070000000092001",
                "Tax_Authority": null,
                "Tax_Authority_Id": null
            "Currency": "USD",
            "Exchange_Rate": "1.000000000"

Sample Response

    "result": "success",
    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "data": {
        "Contacts": [
                "UID": "Contacts_0",
                "Modified_Time": "2022-03-08T02:08:01-08:00",
                "Modified_By": {
                    "name": "Daniel Warne",
                    "id": "1011000000139001"
                "Created_Time": "2022-03-08T02:08:01-08:00",
                "id": "1011000000222596",
                "Created_By": {
                    "name": "Daniel Warne",
                    "id": "1011000000139001"
                "TabName": "Contacts"
    "status": "success"