Create a Service Appointment
To create a time sheet for a service appointment.
Request URL
Request Method
Input JSON Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Mandatory |
Service_Appointment | The ID of the service appointment for which you are creating the time sheet | String | Yes |
Service_Resource | The ID of the user for whom you want to create the time sheet. Use the id in the Service_Resources key present in the List Users API response. | String | Yes |
Description | Any description you want to add to the time sheet | String | |
Start_Date_Time | The date and time at which you want to start the time sheet. The value must be in the ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD | DateTime | Yes |
End_Date_Time | The date and time at which you want to end the time sheet. The value must be in the ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD | DateTime | |
Service_Line_Items | The IDs of the service line items in the appointment for which you want to create the time sheet. You can obtain this from the API response of Get a Service Appointment. The value that you need to use is the id in the Service_Line_Item key. Use the Service Line Item Name in the appointment to identify the service line item in the API response of Get a Service Appointment. | Array | Yes, when there are no service task line items for the service |
Service_Tasks_Line_Items | The IDs of the service task line items in the appointment for which you want to create the time sheet. You can obtain this from the API response of Get a Service Appointment. The value that you need to use is the id in the Service_Task_Line_Item key. Use the Service Task Line Item Name in the appointment to identify the service task line item in the API response of Get a Service Appointment. | Array | Yes, if service tasks are present for the service. |
Sample Request
Copiedcurl --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.26xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx0' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data "{"field1":"value1","field2":"value2"}"
Sample Input
"data": [
"Service_Appointment": "1003000002329496",
"Service_Resource": "1003000000208159",
"Description": "Painting: Clean and prep wall \nFlooring: Preparation",
"Start_Date_Time": "2025-01-22T09:15:00+05:30",
"End_Date_Time": "2025-01-22T10:00:00+05:30",
"Service_Line_Items": [
"Service_Tasks_Line_Items": [
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Sample Success Response
"result": "success",
"code": "SUCCESS",
"data": {
"Time_Sheets": [
"UID": "Time_Sheets_0",
"Modified_Time": "2025-01-22T17:41:41+05:30",
"Modified_By": {
"name": "Marianne Sheehan",
"id": "1003000000208001"
"Created_Time": "2025-01-22T17:41:41+05:30",
"id": "1003000002333127",
"Created_By": {
"name": "Marianne Sheehan",
"id": "1003000000208001"
"TabName": "TimeSheets"
"Timesheet_X_Services": [
"Modified_Time": "2025-01-22T17:41:42+05:30",
"Modified_By": {
"name": "Marianne Sheehan",
"id": "1003000000208001"
"Created_Time": "2025-01-22T17:41:42+05:30",
"id": "1003000002333134",
"Created_By": {
"name": "Marianne Sheehan",
"id": "1003000000208001"
"TabName": "TimesheetServicesRel"
"Modified_Time": "2025-01-22T17:41:42+05:30",
"Modified_By": {
"name": "Marianne Sheehan",
"id": "1003000000208001"
"Created_Time": "2025-01-22T17:41:42+05:30",
"id": "1003000002333135",
"Created_By": {
"name": "Marianne Sheehan",
"id": "1003000000208001"
"TabName": "TimesheetServicesRel"
"status": "success"
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Sample Error Response
Copied//The time sheet that you are trying to create has overlapping hours with existing time sheets
"details": {
"Time_Sheets": [
"End_Date_Time": "2025-01-23T00:30:00+05:30",
"Start_Date_Time": "2025-01-23T00:00:00+05:30",
"Service_Appointment": {
"id": "1003000002329200",
"Name": "AP-91"
"id": "1003000002329290",
"Service_Resource": {
"id": "1003000000208159",
"Name": "Marianne Sheehan"
"Name": "TS73"
"End_Date_Time": "2025-01-29T00:30:00+05:30",
"Start_Date_Time": "2025-01-29T00:00:00+05:30",
"Service_Appointment": {
"id": "1003000002329200",
"Name": "AP-91"
"id": "1003000002329400",
"Service_Resource": {
"id": "1003000000208159",
"Name": "Marianne Sheehan"
"Name": "TS78"
"End_Date_Time": "2025-01-22T17:01:25+05:30",
"Start_Date_Time": "2025-01-22T17:01:04+05:30",
"Service_Appointment": {
"id": "1003000002329200",
"Name": "AP-91"
"id": "1003000002329431",
"Service_Resource": {
"id": "1003000000208159",
"Name": "Marianne Sheehan"
"Name": "TS79"
"End_Date_Time": "2025-01-24T00:30:00+05:30",
"Start_Date_Time": "2025-01-24T00:00:00+05:30",
"Service_Appointment": {
"id": "1003000002329200",
"Name": "AP-91"
"id": "1003000002333007",
"Service_Resource": {
"id": "1003000000208159",
"Name": "Marianne Sheehan"
"Name": "TS74"
"End_Date_Time": "2025-01-25T12:29:57+05:30",
"Start_Date_Time": "2025-01-25T11:29:57+05:30",
"Service_Appointment": {
"id": "1003000002329200",
"Name": "AP-91"
"id": "1003000002333024",
"Service_Resource": {
"id": "1003000000208159",
"Name": "Marianne Sheehan"
"Name": "TS75"
"End_Date_Time": "2025-01-27T12:29:57+05:30",
"Start_Date_Time": "2025-01-27T11:29:57+05:30",
"Service_Appointment": {
"id": "1003000002329200",
"Name": "AP-91"
"id": "1003000002333042",
"Service_Resource": {
"id": "1003000000208159",
"Name": "Marianne Sheehan"
"Name": "TS76"
"End_Date_Time": "2025-01-28T12:29:57+05:30",
"Start_Date_Time": "2025-01-28T11:29:57+05:30",
"Service_Appointment": {
"id": "1003000002329200",
"Name": "AP-91"
"id": "1003000002333059",
"Service_Resource": {
"id": "1003000000208159",
"Name": "Marianne Sheehan"
"Name": "TS77"
"End_Date_Time": "2025-01-22T10:00:00+05:30",
"Start_Date_Time": "2025-01-22T09:00:00+05:30",
"Service_Appointment": {
"id": "1003000002329496",
"Name": "AP-92"
"id": "1003000002333085",
"Service_Resource": {
"id": "1003000000208159",
"Name": "Marianne Sheehan"
"Name": "TS80"
"message": "Conflicting timesheets found for provided Start, End date time.",
"status": "error"
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Sample Error Response
Copied//If service tasks are present for the service, then atleast one service task of the service must be included
"details": {},
"message": "Atleast one service task must be selected.",
"status": "error"
Sample Error Response
Copied//The IDs provided for Service_Line_Items/Service_Tasks_Line_Items are incorrect
"details": {},
"message": "Lineitems used in timesheet are not available in selected Appointment.",
"status": "error"
Sample Error Response
Copied//The end date time of the time sheet should be before the start date time
"code": "INVALID_DATA",
"details": {},
"message": "End Date Time must be after Start Date Time of Timesheet",
"status": "error"