List Profiles
List all profiles in your Zoho FSM organization.
Request URL
Request Method
Sample Request
Copiedcurl --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.xxxxxx.xxxxxxe'
Sample Response
"profiles": [
"display_label": "Administrator",
"created_time": null,
"modified_time": null,
"custom_profile": false,
"api_name": "Administrator",
"custom": false,
"name": "Administrator",
"modified_by": null,
"description": "This profile will have all the permissions. Users with Administrator profile will be able to view and manage all the data within the organization account by default.",
"id": "2993000000159442",
"created_by": null
"display_label": "Dispatcher",
"created_time": null,
"modified_time": null,
"custom_profile": false,
"api_name": "Dispatcher",
"custom": false,
"name": "Dispatcher",
"modified_by": null,
"description": "This profile will have permissions aiding to Scheduling and dispatching work orders",
"id": "2993000000159448",
"created_by": null
"display_label": "Call Center Agent",
"created_time": null,
"modified_time": null,
"custom_profile": false,
"api_name": "Call_Center_Agent",
"custom": false,
"name": "Call Center Agent",
"modified_by": null,
"description": "Handles customer service requests",
"id": "2993000000159454",
"created_by": null
"display_label": "Field Agent",
"created_time": null,
"modified_time": null,
"custom_profile": false,
"api_name": "Field_Agent",
"custom": false,
"name": "Field Agent",
"modified_by": null,
"description": "Executes customer service appointments",
"id": "2993000000159451",
"created_by": null
"display_label": "Limited Field Agent",
"created_time": null,
"modified_time": null,
"custom_profile": false,
"api_name": "Limited_Field_Agent",
"custom": false,
"name": "Limited Field Agent",
"modified_by": null,
"description": "Executes customer service appointments similar to Field Agent but with restricted access.",
"id": "2993000000224001",
"created_by": null
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