Fetch Available Service Resources
Retrieve available service resources based on the specified criteria.
Request URL
Request Method
Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
start_date_time | Date/DateTime | The start time from which you want to check the availability of the resources. The value must be in the ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD If only the date is provided, the start time will be considered as 00:00:00. Encode as required. | Yes |
end_date_time | Date/DateTime | The end time of the period for which you want to check the availability of the resources. The value must be in the ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD. If this value is not provided, the end of the day of the start_date_time value will be considered. Encode as required. | |
territory_ids | String | Comma-separated IDs of the territories in which you want to check the availability of the resources. Use "ALL" to include all territories. | Yes, if there are multiple territories in the organization |
skills | String | Check the availability of the resources based on their skills. Pass the IDs as comma-separated values. | |
service_resource_type | String | Check the availability of the resources based on the type of the resource. The acceptable values are: - Agent - Crew - Equipment | |
service_resource_name | String | Check the availability of the resource using their name | |
service_resource_ids | String | Check the availability of the resources using their IDs (the id in the Service_Resources key present in the List Users API response). Pass the IDs as comma-separated values. | |
ignore_conflicting_appointments | Boolean | Whether to consider service resources with appointments as available or not. true: service resources with appointments will be considered as available. false: service resources with appointments will not be considered as available. Unless specified, this will be considered true. | |
ignore_timeoff_conflict | Boolean | Whether to consider service resources on time off as available or not. true: service resources on time off will be considered as available. false: service resources on time off will not be considered as available. Unless specified, this will be considered true. | |
get_unavailable_resources | Boolean | Whether to include unavailable resources in the response. true: resources with assigned appointments, who are on time off, or are unavailable for some reason will be included. The property is_available will be set to false for them. false: resources with assigned appointments, who are on time off, or are unavailable for some reason will be excluded. Unless specified, this will be considered false. |
Sample Request
Copiedcurl --request GET 'https://fsm.zoho.com/fsm/v1/serviceResource/getAvailableServiceResources?start_date_time=2025-02-11&territory_ids=1003000000208154' \
--header 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.xxxx.xxxxxe'
Sample Success Response
"data": [
"Service_Resources": {
"Crew": null,
"Type": "Equipment",
"User": null,
"id": "1003000001779513",
"isActive": true,
"Name": "Demolition 16 Kg Road Hammer Drill Machine",
"is_available": true
"Parent_Crews": [
"Start_Date_Time": "2024-09-24T00:00:00+05:30",
"id": "1003000001981034",
"Name": "Road Repair Crew"
"Territories": [
"End_Date_Time": null,
"Start_Date_Time": "2024-09-02T00:00:00+05:30",
"id": "1003000000208154",
"Name": "Zylker"
"info": {
"count": 1
Sample Failure Response
"details": {
"param_name": "territory_ids"
"message": "mandatory param missing",
"status": "error"