Take a backup of your Zoho Analytics data
It is recommended to take a regular backup of your Zoho Analytics data and configuration.
- Stop the Zoho Analytics service.
- Open the command prompt (as administrator) and change the directory to <Zoho Analytics home>\bin
- Run the command backupDB.bat and wait for the script to take a complete backup of your installation.
- A compressed ZIP file will be created in the location <Zoho Analytics home>\Backup
The following are some additional parameters that can be included with the backupDB command:
- -t b : By including this parameter with the backupDB.bat command, you can specify the backup to be a binary file.
- -f : This parameter allows you to provide a name for the backup file.
- -d : This parameter allows you to specify the directory that the backup file has to be saved in.
- -p : This allows you to specify a password for the backup file.
Here are some examples of the above scripts:
backupDB -f test -d ../Backup -t b -p Test123
backupDB -p Test123
backupDB -f test