- 20K
- 3M
Problems Solved
Lack of context and insights in data stories
Finding it difficult to choose the right data visualizations
Unstructured visualizations leads to less/no impact data stories
Hard to create data stories in traditional data visualization platforms

Share captivating stories with your data
Build data stories in a point and click interface
Generate data stories in minutes without much technical assistance. Our simple drag and drop report and chart builder enables everyone in the organization to speak data with a story.

Perfect visualizations at the perfect time
No second guessing to choose the correct visualization. Zia Chart suggestions help you with the right visualization possibilities that are best for your data.

Data stories with context, meaning, and an impact
Create presentations and share & publish them in few clicks using the slideshow capability in Zoho Analytics. Advanced Slideshow powered by Zoho Show helps you to create a full-fledged presentation with auto generated narratives.

Ask and generate data stories
Let your audience, customers, and board members consume data as stories. Embed Ask Zia and Zia Insights in any part of your business workflow. Simply ask questions in natural language and get your answers as charts blended with narratives.

Democratize your data stories
Publish reports and dashboards using our intuitive site builder, Web Portals. It enables an easy and exclusive way to analyze data and gain insights in real time. Anyone in your organization or your customers can quickly access a portal and make informed decisions.

Hear from our happy customers
See all testimonials
ED Levis
Head of IT, NYC Navigator"Data visualization is important for any BI tool. It's great to present data in a way that is meaningful to the audience, helping them quickly grasp the content. That’s where Zoho Analytics is very strong. We now analyze our sales, operations, and finance using Zoho Analytics."

Stephen Shorter
General Manager - Solutions Group, Viatek"For deeper and more concentrated analysis, Zoho Analytics is ideal. It directly integrates with Salesforce CRM and processes lots of data in a simple way. I can now slice and dice our sales data in a more presentable way."