
Triggers are a way the extension can execute logic based on the events that take place with the extension, such as extension installed, extension enabled, extension disabled etc.,. When such events occur with the extension, the trigger associated with the event will be triggered, and it will execute the logic associated with it. In order to create a trigger, first you need to create a function, where the logic that the developer needs to execute will be present. When a trigger is added to an already published extension, a new draft of the extension will be created.

The list of events for which triggers can be created is as follows:

extension_installedThis event will be triggered when the extension is installed and Zapp External Client Service is authorized.
extension_uninstalledThis event will be triggered when the extension is uninstalled.
extension_enabledThis event will be triggered when the extension is enabled.
extension_disabledThis event will be triggered when the extension is disabled.

This event will be trigged for multiple events

  • When connections in the extension are authorised or revoked 
  • When config param in the extension is added or updated

Note:When the config params are updated, two events: one for old config value deletion and another for new config value addition will be triggered

extension_upgradedThis event will be triggered when the extensions is upgraded to the latest version.