Multi DC Support For Functions


To make your code functionalities suitable for all DC's via functions, follow the below given steps:

  1. Implement functions inside Sigma
    Since sigma is a single interface to publish extensions.
    To know the process of implementing functions inside sigma, click here.

  2. Migrate functions to Sigma.
    If you are using functions in Marketplace, you need to migrate them to sigma for multiDC support.
    To know the process of migrating function from Marketplace to Sigma, click here.

    Note: This will be the one-time migration process. Once you migrate, your extension will seamlessly work in all the DC’s.

  3. Associate the respective function with the extension that you want to publish in multi-DC.
    You can associate the functions with extension in two ways:

  4. Execute the associated function.
    To know the process of function execution, click here.

  5. Publish the extension.
    Based on your requirement, you can publish the extension as Private Extension or Public Extension by enabling the multi-DC feature.