Easy assembly
Every process is important, so it shouldn't be hard to design or to follow. Zoho Desk's drag-and-drop Blueprint Builder lets you assemble sequences of actions visually. When triggered, every step of the Blueprint is followed, just the way you intended.
Bespoke processes
Every business has unique ways of getting things done. That's why Blueprint lets you customize every detail of every process you design, down to the last action. Be it a specific condition that needs to be met, or a custom notification sent out, Blueprint lets you do it all.
A well-oiled machine
Multiple employees or teams can be a part of the same Blueprint, without the need for intervention or supervision. Bottlenecks are easier to spot and fix because Blueprint clearly defines the who, what and when of every action.
Training wheels for new hires
Every time you get a new hire, they'll need to learn your processes. Don't worry about explaining them yourself. Blueprint will. As every Blueprint gently nudges new agents through actions, there's no time lost in onboarding.