Page Detail Methods
Below, you can find the Get Data Methods for Ticket Detail page, Ticket Form page, Contact Detail page, Contact Form page, Account Detail page, and Account Form page. And Set Data Methods for Ticket Detail page, Ticket Form page, Contact Form page, and Account Form page in detail.
Ticket Detail Page
This method allows you to access various ticket properties with ease. It is accessible from the desk.ticket.detail.rightpanel, desk.ticket.detail.subtab, and desk.ticket.detail.lefttab widget locations.
It can also be accessed from global locations but only when the ticket detail page is accessible.
Get Data Methods
These data methods help you to fetch the details of the ticket in Zoho Desk by using the given request.
The properties related to the ticket detail page are listed below:
Property | Request | Response |
departmentId | ticket.departmentId | {'status':'success','ticket.departmentId': '12345678901234567'} | | {'status':'success','': ''} | |
subject | ticket.subject | {'status':'success','ticket.subject': 'Faulty phone charging port'} |
description | ticket.description | {'status':'success','ticket.description': 'Product replacement'} |
status | ticket.status | {'status':'success','ticket.status':'Open'} |
dueDate | ticket.dueDate | {'status':'success','ticket.dueDate': '21/02/2018 12:00 PM'} |
threadCount | ticket.threadCount | {'status':'success','ticket.threadCount':'1'} |
isSpam | ticket.isSpam | {'status':'success','ticket.isSpam':'false'} |
createdTime | ticket.createdTime | {'status':'success','ticket.createdTime': '29/01/2018 11:55 PM'} |
modifiedTime | ticket.modifiedTime | 'status':'success','ticket.modifiedTime':' 31/01/2018 11:27 AM'} |
assignee | ticket.assignee | {'status':'success','ticket.assignee': { id : '34567844', name : 'User Name', teamid : '3456789', team : 'My Team' } |
owner | ticket.owner | {'status':'success','ticket.owner':'Agent Name'} |
id | | {'status':'success','':'12345678901234567'} |
accountName | ticket.accountName | {'status':'success','ticket.accountName':' Account Name'} |
phone | | {'status':'success','':'9876543210'} |
productName | ticket.productName | {'status':'success','ticket.productName': 'Product Name'} |
commentCount | ticket.commentCount | {'status':'success','ticket.commentCount':'1'} |
priority | ticket.priority | {'status':'success','ticket.priority':'High'} |
channel | | {'status':'success','':'Phone'} |
classification | ticket.classification | {'status':'success','ticket.classification':'Problem'} |
category | ticket.category | {'status':'success','ticket.category':'General'} |
subCategory | ticket.subCategory | {'status':'success','ticket.subCategory': 'Sub General'} |
contactName | ticket.contactName | {'status':'success','ticket.contactName': 'Contact Name'} |
cf(customField) | | {'status':'success','': {'cf_counter': '12','cf_deal_id': '2288589490093'}} |
contactId | ticket.contactId | {'status':'success','ticket.contactId': '271540000000358001'} |
number | ticket.number | {'status':'success','ticket.number':'104'} |
replyEditorContent | ticket.replyEditorContent | {'status':'success','ticket.replyEditorContent':'content'} |
replyEditorRecipients | ticket.replyEditorRecipients | {'status':'success','ticket.replyEditorRecipients':{to:"", bcc:"", cc:""}} |
Sample Request
Copied// To get the ticket information
ZOHODESK.get("ticket").then(function(response) {
// your code here...
// handle error here...
Sample Response
"ticket": {
"departmentId": "649276000001654321",
"email": "",
"subject": "Billing discrepancy",
"description": "I noticed an error in my recent invoice. It appears that I have been charged twice for the same product. I would like to request a refund for the duplicate charge. Please review the attached invoice for reference.<div style=\"font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"><div><br></div></div>",
"status": "Open",
"dueDate": "11 May 2023 02:33 AM",
"threadCount": "3",
"isSpam": "false",
"createdTime": "05/10/2023 08:33 PM",
"modifiedTime": "05/17/2023 10:39 PM",
"assignee": {
"id": "6492760000001343211",
"name": "Platform Agent"
"owner": "Platform Agent",
"id": "649276000018012345",
"accountName": "Jhon Doe",
"phone": "9876543210",
"productName": null,
"commentCount": "0",
"priority": "High",
"channel": "Email",
"classification": "Problem",
"category": null,
"subCategory": null,
"contactName": "Jhon Doe",
"number": "708",
"contactId": "649276000018012345",
"link": "",
"currentTimeEntry": "00:00:00",
"cf": {
"cf_career": null
"status" : "success"
Sample Request
Copied// To get the particular property from the ticket
// your code here...
// handle error here...
Sample Response
"" : "",
"status" : "success"
Set Data Methods
The set wrapper is used to populate the relevant value to the mentioned field.
- In the ticket detail view page, the set wrapper is used to populate value in fields, such as, ticket.classifications, and ticket.priority.
- You can also set values for components, such as comment box, time entry, reply editor recipient and reply editor attachments in the ticket detail view.
- In the add/edit page, you can set the value in any field in form page unlike the field restrictions in the ticket detail view page.
The properties related to the ticket detail page are listed below:
Property | Description | Sample Code |
---|---|---| |
| ZOHODESK.set("", {phone: "1234567890"}); |
ticket.priority |
| ZOHODESK.set("ticket.priority", {priority: "High"}); |
ticket.classification |
| ZOHODESK.set("ticket.classification", {classification: "Feature"}); |
ticket.comment |
| ZOHODESK.set("ticket.comment", {comment: "Comment box opened and comment content added"}); |
ticket.currentTimeEntry |
| ZOHODESK.set("ticket.currentTimeEntry", {}); |
ticket.replyEditor |
| ZOHODESK.invoke("INSERT", "ticket.replyEditor",{ value : "Sample Content", type : "replace"}); |
ticket.replyEditorRecipients |
| ZOHODESK.set("ticket.replyEditorRecipients", {to:[""], bcc:["testBCC"], cc: ["testCC"]}); |
ticket.replyAttach |
| ZOHODESK.set("ticket.replyAttach", {files:[{file:"file content", type:"txt/plain", name:"file.txt"}]}; |
Sample Request
CopiedZOHODESK.set("", {phone: "123456789"}).then(function(response) {
// your code here...
// handle error here...
"status" : "success"
Ticket Form Page
This method allows you to access various properties of ticket add, ticket edit and ticket clone forms. It is accessible from the desk.ticket.form.rightpanel widget location.
It can also be accessed from global locations but only when the ticket form pages are accessible.
Get Data Methods
These data methods help you to fetch the details of all the fields in ticket add, ticket edit, and ticket clone forms in Zoho Desk by using the given request.
The properties related to the ticket form page are listed below:
Property | Request | Response |
departmentId | ticketForm.departmentId | { status: 'success', 'ticketForm.departmentId': {ticketForm.departmentId':{ id: '649276000000230080', name: 'Accounts' }} } |
accountId | ticketForm.accountId | { status: 'success', 'ticketForm.accountId': {ticketForm.accountId':{ id: '649276000000230080', name: 'Account Name' }} } |
contactId | ticketForm.contactId | { status: 'success', 'ticketForm.contactId': {ticketForm.contactId':{ id: '649276000000230080', name: 'deskplatform' }} } |
productId | ticketForm.productId | { status: 'success', 'ticketForm.productId': {ticketForm.productId':{ id: '649276000000230080', name: 'laptop' }} } |
assigneeId | ticketForm.assigneeId | { status: 'success', 'ticketForm.assigneeId': {ticketForm.assigneeId':{ id: '649276000000139001', name: 'Tony' ,type:'agent'}} } |
layoutId | ticketForm.layoutId | {'status':'success','ticketForm.layoutId':'649276000000233355'} | | {'status':'success','':''} | |
phone | | {'status':'success','':'9876543210'} |
subject | ticketForm.subject | {'status':'success','ticketForm.subject':'Faulty phone charging port'} |
description | ticketForm.description | {'status':'success','ticketForm.description':'Product replacement'} |
dueDate | ticketForm.dueDate | {'status':'success','ticketForm.dueDate':'21/02/2022 12:00 PM'} |
status | ticketForm.status | {'status':'success','ticketForm.status':'Open'} |
priority | ticketForm.priority | {'status':'success','ticketForm.priority':'High'} |
channel | | {'status':'success','':'Phone'} |
language | ticketForm.language | {'status':'success','ticketForm.language':'English'} |
classification | ticketForm.classification | {'status':'success','ticketForm.classification':'Problem'} |
cf (Custom Fields) | ticketForm.cf_APIName | {'status':'success','ticketForm.cf_APIName':'value'} |
Sample Request
Copied// To get the form fields
// your code here...
// handle error here..
// To get the current field value
ZOHODESK.get('ticketForm.subject').then(function(response) {
// your code here...
// handle error here...
Sample Response
Copied// Form fields get response
"ticketForm.fields": [
"displayLabel": "Desk ZGID",
"apiName": "cf_related_project",
"isCustomField": true,
"i18NLabel": "Desk ZGID",
"toolTip": "Kindly Enter the Project ID",
"isSystemMandatory": false,
"type": "Text",
"isReadOnly": false,
"toolTipType": "icon",
"name": "Desk ZGID",
"isEncryptedField": false,
"isPHI": false,
"id": "4011801787265",
"isRemovable": true,
"maxLength": 255,
"isMandatory": false,
"localizedValue": null
"status": "success"
// Particular property get response
"" : "1234567890",
"status" : "success"
Set Data Methods
These data methods help you to set the value for all the fields in ticket add, ticket edit, and ticket clone forms in Zoho Desk by using apiName of the field.
Here, the example shows a request to set the value for the "phone" field and to add an attachment to the Ticket Form page. Similarly, you can set values for all fields in ticket forms using this format.
Sample Request
Copied//To set value for the phone field
ZOHODESK.set("", {value:"1234567890"}).then(function(response){
// your code here...
// handle error here..
//To add an attachment in the Ticket Form page
ZOHODESK.set('ticketForm.attachment',{ value : files : [ file data] })
"status" : "success"
Contact Detail Page
This method allows you to access various contact properties with ease. It is accessible from the contact detail page locations.
It can also be accessed from global locations but only when the contact detail page is accessible.
You can fetch the details of the properties available in contact detail page in Zoho Desk by using the given request.
The properties related to the contact detail page are listed below:
Property | Request | Response |
title | contact.title | {'status':'success','contact.title':'Customer Support Executive'} |
type | contact.type | {'status':'success','contact.type':'Paid User'} |
accountId | contact.accountId | {'status':'success','contact.accountId':'12345678901234567'} |
cf (Custom Fields) | | {'status':'success','': {cf_longitude: '0'}} |
createdTime | contact.createdTime | {'status':'success','contact.createdTime':'2018-05-17T08:32:19.000Z'} |
customerHappiness | contact.customerHappiness | {'status':'success','contact.customerHappiness':{badPercentage: '0', okPercentage: '0', goodPercentage: '0'}} |
description | contact.description | {'status':'success','contact.description':'Customer Support Lead'} | | {'status':'success','':''} | |
secondaryEmail | contact.secondaryEmail | {'status':'success','contact.secondaryEmail':''} |
contact.facebook | {'status':'success','contact.facebook':'zoho'} | |
contact.twitter | {'status':'success','contact.twitter':'zohocares'} | |
modifiedTime | contact.modifiedTime | {'status':'success','contact.modifiedTime':'31/01/2022 11:27 AM'} |
firstName | contact.firstName | {'status':'success','contact.firstName':'Lawrence'} |
id | | {'status':'success','':'12345678901234567'} |
isAnonymous | contact.isAnonymous | {'status':'success','contact.isAnonymous':false} |
isDeleted | contact.isDeleted | {'status':'success','contact.isDeleted':false} |
isEndUser | contact.isEndUser | {'status':'success','contact.isEndUser':false} |
isFollowing | contact.isFollowing | {'status':'success','contact.isFollowing':false} |
isSpam | contact.isSpam | {'status':'success','contact.isSpam':false} |
isTrashed | contact.isTrashed | {'status':'success','contact.isTrashed':false} |
lastName | contact.lastName | {'status':'success','contact.lastName':'Lawrence'} |
layoutDetails | contact.layoutDetails | {'status':'success','contact.layoutDetails':{id: '271540000000074005', layoutName: 'marketplacedemo'}} |
layoutId | contact.layoutId | {'status':'success','contact.layoutId':'271540000000074005'} |
link | | {'status':'success', '':'' } |
mobile | | {'status':'success','': '044 - 67447070'} |
ownerId | contact.ownerId | {'status':'success','contact.ownerId':'271540000000103011'} |
phone | | {'status':'success','':'9876543210'} |
photoURL | contact.photoURL | {'status':'success','contact.photoURL':null} |
street | contact.street | {'status':'success','contact.street':'GST Road'} |
state | contact.state | {'status':'success','contact.state':'Tamil Nadu'} |
city | | {'status':'success','':'Chennai'} |
country | | {'status':'success','':'India'} |
zip | | {'status':'success','':'603202'} |
Sample Request
Copied// To get the contact detail
// your code here...
// handle error here...
// To get particular property of contact info
ZOHODESK.get("contact.lastName").then(function(response) {
// your code here...
// handle error here...
Sample Response
Copied// contact detail response
"contact": {
"accountId": null,
"accountCount": "0",
"id": "64927600000123456",
"cf": {
"cf_nickname": null
"city": null,
"country": null,
"createdTime": "2022-11-05T15:03:01.000Z",
"customFields": {
"Nickname": null
"customerHappiness": {
"badPercentage": "0",
"okPercentage": "0",
"goodPercentage": "0"
"description": null,
"email": null,
"facebook": null,
"firstName": null,
"isAnonymous": false,
"isDeleted": false,
"isEndUser": false,
"isFollowing": false,
"isSpam": false,
"isTrashed": false,
"lastName": "+1 631-813-7327",
"layoutDetails": {
"id": "649276000000012345",
"layoutName": "platform"
"layoutId": "649276000000012345",
"link": "",
"mobile": "+16318137327",
"modifiedTime": "2022-11-05T15:03:01.000Z",
"ownerId": "649276000000139001",
"phone": null,
"photoURL": null,
"secondaryEmail": null,
"state": null,
"street": null,
"title": null,
"twitter": null,
"zip": null,
"type": null
"status": "success",
// Particular contact property response
"contact.lastName" : "Zuckerberg",
"status" : "success"
Show full
Show less
Contact Form Page
This object allows you to access various properties of contact add and contact edit forms with ease. It is accessible from the widget location.
It can also be accessed from global locations but only when the contact form pages are accessible.
Get Data Methods
These data methods help you to fetch the details of all the fields in contact add and contact edit forms in Zoho Desk by using the given request.
The properties related to the contact form page are listed below:
Property | Request | Response |
accountId | contactForm.accountId | { status: 'success', 'contactForm.accountId': {contactForm.accountId':{ id: '12345678901234567', name: 'test' }} } |
ownerId | contactForm.ownerId | { status: 'success', 'contactForm.ownerId': {contactForm.ownerId':{ id: '649276000000139001', name: 'deskplatform' }} } |
layoutId | contactForm.layoutId | {'status':'success','contactForm.layoutId':'271540000000074005'} |
firstName | contactForm.firstName | {'status':'success','contactForm.firstName':'Lawrence'} |
lastName | contactForm.lastName | {'status':'success','contactForm.lastName':'Lawrence'} | | {'status':'success','':''} | |
secondaryEmail | contactForm.secondaryEmail | {'status':'success','contactForm.secondaryEmail':''} |
contactForm.twitter | {'status':'success','contactForm.twitter':'zohocares'} | |
contactForm.facebook | {'status':'success','contactForm.facebook':'zoho'} | |
phone | | {'status':'success','':'9876543210'} |
mobile | | {'status':'success','': '044 - 67447070'} |
type | contactForm.type | {'status':'success','contactForm.type':'Paid User'} |
title | contactForm.title | {'status':'success','contactForm.title':'Leads'} |
cf (Custom Fields) | contactForm.cf_APIName | {'status':'success','contactForm.cf_APIName': 'value'} |
Sample Request
Copied// To get the form fields
// your code here...
// handle error here..
// To get the current field value
ZOHODESK.get('contactForm.lastName').then(function(response) {
// your code here...
// handle error here...
Sample Response
Copied// Form fields get response
"contactForm.fields": [
"displayLabel": "Layout",
"apiName": "layoutId",
"isCustomField": false,
"i18NLabel": "Layout",
"isSystemMandatory": false,
"type": "LookUp",
"isReadOnly": false,
"name": "layoutId",
"isEncryptedField": false,
"isPHI": false,
"id": "4005586868014",
"isRemovable": false,
"maxLength": 50,
"isMandatory": true,
"localizedValue": null
"status": "success"
// Particular property get response
"contactForm.lastName" : "Zuckerberg",
"status" : "success"
Set Data Methods
These data methods help you to set the value for all the fields in contact add and contact edit forms in Zoho Desk by using the below given request.
Here, the example shows the request to set the value for the field: phone in contact add and edit forms. Similarly, you can set values for all the fields in contact forms using this format.
Sample Request
ZOHODESK.set("", {value:"1234567890"}).then(function(res){
// your code here...
// handle error here...
// Response
"status" : "success"
Account Detail Page
This method allows you to access various account properties with ease. It is accessible from the account detail page locations.
It can also be accessed from global locations but only when the account detail page is accessible.
You can fetch the details of the properties available in the account detail page in Zoho Desk by using the given request.
The properties related to the account detail page are listed below:
Property | Request | Response |
annualrevenue | account.annualrevenue | {'status':'success','account.annualrevenue':'1200000.0'} |
cf (customField) | | {'status':'success','': {cf_longitude: '0'}} |
city | | {'status':'success','':'Pleasanton'} |
country | | {'status':'success','':'United States'} |
code | account.code | {'status':'success','account.code':'94588'} |
createdTime | account.createdTime | {'status':'success','account.createdTime':'2018-05-17T08:32:19.000Z'} |
description | account.description | {'status':'success','account.description':'Customer Support Account'} | | {'status':'success','':''} | |
fax | account.fax | {'status':'success','account.fax':'044 67447172'} |
id | | {'status':'success','':'271540000000083214'} |
industry | account.industry | {'status':'success','account.industry':'Large Enterprise'} |
isDeleted | account.isDeleted | {'status':'success','account.isDeleted':false} |
isFollowing | account.isFollowing | {'status':'success','account.isFollowing':false} |
isTrashed | account.isTrashed | {'status':'success','account.isTrashed':false} |
lastName | account.lastName | {'status':'success','account.lastName':'Lawrence'} |
layoutDetails | account.layoutDetails | {'status':'success','account.layoutDetails':{id: '271540000000074005', layoutName: 'marketplacedemo'}} |
layoutId | account.layoutId | {'status':'success','account.layoutId':'271540000000074005'} |
link | | {'status':'success', '':'' } |
modifiedTime | account.modifiedTime | {'status':'success','account.modifiedTime':'31/01/2022 11:27 AM'} |
ownerId | account.ownerId | {'status':'success','account.ownerId':'271540000000103011'} |
phone | | {'status':'success','':'1 888 900 9646'} |
street | account.street | {'status':'success','account.street':'GST Road'} |
state | account.state | {'status':'success','account.state':'Tamil Nadu'} |
website | | {'status':'success', '':'" } |
Sample Request
Copied// To get the account detail
// your code here...
// handle error here...
// To get particular property of account info
// your code here...
// handle error here...
Sample Response
Copied//account detail response
"layoutId": "649276000000074009",
"name": "jhon",
"email": null,
"website": null,
"fax": null,
"industry": null,
"street": null,
"city": null,
"state": null,
"country": null,
"code": null,
"description": null,
"phone": null,
"annualrevenue": null,
"createdTime": "2022-07-19T07:25:53.000Z",
"modifiedTime": "2022-07-19T07:25:53.000Z",
"ownerId": "649276000000139001",
"customFields": null,
"layoutDetails": {
"id": "649276000000074009",
"layoutName": "platform"
"cf": {},
"id": "649276000004688069",
"isTrashed": false,
"isFollowing": false,
"isDeleted": false,
"link": ""
//particular property get response
"" : "jhon",
"status" : "success"
Account Form Page
This object allows you to access various properties of account add and account edit forms with ease. It is accessible from the desk.account.form.rightpanel widget location.
It can also be accessed from global locations but only when the account form pages are accessible.
Get Data Methods
These data methods help you to fetch the details of all the fields in account add, account edit, and account clone forms in Zoho Desk by using the given request.
The properties related to the account form page are listed below:
Property | Request | Response |
ownerId | accountForm.ownerId | { status: "success", "accountForm.ownerId": {accountForm.ownerId": Object { id: "649276000000139001", name: "deskplatform" }} } |
layoutId | accountForm.layoutId | {'status':'success','accountForm.layoutId':'271540000000074005'} | | {'status':'success','':''} | |
phone | | {'status':'success','':'9876543210'} |
website | | {'status':'success','': ''} |
country | | {'status':'success','':'India'} |
cf(customField) | accountForm.cf_APIName | {'status':'success','accountForm.cf_APIName': "value"} |
Sample Request
// your code here...
// handle error here..
Sample Response
"": ""
Set Data Methods
These data methods help you to set the value for all the fields in account add and account edit forms in Zoho Desk by using the given request.
Here, the example shows the request to set the value for the field: phone in account add and edit forms. Similarly, you can set values for all the fields in account forms using this format.
Sample Request
CopiedZOHODESK.set("", {value:"1234567890"}).then(function(response) {
// {status: success}
//Failure Response
Sample Response
"status": "success"