Config Params

Configuration parameters helps you to customize the behavior and functionality of your extension. They allow you to define and utilize additional parameters without modifying the existing code, making it flexible and user-friendly.

If you need any input from the user to make your extension work, you can create a configuration parameter and allow the user to provide the input for it.

The configuration parameter is divided into two categories based on the input received for configuration.

  • User input
  • Dynamic input

User Input

The user will provide the value for the configuration parameter during the extension installation process. 

To obtain this value from the user, a configuration tab will be opened, allowing input through text, checkbox, picklist, radio buttons, and other options. 

For instance, if you are integrating a third-party service on your extension and that requires an API key, you can use configuration parameters to prompt the user for the API key.

Dynamic Input

The value for the configuration parameter can be dynamically fetched from the extension and assigned using the set value method. For example, when integrating a service into the extension, the API key is necessary. In certain services, the API key can be obtained by making a separate API call, and the key will be included in the API response. The API key can be dynamically retrieved from the extension and utilized as needed.

Note:The values assigned to these configuration parameters can be utilized further in the extension wherever required through the request method. To get the value of the configuration parameter, enclose the configuration parameter name within double curly braces {{configParamName}} and use it in request method as placeholders within the extension.