Edit a Department
You can use this API to update the available information in a particular department.
Request Payload
- name: Name of the department
- is_public: To set the department public or private(Values: true|false)
- description: Description about the department
- operators: The list of operator IDs that you would want to associate with the department
- email_configurations: Email Configurations for the particular department
- from_email: Email address used by the department in the From field
- is_transcript_mail_enabled: To enable the email chat transcript option
- transcript_recipients: The chat transcript will be forwarded to the given email address
- is_blockip_mail_enabled: To enable the email notification when operators block IP addresses
- blockip_recipients: The visitor details of the blocked IP will be sent to this email address
- is_feedback_mail_enabled: To enable email notifications for feedbacks received from the visitors
- feedback_recipients: The visitor's Feedback will be sent to this email address
- is_missedchat_mail_enabled: To enable missed visitor email notifications
- missedchat_recipients: The missed visitor notification will be sent to this email address.
- is_cc_mail_enabled: To enable the adding of CC mail automatically to the reply emails
- cc_recipients: This email will be added automatically to the reply emails sent to the Visitor
OAuth Scope:
Copiedhttps://{zohosalesiq_server_uri}/api/v2/{screen name}/departments/{department id}
Success Response
"url": "/api/v2/zylker-inc/departments/32308000000002013",
"object": "department",
"data": {
"email_configurations": {
"missedchat_recipients": "support@zylker.com",
"feedback_recipients": "support@zylker.com",
"is_missedchat_mail_enabled": "true",
"is_cc_mail_enabled": "true",
"from_email": "admin@zylker.com",
"is_transcript_mail_enabled": "true",
"transcript_recipients": "support@zylker.com",
"is_blockip_mail_enabled": "true",
"blockip_recipients": "admin@zylker.com",
"cc_recipients": "manager@zylker.com",
"is_feedback_mail_enabled": "true"
"modified_time": "1524140963982",
"name": "Zylker-furns",
"id": "32308000000002013",
"is_enabled": "true",
"operators": [
"created_by": "32308000000002001",
"is_public": "true",
"is_system_generated": "true",
"created_time": "1524140963982",
"description": "World class furnitures at your display!",
"image_url": "/api/v2/zylker/downloads/1526214218274_33290000000002013?purpose=department_image",
"display_name": "Zylker Furnitures"