Template API - Possible Errors

Get templates list - Limit exceeded

Error code


Error description

This error is thrown when the limit value provided to retrieve the templates list has exceeded the supported count.

Error Response

    "error":  {
        "message": "There was a problem updating template properties. Please try again in a while.",
        "documentation_url": "https://www.zoho.com/writer/help/api/v1/template-api-errors.html",
        "response_generated_time": 1594131798612,
        "request_url": “https://<invoked_api_request_url>",
        "errorcode": "R3033"


You can only fetch a maximum of 100 templates at a time. Please provide a value below the supported limit and try again.

Get list of templates - Common error

Error code


Error description

This error occurs when there is a problem in listing the available templates.

    "error":  {
        "message": "There was a problem listing available templates. Please try again in a while.",
        "documentation_url": "https://www.zoho.com/writer/help/api/v1/template-api-errors.html",
        "response_generated_time": 1594131798612,
        "request_url": “https://<invoked_api_request_url>",
        "errorcode": "R3500"

Create template - Common Error

Error code


Error description

This error occurs when there is a problem in creating a new template.

Error Response

     "error":  {
        "message": "There was a problem creating a new template. Please try again in a while.",
        "documentation_url": "https://www.zoho.com/writer/help/api/v1/template-api-errors.html",
        "response_generated_time": 1594131798612,
        "request_url": “https://<invoked_api_request_url>",
        "errorcode": "R3502"

Copy template - Common error

Error code


Error description

This error is thrown when there is a problem in duplicating a template.

Error Response

   "error":  {
        "message": "There was a problem in duplicating this template. Please try again in a while.",
        "documentation_url": "https://www.zoho.com/writer/help/api/v1/template-api-errors.html",
        "response_generated_time": 1594131798612,
        "request_url": “https://<invoked_api_request_url>",
        "errorcode": "R3503"

Get template details - Common error

Error code


Error description

This error is occurs when unable to retrieve the template details.

Error Response

   "error":  {
        "message": "Unable to retrieve template details. Please try again in a while.",
        "documentation_url": "https://www.zoho.com/writer/help/api/v1/template-api-errors.html",
        "response_generated_time": 1594131798612,
        "request_url": “https://<invoked_api_request_url>",
        "errorcode": "R3504"

Org templates not supported

Error code


Error description

You seem to be in a older version (Zoho Docs). Hence, org templates are not suppoirted for your account.

Error Response

   "error":  {
        "message": "Org templates are not supported for your account. Please check and upgrade to Workdrive.",
        "documentation_url": "https://www.zoho.com/writer/help/api/v1/template-api-errors.html",
        "response_generated_time": 1594131798612,
        "request_url": “https://<invoked_api_request_url>",
        "errorcode": "R3505"


Org templates are supported only for Zoho Workdrive users (which is the latest version). Please upgrade to Workdrive to access the same.

Delete templates - Common error

Error code


Error description

This error occurs when there is a problem in deleting the template.

Error Response

   "error":  {
        "message": "There was a problem deleting the template. Please try again in a while.",
        "documentation_url": "https://www.zoho.com/writer/help/api/v1/template-api-errors.html",
        "response_generated_time": 1594131798612,
        "request_url": “https://<invoked_api_request_url>",
        "errorcode": "R3507"

Get public templates list - Common error

Error code


Error description

This error occurs when there is a problem in listing the public templates.

Error Response

    "error":  {
        "message": "There was a problem listing public templates. Please try again later.",
        "documentation_url": "https://www.zoho.com/writer/help/api/v1/template-api-errors.html",
        "response_generated_time": 1594131798612,
        "request_url": “https://<invoked_api_request_url>",
        "errorcode": "R3512"

Rename template - Common error

Error code


Error description

This error occurs when there is a problem in renaming the template.

Error Response

     "error":  {
        "message": "There was a problem renaming the template. Please try again in a while",
        "documentation_url": "https://www.zoho.com/writer/help/api/v1/template-api-errors.html",
        "response_generated_time": 1594131798612,
        "request_url": “https://<invoked_api_request_url>",
        "errorcode": "R3513"

Update description - Common error

Error code


Error description

This error occurs when there is a problem in updating the template description.

Error Response

   "error":  {
        "message": There was a problem updating the template description. Please try again in a while.",
        "documentation_url": "https://www.zoho.com/writer/help/api/v1/template-api-errors.html",
        "response_generated_time": 1594131798612,
        "request_url": “https://<invoked_api_request_url>",
        "errorcode": "R3514"

Meta operation - Common error

Error code


Error description

This error occurs when there is a problem in updating the template properties.

Error Response

  "error":  {
        "message": There was a problem updating template properties. Please try again in a while.",
        "documentation_url": "https://www.zoho.com/writer/help/api/v1/template-api-errors.html",
        "response_generated_time": 1594131798612,
        "request_url": “https://<invoked_api_request_url>",
        "errorcode": "R3515"
For the complete list of general errors, refer here.