Download Document - Possible Errors
No permission
Error code
Error description
The user might not have enough permission to download the document.
Error Response
"error": {
"message": "You do not have permission to perform this operation.”,
"documentation_url": "",
"response_generated_time": 1594131798612,
"request_url": “https://<invoked_api_request_url>",
"errorcode": "R5010”
Suggested action
Downloading could be restricted if the user does not access to the document or they have only read-only permissions. Make sure you change the permissions and try again.
No sufficient privileges
Error code
Error description
The user does not have sufficient privileges to download the document. This may be due to the org policy restriction.
Error Response
"error": {
"message": "You do not have sufficient privileges to download the document. Please contact your organization administrator.”,
"documentation_url": "",
"response_generated_time": 1594131798612,
"request_url": “https://<invoked_api_request_url>",
"errorcode": "R3001”
Suggested action
Please contact your organization administrator.
Common error
Error code
Error description
Unable to download your document. This may be due to an internal server error.
"error": {
"message": "We were unable to initiate the download operation.”,
"documentation_url": "",
"response_generated_time": 1594131798612,
"request_url": “https://<invoked_api_request_url>",
"errorcode": "R3002”
Suggested action
Please try again after sometime.