Combine PDFs
Using this API, you will be able to combine PDF documents.
HTTP Request URL
Body Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Mandatory Parameters | ||
files or urls | File or String | Method of providing the input file depending on its location.
files - If the input files are from your local drive or desktop.
urls - If the input files are publicly accessible Web URLs. You will have to pass them as a comma separated list.
Optional Parameters | ||
output_settings | { name: <filename> } | Specify a unique name for the merged or combined output file. By default, the output file name will be "output.pdf". |
input_options | { 1: { page_ranges : "3,5,7" , }, 2 : { page_ranges : "1-3, 5" } } | It is possible to combine selected pages or a specific range pages in a document.
To combine selectedpages, you will have to pass the respective page numbers with comma separated (say 3,5,7,etc.,).
To combine a specific range of pages, you will have to pass the page ranges with a hypen (say 1-3). |
team_id | String | If the user has multiple WorkDrive teams and wants to use a specific team for credit usage, use this parameter. By default, the user's preferred team will be used for credit calculation. |
- This API will be available only for users who have Zoho WorkDrive Account.
- To use this API, an OAuth token should be generated with the following scopes; ZohoWriter.documentEditor.ALL,ZohoWriter.merge.ALL,WorkDrive.organization.ALL
Sample Request
Copiedcurl --location --request POST "" \
--header "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken xxx.yyy.zzz" \
--form 'output_settings="{\"name\":\"CombinedFile.pdf\"}"' \
--form 'files=@"/Users/username/Documents/Sample1.pdf"' \
--form 'files=@"/Users/username/Documents/Sample2.pdf"' \
--form 'input_options="{\"1\":{\"page_ranges\":\"3,5,6\"},\"2\":{\"page_ranges\":\"1-3,6\"}}"'
Copiedfileobj1 = invokeurl
url :""
type :GET
info fileobj1;
fileobj2 = invokeurl
url :""
type :GET
info fileobj2;
output_settings = Map();
output_settings.put("name", "combined-document"); // name for the combined document
input_options = Map();
document_1 = Map();
document_1.put("page_ranges", "1"); //page_ranges for document 1
document_2 = Map();
document_2.put("page_ranges", "1,5"); //page_ranges for document 2
input_options.put("1", document_1);
input_options.put("2", document_2);
paramList = list();
combinepdf_response = invokeurl
url :""
type :POST
info combinepdf_response;
Once the process is initiated, you will be provided with the 'status_url' initially. By invoking the 'status_url', you will be able to check the status of the scheduled job.
Sample Response
"status_url": "
Job completion status can be checked using the 'status' key. Once the status is changed to 'completed', you will be provided with a 'download_url'. Using which, you can download the combined file as bytes.
"status": "completed/inprogress/failed"