Create with Template


To create a document using a template with the provided Template ID.

HTTP Request URL


Body Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
Mandatory Parameters
template_idStringProvide the template id of the template using which you would like to create a document.
Optional Parameters
filenameStringSpecify a unique name for the document.
folder_idStringSpecify a folder name, if you would like the document to be created in a particular folder or location.

Specify the type of document which needs to be created.

Possible values: fillable/merge/sign

Sample Request

Copiedcurl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken xxx.yyy.zzz' \
--form 'filename="Copy of Amelia document"' \
--form 'template_id="7ww36******"'

Sample Response

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  "owner_id": "667009621",
  "open_url": "",
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  "last_opened_time_ms": 1594121748435,
  "thumbnail_url": "",
  "document_id": "kzbnud65a05bd014b4e2bb162dca3d4e34671",
  "type": "document",
  "title": "Copy of Amelia document",
  "lock_info": {
    "status": false
  "document_name": "Copy of Amelia document",
  "modified_time": "2020-07-07T11:35:48Z",
  "library_id": 20,
  "permissions": {
    "can_read_fill": true,
    "can_trash": true,
    "can_share": true,
    "can_edit": true,
    "can_lock": true,
    "can_copy": true,
    "can_org_publish": true,
    "can_read": true,
    "is_admin": true,
    "can_discard_lock": false,
    "can_remove_share": false,
    "can_publish": true,
    "can_delete": false,
    "can_restore": false,
    "can_rename": true,
    "can_favourite": true,
    "can_leave": false,
    "can_download": true,
    "can_unlock": false
  "download_url": "",
  "lastmodified_by": [
      "email_id": "",
      "profile_photo": "",
      "user_id": "12437393",
      "timezone": "Asia/Calcutta",
      "language": "en",
      "display_name": "Amelia"
  "final_info": {
    "status": false
  "parent_info": {
    "folder_name": "My Folders",
    "folder_link": ""
  "created_time": "2020-07-07T11:35:48Z",
  "parent_folder_id": "folder",
  "collaboration_id": "2243174569006117111",
  "last_opened_time": "2020-07-07T11:35:48Z",
  "version_id": "5719899001066318940",
  "created_by": "Amelia",
  "version": "1.0",
  "created_time_ms": 1594121748435,
  "product_type": 1,
  "preview_url": "",
  "creator_id": "1247393",
  "permalink": "",
  "status": "active"