Convert Documents with Web URL


To convert any document's existing file format (say html) to another file format (say docx or txt) with web URL.

Supported file formats -> docx, odt, rtf, txt, html, pdf

HTTP Request URL


Body Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
Mandatory Parameters
urlStringSpecify the web URL, through which the document will be converted.
formatStringSpecify the format of the document to be converted.
Supported file formats - docx, odt, rtf, txt, html, pdf
filenameStringSpecify a name to the document to be converted.
Optional Parameter
PasswordStringSpecify a unique password for the document to be converted.

Curl Snippet

Copiedcurl --location --request POST "" \
  --header "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken xxx.yyy.zzz" \
  --form "url=" \
  --form "format=docx" \
  --form "filename=Output filename"

Deluge Snippet

Copiedurl = "";
filedata = invokeurl
url : url
type :GET
filesList = List();
filesList.add({"paramName":"content", "content":filedata});
filesList.add({"paramName":"format", "content":"pdf","stringPart":"true"});
filesList.add({"paramName":"filename", "content":"Converted_doc","stringPart":"true"});
response = invokeurl
url: ""
type: POST
files: filesList
return response;

Sample Response

Converted document will be downloaded.