Combine and Deliver via Webhook
Using this API, you will be able to combine PDF documents and post them in the given webhook url.
HTTP Request URL
Body Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Mandatory Parameters | ||
files or urls | File or String | Method of providing the input file depending on its location. files - If the input files are from your local drive or desktop. urls - If the input files are publicly accessible Web URLs. You will have to pass them as a comma separated list.
webhook | { } | invoke_url - Specify the webhook url where the combined pdf needs to be posted.
Below mentioned keys are optional;
timeout - Set the timeout duration for posting bytes from Zoho server. By default, it will be set to 50 seconds.
retry_interval - Specify the interval to retry the post operation in case of any failure when sending combined bytes to your server.
Supported range is 60 seconds to 8 hours. By default, it will be set to 60 seconds.
headers - Provide the necessary header key-value pairs in JSON format for posting combined bytes from our server to the provided webhook URL.
http_method_type - Specify the http method type via this key. The default method will be POST. |
Optional Parameters | ||
output_settings | { “name”: “<filename>” } | name - Specify a unique name for the merged or combined output file .
By default, the output file name will be "output.pdf".
input_options | { 1: { page_ranges : "3,5,7" , }, 2 : { page_ranges : "1-3, 5" } } | It is possible to combine selected pages or a specific range of pages in a document.
To combine selectedpages, you will have to pass the respective page numbers with comma separated (say 3,5,7,etc.,).
To combine a specific range of pages, you will have to pass the page ranges with a hypen (say 1-3). |
Parameter | Type | Possible Values | Default Value |
Mandatory Key | |||
invoke_url | String | URL - Maximum length is 300 characters. | URL |
Optional Keys | |||
timeout | Integer | 60 to 28800 seconds (8hrs) | 60 seconds |
retry_interval | Integer | 1 to 120 seconds | 50 seconds |
headers | JSON |
| |
http_method_type | String | put/post | post |
- This API will be available only for users who have Zoho WorkDrive Account.
- To use this API, an OAuth token should be generated with the following scopes; ZohoWriter.documentEditor.ALL,ZohoWriter.merge.ALL,WorkDrive.organization.ALL
Sample Request
Copiedcurl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken xxx.yyy.zzz' \
--form 'output_settings="{\"name\":\"CombineWebhook.pdf\"}"' \
--form 'files=@"/Users/Zykler/Downloads/pdf1.pdf"' \
--form 'files=@"/Users/Zykler/Downloads/pdf2.pdf"' \
--form 'webhook="{\"invoke_url\": \"*******\"}"'
Copiedfileobj1 = invokeurl
url :""
type :GET
info fileobj1;
fileobj2 = invokeurl
url :""
type :GET
info fileobj2;
output_settings = Map();
output_settings.put("name","Combine-Webhook-document.pdf"); //name for the combined document
webhook = Map();
//optional - if you want any additional keys in webhook callback, pass in headers as mentioned below:
//additionalkeys = Map();
input_options = Map(); //provide as input_options as shown below if you want to combine selected pages
document_1 = Map();
document_1.put("page_ranges","1,3"); //page_ranges for document 1 (pages 1,3)
document_2 = Map();
document_2.put("page_ranges","1-5"); //page_ranges for document 2 (pages 1 to 5)
paramList = list();
combinepdf_response = invokeurl
url :""
type :POST
files :paramList
connection:"<connection_name>" //update the oauth connection
info combinepdf_response;
Sample Response
"status_url": "
"status": "inprogress/completed/failed"
While invoking the 'status_url', you will receive the below responses;
1. Success case:
"download_link": "<combined pdf download url>", //combined bytes download link
“webhook_response”: {
"status": "inprogress/completed/failed"
2. Failure case:
After the combine process is completed, if there is an issue with the webhook delivery (e.g., due to your server being unavailable or down), we will attempt to retry the post operation up to three times. If your server remains unreachable, the response below will be provided, allowing the user to download the combined bytes via the download_link.
"download_link": "<combined download url>", //will be available only on combine process success
“webhook_response”: {
"status": "inprogress/completed/failed"