Search Document
To search the documents across a team or organisation.
HTTP Request URL
Query Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Mandatory Parameters | ||
query | String | To search the document by the provided name, keyword, object and more. |
Optional Parameters | ||
team_id | String | Specify the unique id of your team from which you would like to search the documents. |
offset | Integer | Set offset parameter to get the list of documents searched from the respective page. By default, offset value will be 0. |
limit | Integer | Set document limit and retrieve the list of searched documents within the specified limit. By default, limit value will be taken as 50. |
Note: To use this API, an OAuth token should be generated with the following scopes ZohoSearch.securesearch.READ and
Sample Request
Copiedcurl ""
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken xyz"
Sample Response
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