Convert Documents with Text


To convert a document's existing file format (say docx) to any other file format (say html or txt) with text parameter.

Support file formats -> docx, odt, rtf, txt, html, pdf

HTTP Request URL


Body Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
Mandatory Parameters
formatStringSpecify the format in which the converted document needs to be downloaded.
Supported file formats: docx, odt, rtf, txt, html and pdf
textStringProvide the required text that needs to be converted.
filenameStringSpecify a name to the converted document.
Note: PDF to Docx conversion is not supported in Writer yet.

Curl Snippet

Copiedcurl --location --request POST "" \
  --header "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken xxx.yyy.zzz" \
  --form "text=Sample content for conversion" \
  --form "format=docx" \
  --form "filename=Sample File"

Deluge Snippet

Copiedhtml_text = '<body><p>Hello</p><p>How are you? <b>My friend!</b><br></p><div style="width: 50px"><img src="" width="168" height="50" /></div><br>Regards from <b>TicServei</b></body>';
html_file = html_text.toFile("Converted_doc");
partList = list();
partList.add({"paramName":"format","content":"pdf","stringPart":"true"});      //output format
My_PDF = invokeurl
	url :""
	type :POST

Sample Response

Converted document will be downloaded.