SAML Authentication for Creator On-Premise

Zoho Creator on-premise supports integrating with SAML-based identity provider (IdP). This enables your users to use their existing credentials to access your organization's on-premise Creator applications.

Set up SAML based single sign-on (SSO) for your Creator applications

  1. Access your Creator On-Premise web client.
  2. Click the Setup icon near the top-right corner. You'll be taken to the Setup page.
  3. Select SAML Authentication under User Management.
  4. Enter your IdP's login URL.
  5. Enter your IdP's logout URL.
  6. Enter your IdP's URL where users can reset their password.
  7. Select the required algorithm. This will be used to secure the user's credentials while it is exchanged between Creator and the IdP.
  8. Upload the certificate containing your IdP's public key. This helps Creator validate the response it receives from the IdP.
  9. Click Save.

  10. You'll then be able to download the logout certificate and metadata, which you'll have to use in your IdP:

Configure AD FS using SAML

Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) is a Single Sign On (SSO) solution created by Microsoft. AD FS manages authentication through a proxy service hosted between Active Directory (AD) and the target application (Creator app). Learn how to configure AD FS using SAML

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