What's New In Zoho Analytics




Announcing Zoho Analytics 6.0 (Beta)

We are delighted to open up the next major version, Zoho Analytics 6.0 Beta! The new version comes packed with a wide range of functionalities for all persona, namely business users, data analysts, data engineers, and data scientists. Zoho Analytics team has meticulously developed these functionalities with a focus on current and future business needs, incorporating valuable user & market feedback.

New capabilities in Zoho Analytics 6.0 Beta includes more data connectors, new visualizations, new interactions, advanced analytical models , the ability to build custom ML models, and 60+ features.  

1. Data Connectors & Data Management
  • New Connectors: We are expanding our already available 500+ data connectors with 25+ new connectors for big data platforms and business applications that includes Yellowbricks, ClickHouse, Dremio, Zoho Connect,Zoho Marketing Automation,  Zoho Backstage, Amazon Seller Central, Airtable and many more.
  • Audit History: This provide a comprehensive record of user and system actions, including details of the time when the action occurred and information about the administrator who performed the action.
  • Sync History: This provides a detailed record of data synchronization activities, making it easy for the administrators to track the status of each data sync. 
  • Import Rollback: This capability reverts the current data import version to its previous version without affecting the existing data flow and analysis, ensuring data integrity.
  • Unified Metrics: A unified metrics consolidates all the metrics used across the workspace, helps in standardization, promotes usage, and avoids duplication. 
  • Data Bucketing: Categorize or group data points easily with the Bucket Columns options in Zoho Analytics. (Until now, users had to write formulas to achieve this; now, it is available as an inbuilt option.) 
2. Visual Analytics
  • New Visualizations: Zoho Analytics supports 7+ new chart types namely, sankey chart,racing chart,sparklines in pivot table,geo map layering, sunburst chart,conversion bar chart and tree map to enhance the presentation and interpretation of the data.
  • Zia  Suggestions: Receive insightful chart recommendations while you are in the creation process. Zia suggests a variety of charts suggestions tailored to your data, allowing you to preview and apply them seamlessly with just a click. 
  • Global User Filters: You can now have a common user filter across all tabs in the dashboard. Global user filter gets applied across all reports in all tabs of the dashboard. 
3. Advanced Data Analytics 
  • Anomaly Detection: Create charts which highlight anomalous points visually for your attention and action. Zoho Analytics deploys robust ML algorithms and various statistical models for detecting outliers.
  • Cluster Analysis: Group similar data points together based on certain factors or conditions using cluster analysis.  Zoho Analytics deploys K-means, K-modes and K-prototypes algorithms for clustering the data points.
  • Alerts Based on Threshold and Anomalies:  Set data alerts based on thresholds and anomalies to ensure timely identification of vital change in the key business metrics and potential issues.
  • Ask Zia Bot in Microsoft Teams:  Get answers to your data queries, access key business insights quickly, predict future trends, and build reports right from within Microsoft Teams with Ask Zia bot.
4. Build your ML Models with AutoML & Code Studio 
  • AutoML: Automated machine learning provides a code-free (low-code/no-code) experience to train, verify, and build custom machine learning models with high efficiency. The simple and user-friendly design makes it possible for people with varied data-level expertise to create ML models easily for their custom needs.
  • Code Studio: Python Code Studio enables you to build/import custom logic and ML models for your specific data preparation, transformation, enrichment, and analytical modeling needs.

5. Data Storytelling

  • BI Fabric: Create unified BI portals for your organization's business needs. Collate reports from other BI applications like Tableau and Power BI. Having a unified portal improves collaboration, promotes centralized accessibility, and makes it easy for C-level executives to make robust business decisions.
  • Visual Zia Insights:  Visuals help process information far more efficiently than lengthy text descriptions. These visuals facilitate multi-dimensional interpretations like comparison, contribution, distribution, trends and proportions.
  • Zia Insights -Multilingual Support: Zia Insights is now available in French and Spanish. Users can choose their preferred language when accessing Zia Insights for a specific report.
  • Export as PPT: Export multiple views as a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. Enhance security by protecting the file with a password.

6. More enhancements

  • Rank within Data: Identify and analyze top and bottom performers across various dimensions. The rank-based ability helps find the top or bottom performers within and across individual groups without having to write complex formulas.
  • Date and String data types in Aggregate Formula: Zoho Analytics now supports the date and plain text as return data types in aggregate functions. This improvement proves immensely beneficial in scenarios such as cohort analysis, project milestone tracking, and various other use cases.
  • White Label CSS Customization: Elevate the visual appeal of your white labeled product and align it with your brand through the CSS customization feature. This latest addition to Zoho Analytics enables you to customize text, colors, and more on pages, tabs, selections, hover options, enhancing the overall look and feel.
  • Right to left User Interface: Zoho Analytics now supports a right to left user interface. This option is best suited for languages like Arabic and Hebrew that are read from right to left.
  • Zoho Directory: Zoho Analytics' integration with Zoho Directory allows administrators to handle identity and user access management with ease. You can now easily setup Single Sign-on, setup Active Directory sync, manage user access, etc.,with Zoho Directory.
  • Workspace Level IP Restriction: Configure workspace-level IP restrictions for enhanced security and to prevent unauthorized access. Previously, IP restrictions were available only at the account level.
  • Zoho Analytics Mobile App: The Zoho Analytics Mobile app has been upgraded as a native app, optimized for your specific device. This enhancement provides faster loading times, high-quality visuals, and advanced security features specific to your device's operating system to protect your data.
  • Email Schedule APIs: A new set of APIs are now available for managing your email schedules. These APIs enable you to create,update, trigger and delete email schedules easily.

Refer to the Release Notes article to learn more about the 6.0 Beta features.


April 30, 2024

Sunburst Chart

We're thrilled to announce that Zoho Analytics now supports the Sunburst Chart. Explore the power of hierarchical data with our sleek and intuitive Sunburst Chart and uncover trends with precision. This dynamic chart visualization transforms complexity into clarity through its circular design.

Conversion Bar Chart

Revolutionize your conversion tracking process with the new Conversion Bar Chart. You can easily monitor performance across different conversion metrics and campaigns at a glance.

Auto Suggestions on report creation

Now, with the new Zia Suggestions, you can effortlessly receive insightful chart recommendations when creating reports. Zia generates a variety of auto-generated reports tailored to your data, allowing you to preview and apply them seamlessly with just a click.

Top/Bottom N within Filters 

We are excited to announce an enhancement to our Top/Bottom N filtering capabilities, making it effortless to identify and analyze top or bottom performers across various dimensions. With the ability to rank data within individual groups or across multiple categories, our advanced rank-based features simplify complex analysis in a single click.

Click here to learn more.


Import from Elasticsearch

You can now seamlessly import your Elasticsearch data into Zoho Analytics, enabling you to perform in-depth analysis, generate dynamic reports, and derive actionable insights from your search log data. 

Inline Embed Component in Dashboard

Explore Zoho Analytics' latest enhancement – an exclusive inline embed component within the Dashboard Designer page. Effortlessly incorporate, modify, and delete embed codes for a seamless user experience.

New set of APIs

A comprehensive set of new APIs (2.4.0) are now available in various categories to enhance your experience with Zoho Analytics.
User Management API
Data Modeling API
Metadata API


C# SDK Moves to .NET 6.0

We upgraded our C# SDK from .NET Framework 4.5 to .NET 6.0, transitioning from the legacy framework. Enjoy improved performance and compatibility as we align with .NET's latest improvements. 


March 28, 2024

New Database Connectivity

We've added two new database connectivity options: HFSQL and OLEDB databases. Connect your data with Zoho Analytics securely and extract valuable insights. Schedule periodic fetches for near-real-time analysis.

Workspace Level Currency Formatting

With the latest update, users can easily set and edit the display format of the currency data type columns from the workspace Settings tab. This ensures the maintenance of a unified and consistent format across all reports and dashboards.

Click here to learn more

Data Storytelling - Zia Insights in Zoho Show 

Introducing Zia Insights in Zoho Show! Enrich your presentations with compelling narratives backed by AI with Zia Insights. This option can be enabled while creating an advanced slide show. The generated narratives can also be edited.

Click here to learn more

Introducing JS API

In case you have embedded reports of Zoho Analytics in your intranet, portal, blog, or business app, this new JavaScript API can help improve the user experience. Customize how your users can interact with the visualizations, like applying filters or triggering actions within the embedded environment.

Click here to learn more

Wrap Text in Dashboards

With the recent enhancement to the text element in dashboards, users can enable the wrap text option. This helps improve readability and prevents text from overflowing into adjacent components.

Click here to learn more

New Field Support in Zoho Projects

Users can now sync data from the Comments field of the projects and task modules in Zoho Projects.

Click here to learn more


February 26, 2024

Advanced Analytics Connector for Pipedrive


You can now seamlessly import Pipedrive data into Zoho Analytics to gain enhanced insights. Attain a comprehensive understanding of your business processes, optimize sales strategies with detailed insights, and elevate overall efficiency through this robust integration.

Click here to learn more

White Label CSS Customization


Elevate the visual appeal of your white labeled product and align it with your brand through the CSS customization feature. This latest addition to Zoho Analytics enables you to customize text, colors, and more on pages, tabs, selections, hover options, enhancing the overall look and feel.

Click here to learn more

Power BI in Portal


You can now embed Power BI reports to create unified portals for your organization's business needs. Having a unified portal improves collaboration, promotes centralized accessibility, and makes it easy for C-level executives to make robust business decisions.

Click here to learn more

Inline Text Editor in Dashboard


Explore Zoho Analytics' latest enhancement – an exclusive inline text editor within the Dashboard Designer page. Effortlessly add, edit, and format text for a seamless user experience.

Click here to learn more

Date and String data types in Aggregate Formula


We are excited to announce that Zoho Analytics now supports the date and plain text as return data types in aggregate functions. This improvement proves immensely beneficial in scenarios such as cohort analysis, project milestone tracking, and various other use cases.

Click here to learn more

Enhancements in Drill Function


We are excited to announce that Zoho Analytics now allows you to customize the drill functions for the measure columns. You can allow the users to alter the scale type of the report and apply window functions to measure columns.

Click here to learn more

Renaming Columns in Query Table


Zoho Analytics now allows you to rename columns in query tables, even if they have dependent views or other query tables over them. Previously, this was permitted only to columns without any dependencies.

Click here to learn more

Vertical Line Removal in Pivot Table


Zoho Analytics introduces vertical line removal in pivot tables, helping to enhance the readability and clarity of reports like financial statements for a more insightful data analysis experience.

Click here to learn more


Janauary 25, 2024

HyperSQL - Live Connect

We have enabled Live Connect for the HyperSQL database. Live Connect helps you establish a direct connection with the database for real-time analysis.

Click here to learn more

Dashboards - Auto Merge of User Filters

We've made a significant enhancement to the user filters in the dashboard. Previously, users had to drag and drop columns manually onto each other for mapping, but now, when you add a column to the user filter tab, mapping between columns of the same type happens automatically.

Click here to learn more

Charts - Dependent Field Movement

With the recent update, we have removed the restrictions on moving dependent columns while creating reports. You can now freely re-order and rearrange columns as needed.

Click here to learn more

Open AI - Enhancement

The data model of the table is now shared with Open AI while using Formula Suggester. This helps in getting the most appropriate formulas for the questions asked.

Click here to learn more

Shopify App Analytics

Import and analyze Google Ads and YouTube Ads data with Shopify. Gain a holistic view of your e-commerce business by analyzing the effectiveness of your advertisements, campaigns, and make informed decisions to optimize your online business strategies.



Dec 21, 2023

Advanced Analytics connector for Typeform


Zoho Analytics provides you with sophisticated reporting and analytical capabilities, over the data you collect using Typeform. Zoho Analytics provides comprehensive insights, allowing you to analyze survey responses, customer feedback, and form submissions in a centralized and powerful analytics environment.

Click here to learn more

Import from Atlas Data Federation and Amazon Lightsail


Zoho Analytics has extended its support to import data from the following cloud databases,

Enhancements in Managing Email Schedules


We are thrilled to announce that you can now easily oversee and manage all email schedules for the workspace in one convenient location. Zoho Analytics offers simplified email schedule management by centralizing control within the Workspace Settings page.

Click here to learn more

Ask Zia skill in Alexa



Extend your analytics capabilities by using the Ask Zia skill in Alexa. Seamlessly integrate Zoho Analytics with Alexa, to get insights directly through voice commands.

Click here to learn more

Ask Zia in French (Beta)


Explore Ask Zia in French with this Beta release. Change to French language support and engage in conversations with Ask Zia in French.

Click here to learn more

Klaviyo integration in Shopify Marketplace app


We are excited to announce that you can import, blend, and analyze Klaviyo's data, alongside your Shopify data seamlessly by using Zoho Advanced Analytics app in Shopify Marketplace.

Click here to learn more

New notification types in Zoho Analytics - Mobile BI app


Introducing new notification types to enhance your Zoho Analytics - Mobile BI app experience:

  • Integration Actions: Get notified about the status of data integration in your workspaces.
  • Manage User Actions: Stay informed about user management and access control actions.
  • Account Actions: Stay updated on critical activities like adding or removing a user, and changing the user role related to your Zoho Analytics account.
  • Request Actions: Get updates about view access requests, and directly grant permissions seamlessly using your Zoho Analytics - Mobile BI app.
  • Generic Actions: Stay informed about key events such as Zoho Databridge status updates, and export/import of workspaces through workspace migration.

Click here to learn more

Currency formatting enhancement in Formula Column and Aggregate Formula


Zoho Analytics has enhanced the currency data handling in formula column and aggregate formula. With the latest enhancement, Zoho Analytics now assigns the data type of the columns as currency when the formula or aggregate formula is created over the currency column. Till now, these columns were identified as decimal type.

Click here to learn more

Custom Role Support for Zoho CRM Plus and Zoho One Users


We are happy to announce that we have extended the Custom Roles feature to Zoho CRM Plus and Zoho One Users.

Click here to learn more


Nov 24, 2023

Advanced Analytics for Jotform


Advanced Analytics for Jotform enables you to understand the preferences and opinions of the targeted audience, gauge satisfaction and engagement rates, and identify areas that may need improvement.

Click here to learn more

Workspace Level IP Restrictions

Add a layer of security by configuring workspace-level IP restrictions for enhanced security, and to prevent unauthorized access. Previously, IP restrictions were available only at the account level.

Click here to learn more

Zoho Directory

Zoho Analytics' integration with Zoho Directory allows administrators to handle identity and user access management with ease. Manage varying login credentials using one tool to strengthen online account security.

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Denodo - Live Connect

Zoho Analytics now supports live connect for Denodo databases. Live connect helps with real time analysis.

Click here to learn more

Share to Cliq

We are excited to announce a significant enhancement to the Zoho Analytics - Zoho Cliq integration. The Share to Cliq option enables users to send reports to any user or Cliq groups within the organization seamlessly, in a variety of file formats.

Click here to learn more

New Modules in LinkedIn Ads

Zoho Analytics now supports the below new modules to effectively analyze the LinkedIn Ad campaigns.

  • Industry Performance
  • County Performance
  • Job Function Performance
  • Job Title Performance
  • Company size Performance
  • Job seniority Performance
  • Country/Region Performance
  • Location Performance
  • Company Performance

Click here to learn more

New APIs

A comprehensive set of new APIs (2.3.0) are now available in various categories to enhance your experience with Zoho Analytics.

Meta data API

Data Modeling

Sharing and Collaboration


Oct 20, 2023

New Chart Type - Tree map  


We're thrilled to announce that Zoho Analytics now supports Tree Map visualization. Tree Map helps you to explore your data hierarchically with ease and uncover trends with precision.

Click here to learn more

Chart Styling Enhancements

Elevate your data visualization with these exciting enhancements that align with current global design trends. Enjoy a brand-new default color palette, captivating area chart gradient effects, stylized markers for scatter, line, area, and web charts, dotted gridlines, and a clutter-free view with the removal of the Y-axis line.

Click here to learn more

Change in default report for single metric

Previously, when you generate a chart for a single aggregate or numeric column dropped in X or Y axis, the chart was a pie or bar chart with aggregate range/count. Now, it is changed to a single bar chart.

Click here to learn more

IBM Informix - Live Connect

Zoho Analytics now supports live connect for IBM Informix database. Live connect enables real time data analysis as any changes in the source is immediately reflected.

Click here to learn more

Data Synonyms in Ask Zia

No more struggling to remember specific data field names or worrying about exact terminology – Ask Zia now understands your intent and fetches the data you want. With Data Synonyms, you can now use synonyms or alternate terms when asking questions, making it even easier to retrieve the insights you need from your data.

Click here to learn more

ChatGPT Integration

We are excited to announce that the ChatGPT integration is now accessible across all data centers. You can use the ChatGPT integration to find and access public datasets directly within Zoho Analytics without switching tabs, receive formula and SQL query assistance, and get column name synonym suggestions within Zoho Analytics.

Click here to learn more

New notification types in Zoho Analytics - Dashboards App

We are introducing three new notification types to enhance your Zoho Analytics -  Dashboards app experience:

  • Integration Actions: Get notified about the status of data integration in your workspaces.
  • Manage User Actions: Stay informed about user management and access control actions.
  • Account Actions: Stay updated on critical activities related to your Zoho Analytics account.

Click here to learn more

New APIs Released

We're delighted to inform you that we've introduced new APIs, aimed at enriching your experience with Zoho Analytics API 2.0.

Click here to learn more



Sept 15, 2023

Advanced Analytics for Mixpanel


We're happy to introduce the Advanced Analytics connector for Mixpanel. It enables you to import data from all your events in Mixpanel and create reports to visualize trends. It'll help you get deep insights into your user behavior across the digital products and services, and to take informed decisions to improve user experiences.

Click here to learn more.

More Fields synced in Advanced Analytics


From now on, more fields will be synced in the following business app connectors.

Zoho Projects
  • Tasks
    • Recurring Frequency Time Span
    • Recurring Frequency Type
    • Recurrence Count
    • Occurred Recurrence Count
Teamwork Desk
  • Companies
    • Id
    • Name
    • Email
    • Details
    • Industry
    • Website
    • Avatar Path
    • Permission
    • Kind
    • Customers Count
    • Created At
    • Updated At
    • Created By
    • Updated By
    • State
  • Tickets
    • Company Id
  • Customers
    • Company Id
Zoho Campaigns
  • Survey ID (Zoho Survey)
  • Survey ID (Survey Monkey)

Enhancements in Dashboard


Moving Views between Dashboard Tabs

You can now move views between the tabs in a dashboard.  This allows you to rearrange views in a multi-tab dashboard easily.  

Click here to learn more on Organizing Dashboard.

Set Margin between Cards

Dashboard custom Theme now allows you to set the card Margin between 0-10. This enhancement allows you to place cards at a desired distance. Previously, a minimum distance was maintained between views. Now you can place them without any space.

Click here to learn more on Dashboard Themes.

Enhancements in Pivot View


Pivot View Column Header Alignment 

Pivot View column header can now be aligned as left, right or center.  This allows you to enhance the pivot appearance. 

Click here to learn more on Formatting Pivot View.

Support for Show or Hide in Data as Row 

Show or Hide option is now available in Pivot Views with data set as rows. Previously, it was available only when data is set as columns. 

Click here to learn more on Show/Hide columns.

Import data from MongoDB with SSL certificate 


From now on, you can import data from MongoDB with SSL certificate. This allows secure importing of data from MongoDB into Zoho Analytics. 

Click here to learn more on Importing from MongoDB.

Support for Duration Component


A component to enter duration data is now added. Click the duration icon that appears on mouse-over (of a column cell with Duration data type). Now, you can increase or decrease the duration value by clicking the up and down arrow. 

Click here to learn more on Duration Component


August 16, 2023

Advanced Analytics for Klaviyo


Advanced Analytics for Klaviyo enables marketers to assess the campaign's performance, helps refine strategies to improve audience engagement, and personalize email campaigns based on demographics to achieve a higher ROI.  This connector comes with unique set of hand-picked reports and dashboards to help you get started with your analysis.

Click here to learn more

Forecast Value in KPI Widgets


With the latest enhancement to the dashboard feature, you can create widgets with the forecast value when the data is grouped by the Date function. You can choose to forecast for the current period or for the upcoming period using the Latest and Next options.

Click here to learn more

Geo Visualization - Static State Map


You now have the option to generate a geo map focusing on a specific state of a country when your data includes information related to a particular state.

Click here to learn more

Zia Insights - Legend Filters


Zia Insights now provides dynamic information based on the selected legend filter available on the report.

Click here to learn more

Show Missing Values in Charts


The Show Missing Values option is now enabled for heat maps. Enabling this option assigns a color to the missing value and creates a complete visualization without any white or blank spaces in the report.

Click here to learn more.

ChatGPT Prompt Enhancement


We have enhanced our prompt engineering techniques to get more relevant responses.

Commenting in Zoho Analytics - Dashboards App


Zoho Analytics - Dashboards app now supports commenting. You can now collaborate with your team and make decisions on the go. It comes with a variety of interactive options, such as tagging other users to grab attention, liking the messages, attaching files and much more.

Click here to learn more


July 10, 2023

Advanced Analytics for LiveAgent


We are happy to announce the Advanced Analytics connector for LiveAgent. It enables you to probe and identify bottlenecks within the support process, take measures to solve recurring problems, and optimize resource allocation within the help desk team.

This connector comes with more than 30+ IT & help desk domain specific reports and dashboards to help you jumpstart your analysis. Click here to learn more.

Click here to learn more.

Custom Role - User Management


Zoho Analytics now offers Custom Role Management, allowing you to create personalized roles tailored to meet your specific requirements. The pre-defined roles which were available before, might not have fulfilled all your needs. With this new feature, you can design custom roles that align precisely with how you want your organization's data, reports, and dashboards in Zoho Analytics to be shared amongst your diverse set of employees (and sometimes even partners and clients).

Click here to learn more.

Embedding Tableau reports in a Zoho Analytics Portals


You can now embed reports from the Tableau BI application to create unified portals for your organization's business needs. Having a unified portal improves collaboration, promotes centralized accessibility, and makes it easy for C-level executives to make robust business decisions.

Click here to learn more.

What-If Analysis over Forecast data


Now, Zoho Analytics allows you to apply What-If Analysis specifically to forecasted data alone, rather than applying it to the entire report as before. This update provides more focused and targeted capabilities for conducting What-If Analysis in Zoho Analytics.

Click here to learn more.

Add Ask Zia-generated Reports to Dashboard


As you know, you can have natural language conversations with our AI Assistant Zia and get reports instantly. You can now drag and drop these Ask Zia generated reports into dashboards with ease.

Click here to learn more.

SQL Query Grammar Based Suggestion


Creating query table is now made easier with SQL Query Grammar Based Suggestion. Zoho Analytics provides suggestions for keywords, table & column names as you type your query.


Jun 15, 2023

Advanced Analytics for ShipStation


We are happy to announce the release of Advanced Analytics connector for ShipStation. The connector comes with 50+ hand-picked reports and dashboards that provide deep insight into your order and shipping management data. 

It enables you to easily track product order patterns, observe customer behavior, and monitor shipment activities & costs. It helps you enhance your operational efficiency and to make informed decisions, backed by data. 

Click here to learn more

Display Aggregate Data as Row in Pivot View


Zoho Analytics now allows you to add aggregate Data either as Rows or as Columns. This opens the possibility to layout the pivot in two different formats, and to get a clear presentation of your data. 

Click here to learn more

Restore Deleted Views from the Dashboard


We have enhanced the ways to handle deleted views from Dashboard. In case a view present as part of a dashboard is deleted, you can now choose to restore or remove it from the dashboard.

Click here to learn more.

Extended Data Import Sources


Data import option has been extended with the following sources.

  • Cosmos DB - You can import data from Cosmos DB.
  • Intranet URL - You can import data from CSV, TSV, JSON, and XML files available in your organization intranet.

Permalink Support for Data Source Page


You can now generate Permalink for the Data Source page of Advanced Analytics connectors. This allows you to check the last data sync status of business app connectors. 

Click here to learn more.

Enhancement for White Label Home Page 


User Interface of the White Label portal Home page is revamped now. This enhances the appearance of the portal. 

Click here to learn more about White Label


May 23, 2023

ChatGPT Integration


We're excited to bring you the ChatGPT Integration, designed to simplify complex tasks like writing queries and formulas. You can also find public datasets right within Zoho Analytics without switching tabs, get help in creating formulas and sql queries, and get synonym suggestions for column names.

Advanced Analytics for Big Commerce


Advanced Analytics for Big Commerce helps you understand the customer's purchase trends and transaction history, efficiently manage your inventory stock, and devise strategies to personalize the purchase experience of your customers, which all can help you increase your revenue, and reduce costs.

Incremental Fetch for Databases


With the incremental fetch for databases, you can import only the newly added records in the databases to Zoho Analytics without fetching the entire dataset every time. This could be beneficial while working with large datasets and saves time.

Notify Selected Users


In case of continuous import failures, you can now choose to inform all Workspace Admins, all Organization Admins and Custom Users via email. Previously, the notifications were sent only to the registered email address.

Emailing Views - CC Support


Zoho Analytics now supports cc (carbon copy) functionality while emailing views. This helps to keep your team members, clients, partners in the loop without making them the primary recipient.

Explain Data - Zia Insights


The Explain Data - Zia Insights feature provides information related to the selected data point in the report. This helps in identifying significant changes or anomalies in the data.

Ask Zia - Geo System Synonymns


Ask Zia can understand geo system synonyms such as alpha -2 code and alpha 3 code such as USA, IND and give the right answers.

SQLite - Live Connect


Zoho Analytics now supports live connect for SQLite database.

Variables Support for Window Functions


You can use variables in window functions to change values dynamically, and observe the impact of different variables on the results.

In-built Functions


Zoho Analytics now supports two new in-built functions,
  • To email  - This helps you convert text columns in email format to email data type.
  • Round Duration - This helps round off the duration values to given duration scale - seconds, minutes, hours, days.

White Label - Trusted Domain


The Trusted Domains tab allows you to configure the domains where you can embed the Zoho Analytics reports/views.


April 28, 2023

New Business Application Connectors


We are excited to announce the release of two new business applications connectors.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Advanced Reporting


Zoho Analytics empowers your Google Analytics 4 (GA4) data with sophisticated reporting and analytical capabilities. With the help of this integration, you can slice and dice your GA4 data anyway you like, examine important KPIs, and make wise decisions to improve your SEO/SEM campaigns.

This connector comes with a unique set of 65+ hand-picked reports and dashboards that enable you to jumpstart your analytics easily.

Click here to learn more.

Advanced Analytics for YouTube Ads


Advanced analytics connector for YouTube Ads analyzes the effectiveness of your YouTube adverts and the value you derive from them. It provides important information about campaign outcomes and conversion rates. With it, you can construct campaigns that will be better and more effective.

This connector comes with a unique set of hand-picked reports and dashboards that enables you to jumpstart your analytics easily.

Click here to learn more.

Panoply - Google Big Query support


Zoho Analytics now supports the data import from Panoply - Google Big Query into Zoho Analytics.

Click here to learn more.

Albers USA Projection in Geo Maps


Now you can use Albers USA Projection in Geo Maps to visualize US-centric data sets more effectively.

Click here to learn more.

Date - Week & Year Format


Zoho Analytics allows you to use Week & Year Format in its reports and we have new additions to this format - Start Date and End Date. Earlier we had three formats - Short, Medium, and Long.

Click here to learn more.

Tabular View


Zoho Analytics now offers Wildcard Filter support in Tabular View. You can now filter by specifying filter criteria to match strings.

Click here to learn more.

Stored Procedure in IBM Cloud - DB 2


Zoho Analytics now allows you to import your data from IBM Cloud DB 2 using the Stored Procedure.

Click here to learn more.

Amazon Athena - Workgroup support


Zoho Analytics has extended its support to import data from Workgroups in Amazon Athena.

Click here to learn more.

Share Permission enhancement - Drill down path in Dashboards


The Share permission in Dashboards is enhanced by listing the Drill Paths for all the reports used in the dashboard.

Click here to learn more.

New Modules 'Notes' addition to Advanced Analytics for Zoho CRM


This one is one of the most asked for features. Zoho Analytics now supports syncing of the "Notes" modules (from multiple CRM modules like Leads, Contacts, Deals etc) in Advanced Analytics Connector for Zoho CRM.

Click here to learn more.

Apr 03, 2023

New Business Application Connectors


We are excited to announce the release of two new business applications connectors.

Advanced Analytics for Odoo


Advanced Analytics for Odoo enables you to gain a complete view about your business operations. It helps you to keep tabs on the financial statements, understand customer preferences using demand forecasting, identify risks, and devise robust business strategies to boost revenue, thereby resulting in improved supply chain management.

This connector comes with more than 60+ essential reports and dashboards to help you with your analysis. You can also create your own custom reports and dashboards.
Click here to learn more.

Advanced Analytics for Instagram Ads


Advanced analytics connector for Instagram Ads analyses the effectiveness of your Instagram adverts and the value you derive from them. It provides important information about campaign outcomes and conversion rates. With it, you can construct a promising campaign with greater knowledge, which will ultimately help your business develop.

The connector comes with a unique set of hand-picked reports and dashboards that enables you to jumpstart your analytics easily.

Click here to learn more.

Import Data from Azure Data Lake & SharePoint


Import Data from Azure Data Lake


Zoho Analytics now supports data import from three types of storage in Azure Data Lake: containers, file shares, and tables.
Click here to learn more.

Import Data from SharePoint


Zoho Analytics has extended its support to import data from Microsoft SharePoint.

Click here to learn more.

Live Connect


Zoho Analytics now supports Live Connect for the following databases:

Local Databases

Cloud Databases

Workspace Migration


Zoho Analytics enables you to migrate the blueprint of your workspaces between different Zoho Analytics accounts.
Click here to learn more.

Pivot View


  • A new option Fit to screen is added to Pivot view and Summary view. This option adjusts the column width to fit the table across the entire screen. Click here to learn more.
  • A new option is added to customize the Sub-total Label. You can add a prefix or suffix to the Sub-total Label or you can modify the label as needed. Click here to learn more.

User Filter


User filter for numeric columns now provides List All Values option. In this enhancement, any new value added will be automatically added to the filter value. Click here to learn more.

User filter for actual date period now allows you to set a default filter value that should be applied to the reports. Previously, this option was available for seasonal and relative periods. Click here to learn more.

Chart Numeric Axis - Scale Type


You can now choose the scale type that should be applied to the chart based on the range of values in the data. The following are the scale types supported in Zoho Analytics.

  • Linear 
  • Log
  • Square root

Click here to learn more.

Formula based Lookup Column


You can now define a formula column to be a lookup column. Click here to learn more.


Feb 21, 2023

Overview Effect for Charts


To visualize reports with large data sets, Zoho Analytics has enhanced charts with new interactive options: the overview and scroll bar effects. These enable you to plot large data on a chart to get a clear picture of the peaks and troughs in your data. 

The overview effect adds an overall preview chart (also known as an overview chart) to the bottom of a chart. It allows you to select a region to focus on a particular data range on the chart, for more in-depth analysis. 

Dynamic and more interactive scroll charts can now be used to replace filters, which are traditionally used in reports with large data sets. This enables you to easily compare data by moving the slider or scroll bar.

Click here to learn more about the overview and scroll bar effects

Image Support for KPI Widgets


We now support displaying images as part of your KPI widgets on your dashboard. 

Adding images for your KPIs helps viewers grasp information more quickly. They also enhance the appearance of your dashboards. 

Click here to learn more about KPI with Image.

Preset User Filters for Dashboards 


Now you can define a preset/predefined filters for your dashboard by combining multiple user filters. This eliminates the mundane task of clicking and selecting values from multiple user filters every time—and you can setup multiple preset filters, too!

Click here to learn more about Preset Filters.

Support to Include/exclude User Filter Values


User filters for all reports now allow you to include or exclude selected items from the user filter values. So far you could only include items but not exclude. 

Click here to learn more about User Filters.

Sync more Fields in Advanced Analytics Connector


Now you can synchronize more field for the following Advanced Analytics Connector:


  • Reels
    • Profile ID
    • Reel ID
    • Comments
    • Likes
    • Plays
    • Reach
    • Saved
    • Shares
    • Total Interactions

Zoho Projects

  • Projects 
    • Is Completed
    • Primary Client ID
    • Last Modified By
    • Created by
  • Tasks 
    • Associated Teams
  • Bugs 
    • Associated Teams
    • Project Groups 
    • Is Private
    • Associated Teams
  • Users 
    • Created Time
    • Last Updated Time
    • Last Accessed Time

Google Ads

  • Video Performance
    • Day
    • Ad ID
    • Video title
    • Ad group ID
    • Device
    • Impressions
    • Clicks
    • Conversions
    • Cost
    • Ad type
    • Network
    • Engagements
    • Views
    • Total conv. value
    • View-through conv.
    • Video played to 100%
    • Video played to 25%
    • Video played to 50%
    • Video played to 75%
    • View rate
    • Video duration
    • Video Id
    • All conv.
    • All conv. value
    • Conv. rate
    • Engagement rate
  • Campaign Conversion Analysis
    • Day
    • Campaign ID
    • Conversion category
    • Conversion name
    • Conversion source
    • Conversions
    • Network
    • Device
    • Total conv. value
    • View-through conv.

Import Data from Digital Ocean


Zoho Analytics has expanded the data import sources by including connectivity to Digital Ocean platform.

Securely Import Data from Sources with SSL Certificates 


To provide a secure data import option from your local databases, Zoho Analytics now allows you to import data using SSL certificates for local databases. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a digital certificate that secures the transport of information between web servers and clients by establishing an encrypted connection. 

Click here to learn more about importing with SSL.

Enhancements in DataPrep


Zoho DataPrep has been enhanced with the following features:

Duplicate Workspaces

Now, while copying workspaces, DataPrep rule sets that was applied over the source workspace will also be copied. 

Click here to learn more about duplicate workspaces

Import Settings Update

Now you can use data settings like delimiter separator, and skip top rows, while using DataPrep to cleanse data. Previously these options would be disabled. 

Click here to learn more about CSV import settings

Analytics Portal: Support for Three-level Menus


Analytics portals now support adding pages with three-level hierarchy menus.

Click here to learn more about portal three-level menus.

Associate Views for Shared Users and Viewers


Shared users and viewers can now access only views that are explicitly shared with them. To make the process easy, Zoho Analytics now prompts admins to associate views when they add users. You can associate views to the user in read-only mode as well as associate groups to grant access to all views shared to the group with the same permission.

Click here to learn more about associating views.

Enhancements for Email Schedules 


To enable you to manage email schedules more easily, Zoho Analytics now allows you to add 100 users in a single email schedule setup. 

However, the email schedule count for pricing will be calculated based on the number of users added in these schedules. Each 25 users in a schedule will be considered 1 schedule. You can view the schedules consumed by each email schedule from the Edit Email Schedule page.

Click here to learn more about emails consumed

Share and Publish from Zoho Analytics - Dashboards App


Now you can easily share or publish views from the Zoho Analytics - Dashboards App.

Click here to learn more about sharing and publishing options from Zoho Analytics - Dashboards App.



Dec 23, 2022

Advanced Analytics for Freshdesk


We're happy to release the Advanced Analytics connector for Freshdesk. This helps you monitor and improve your help desk productivity. It enables you to gain a complete view about the ticket trends and keep track of key metrics like ticket volume and distribution, response time, resolution time and customer satisfaction rate.

This connector comes with more than 60+ IT & help desk domain specific reports and dashboards to help you get started with your analysis.

Click here to learn more.

Invoke Ask Zia from Workspace Search


You can now invoke Ask Zia from the Workspace Search field. This allows you to access Ask Zia easily.

Click here to learn more.

Enhancements for Geo Visualization


Geo Visualization now supports the following data types.

  • Identifies Alpha Codes as Geo Data - Identifies the Alpha 2 and Alpha 3 Codes for Country (US and USA as United States of America) and State (NY as New York)  as Geo data.  

Click here to learn more about Geo Visualization.

Enhancements for Tabular View


Tabular View has been enhanced with the following features.

Format Tabular View as Table

We've enhanced the Tabular View appearance by formatting it as a table. From now, Tabular View will display only rows and columns with data and remove the empty grid cells outside the report.

Support for Relative Period in User Filter

Date based User Filter in Tabular View now supports filtering by Relative period.

Click here to learn more on Tabular View.

Organization Settings Page Revamped


We've revamped the user interface of all the Organization Settings page like Organization Details, Manage Users, Feature Control, etc. We've also categorized the settings to improve the user experience.

Click here to learn more.


Nov 22, 2022

Support for Zoho Cliq



To enable easy collaboration among the members of the organization, we have now integrated Zoho Cliq messaging service in Zoho Analytics. 

You can also create a Cliq group for each of your Workspace Groups. 

Click here to learn more

Zia Insights Predicts Future



Zia Insights can now predict the future outcomes based on data. Predictive narration is included in medium and high verbosity narratives.

Click here to learn more

Edit connector Setup permission for Administrators


From now on, Account Administrator, and all Organization Administrators can also edit the connector set up. Previously, only the Administrator who created the setup could modify it. 

New Module Addition in Advanced Analytics connectors


New modules have been added to the following Advanced Analytics connectors.

  • Zoho Recruit - Application module
  • Zoho Finance - Custom module
  • QuickBooks Online  - Recurring Bills, Recurring Invoices, Recurring Transfer, Recurring Expenses, Recurring Deposits, Recurring Credit Memos, Recurring Estimates, Recurring Journal Entries, Recurring Refund Receipts, Recurring Sales Receipts, Recurring Vendor Credits, and Recurring Purchase Orders

Baseline support for Zoho Projects Advanced Analytics


We now support analyzing data based on the Baseline in Zoho Projects. To avail this, you need to synchronize the following modules in Zoho Projects Advanced Analytics connector. 

  • Baseline
  • Tasks on Baseline and
  • Milestones on Baseline 

Enhancement for Mobile App White Label Solution



To enhance the user experience, we now allow you to customize the white labeled Mobile App from your Zoho Analytics account (interface) itself. You can submit all the customizing options and download the customized app right from the Zoho Analytics Settings page. 

Click here to learn more


Oct 14, 2022

Introducing a Data Type - Duration



Zoho Analytics now supports time Duration as a data type. This opens up a whole new category of time-based data analytics. Now you can get to know how long it took to accomplish something, to complete your projects, closing the tickets, winning a deal. etc., and take appropriate action.

Click here to learn more

New Duration Functions

To enable advanced analytical options based on duration, Zoho Analytics provides 20+ new functions. 

Click here to learn more.

Support for Import from New Data Sources



We have expanded the supported data sources for Zoho Analytics. You can now import your data from the following sources too.

New Advanced Analytics for HubSpot Marketing



Advanced Analytics for HubSpot Marketing provides a completed analysis over your marketing data. As a marketer you analyze how good your Email Campaigns and Blogs are doing. You can also analyze your web traffic and get insight on how you can improve further.

The Advanced Analytics for HubSpot Marketing includes 100+ prebuilt reports and dashboards over your HubSpot Marketing data that help you to jump-start your analytics right away.

Click here to learn more.

Sync New Field in Advanced Analytics for Facebook Ads


Now we support synchronizing the following fields in the Ad Account Insights, AdSet Insights, Ad Insights and Campaign Insights modules.

  • Cost per Purchase
  • Cost Per Initiate Checkout
  • Purchase ROAS
  • Offsite Purchase Conversion Value
  • Onsite Purchase Conversion Value
  • Omni Purchase Conversion Value

Audit all Activities in Business App Connectors



Audit all activities performed in a connector configured Workspace for the last 180 days. You can get the Audit History of all actions by all users such as create, edit, add admin, sync data, and connector re-authentication (This includes automated changes like disconnecting or reconnecting of connectors by Zoho Analytics, based on your pricing plan change).

Click here to learn more.


Sept 14, 2022

Enhancements for Advanced Analytics Connector

Advanced Analytics for Zoho Commerce



Advanced Analytics for Zoho Finance suites now supports Zoho Commerce too. This helps you to manage your online store effectively and market it with ease.  You can also deeply analyze various dimensions of your business like managing stores, processing orders, inventory tracking, managing shipments etc.,

The Advanced Analytics for Zoho Commerce includes prebuilt reports and dashboards over your Zoho Commerce activity data that help you to jump-start your analytics right away.

Click here to learn more

Multi-Org support for Zoho Finance Connector



Advanced Analytics for Zoho Finance suites now supports importing data from multiple organizations.  Now Premium Users can sync up to 25 orgs, and Enterprise  Users can sync up to 100 orgs. Zoho One Subscribers can sync up to 25 orgs. 

Click here to learn more

Advanced Analytics for Zoho Projects



Advanced Analytics for Zoho Projects now supports synchronizing Task Issue Mapping module data. This allows you to map the Tasks and the associated Bugs to create reports over the same

Click here to learn more

Advanced Analytics for Zoho Recruit


Advanced Analytics for Zoho Recruit now supports synchronizing Referral Module data. 

Click here to learn more

Time Slicer as Timeline Filters for Dashboards



Zoho Analytics now supports Time Slicer as Timeline filter. This provides dynamic filtering ability with a different section for each date element such as Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Date and Hour. This enables you to easily select the period for filtering the dashboard. The Time Slicer supports an infinite date range for filtering the dashboard. 

Click here to learn more

Compact Column Width for Tabular Reports



A new option to set compact width is added for Pivot View and Summary View. This option tightly packs the columns in the report, thereby helping to save horizontal space and improve readability without the need to scroll sideways.

Click here to learn more


Aug 30, 2022

API Calls Audit Log



You can now choose to audit the API calls log. This allows you to monitor information such as the API calls that were frequently made, who did it and when it was done, API units consumed by action etc.

You will also get an insightful API Log Analytics Dashboard capturing the essentials of the API call logs such as Units Consumed By Day, Request Count By API Groups, and Top 10 APIs By Units Consumed or By Request Count, etc.

Click here to learn more.

Query Table Enhancements



The following changes have been done in Query Table.

User Interface Revamped

Query Table's user interface has been revamped to improve the user experience. Now, the query editor will still be in focus when you insert the functions and columns by clicking from the list. 

New Functions

Support for the following new functions are added.

  • To Percentage - Converts the data type of the column as percentage. 
  • To Currency - Converts the data type of the column as currency
  • To Decision Box - Converts the data type of the column as decision box
  • To Positive Number - Converts the data type of the column as positive number

Click here to learn more.

Trendline support for Color Chart



From now on, you can predict the trend for charts which have a Color column. 

Click here to learn more.

Explorer Enhancements



The Workspace Explorer has been enhanced with the following options. 

  • Folder hierarchy is supported for Grid view in both the Explorer and the Reports navigation tab
  • Search results include folders too
  • Option to select an entire folder is added

Click here to learn more.

More Information on Views



A More information dialog has been added to all the Views in Zoho Analytics. Now from a single dialog, you can edit various options of the view, such as title, description, data source, publish and share details, and see dependency details, permalink, etc.

Click here to learn more.

Export with Watermark



Now you can add Watermarks to reports and dashboards, while exporting as PDF. 

Click here to learn more.

Format by Numbering System



Zoho Analytics provides a new option to specify whether the Thousand separators are either as per the International numbering system, or the Indian numbering system. 

Click here to learn more.


July 26, 2022

Advanced Analytics for Teamwork CRM


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Advanced Analytics for Teamwork CRM empowers you by providing deep sales analytics over your CRM data. This integration helps you to keep track of your key sales performance metrics and optimize your sales team's execution. 

Advanced Analytics for Teamwork CRM includes 50+ prebuilt reports and dashboards over your Teamwork CRM data. The Teamwork CRM Analytics workspace is Ask Zia trained and can answer your questions with appropriate reports within minutes. 

Click here to learn more.

Advanced Analytics for Smartsheet


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Advanced Analytics for Smartsheet enables the users of Smartsheet to efficiently monitor and manage the execution of their projects. It also helps them devise powerful strategies to manage risks, and track their key project metrics to scale up the operational efficiencies of their organization.

Click here to learn more.

Enhancements to Advanced Analytics for Zoho Projects


Advanced Analytics for Zoho Projects now supports synchronizing the Tags Module data. This enables you to create reports over the Tags in Tasks, Bugs, Milestone, Projects and Timesheet modules.

Previously we can only choose the modules to import data. Now you can select both modules and fields in Zoho Projects which you like to import.

Click here to learn more.

Option to use User Licenses for Viewers


You will now be able to use the unused Users in your account as Viewers. Previously, you need to purchase Viewers as a separate Add-on license. Now to make it user-friendly, we allow you to use the excess Users license as Viewers. 

Spanish Language Support for Zia Insights


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Zia Insights now offers actionable insights in Spanish too. 

Click here to learn more.

Enhancement for Ignore-Filters() Function


The Ignore Filters Aggregate Function allows you to specify which filters need to be ignored. Previously, only the User Filters applied over the report were ignored. Now, you can choose to ignore Filters, Users Filters, or both.

Click here to learn more.

Hide Empty Columns in Reports


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Zoho Analytics now allows you to hide empty columns in Pivot and Summary Views.  This enhances the look of your reports as only relevant data gets displayed. 

Click here to learn more.

Display Negative Forecast as Zero


What's New In Zoho Analytics

In case the forecast based on your report is in negative value, then you can choose to display it as 0. 

Click here to learn more.


June 29, 2022

HIPAA compliance


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Now we provide specific features in Zoho Analytics to help you use Zoho Analytics in a HIPAA compliant manner.

Click here to learn more.

Enhancements in Advanced Analytics for Google Ads


Advanced Analytics for Google Ads now supports the following modules and fields.

  • Video Performance
    • Mandatory fields:
      • Day
      • Ad ID
      • Video title
      • Ad group ID
      • Device
      • Impressions
      • Clicks
      • Conversions
      • Cost
      • Ad type
    • Optional fields:
      • Network
      • Engagements
      • Views
      • Total conv. value
      • View-through conv.
      • Video played to 100%
      • Video played to 25%
      • Video played to 50%
      • Video played to 75%
      • View rate
      • Video duration
      • Video Id
      • All conv.
      • All conv. value
      • Conv. rate
      • Engagement rate
  • Campaign Conversion Analysis
    • Mandatory fields
      • Day
      • Campaign ID
      • Conversion category
      • Conversion name
      • Conversion source
      • Conversions
    • Optional fields
      • Network
      • Device
      • Total conv. value
      • View-through conv.

Click here to learn more.

Enhancements in White Label Solution


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Zoho Analytics white label solution now supports JWT Algorithm as one of the options for single sign-on method. 

Click here to learn more.

Embed Ask Zia as a Private Link


What's New In Zoho Analytics

You can now embed Ask Zia as a private link in your application. This allows you to use Zia in your own environment securely.

Click here to learn more.

Organization Email for Data Alert 


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Send Alert mails to your users from an Organization email address. 

Click here to learn more.

Enhancements for Data Import


Support for SSH Tunneling

What's New In Zoho Analytics

SSH tunneling is now supported for importing data from both local and cloud databases. This allows you to transfer data from your database into Zoho Analytics more securely. 

Data prep for Paginated Import

Data preparation option through Zoho DataPrep is now supported when you import data from feeds with pagination. This allows you to prep (cleanse, enrich and transform) your paginated data feed while importing. 

Click here to learn more.

Zoho Analytics - Dashboard app enhancements


The Zoho Analytics - Dashboard app is now enhanced with the following options.

New Chart Types

What's New In Zoho Analytics

The Zoho Analytics - Dashboards app now supports two new chart types - Word Cloud and Bubble Pie. 

Zia Insights

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Zia Insights is now available for the reports in your dashboards. Zia gives you actionable insights in the form of digestible narrations. This enables you to get the insights immediately instead of you and your users manually interpreting reports.

Sample Gallery

We now provide a sample gallery with dashboards of various business app connectors' data. You can explore and find more about the prebuilt reports that come with each business app connector. 

Click here to learn more.


May 12, 2022

Enhancements for Business Application Connectors

Business Application Connectors in Zoho Analytics are enhanced with the following options.

Advanced Analytics connector for Zoho Forms


What's New In Zoho Analytics

We are happy to announce that Advanced Analytics for Zoho Forms is now available. Advanced Analytics for Zoho Forms enables you to proactively research, engage and derive analytical insights over the data you collect using Zoho Forms.

You will be able to import the forms data into Zoho Analytics as a table. Each Forms and Sub-forms will be imported as a table in Zoho Analytics with all sub-forms tables joined using lookup columns. 

Click here to learn more on this

Sync Data Every 1 hour


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Subscribe to Enterprise plan to sync your data every 1 hour. From now on, users in Enterprise plan will be able to sync data using their business application connectors every 1 hour. 

Click here to learn more on synchronization interval

Sync History


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Now, Zoho Analytics provides an option to view the data synced history for your Business Application Connectors. 

Data sync history of the last 45 days will be available in a calendar. The sync success and failure will proportionately highlight the specific data in green and red color respectively. Hover to view the number of times the data had got synced on a specific date.

Click here to learn more on Sync History.

Notifying Sync Failures


We have refined the procedure to notify in case of Sync failures for user convenience. From now on, when a data sync fails, you will be notified through in-app notification. 

In case the sync fails continuously for more than 24 hrs, an email will be sent to you with the reason and appropriate solution for them once in every 24hrs. 

Click here to learn more on this.

Import from Cloud MongoDB Databases


You can now import data into Zoho Analytics from cloud MongoDB databases. The cloud MongoDB instances can either be MongoDB Atlas (MongoDB's very own cloud service) or hosted on any other cloud services.

Direct Organization URL


From now on, you can access the Organization using a direct URL. Previously, in case of having multiple organization,  you need to select the organization to view workspaces on a specific organization. Now you and your users can access the Organization easily using the direct link.

Followup Questions in Ask Zia 


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Ask Zia now auto suggests followup questions based on your current question. This is supported in both normal and conversation mode. This allows you to easily construct questions to instantly get reports over your data. 

Click here to learn more on this.

Undo Redo Action Supported in Reports


Reports designer now supports Undo and Redo actions as a user experience enhancement. This allows you to easily revert the changes while designing a report.  

View Share Details from Settings


What's New In Zoho Analytics

The workspace Settings page now provides shared details. 


April 13, 2022

Enhancement in White Label Solution


What's New In Zoho Analytics

White Label users can now do the domain mapping and domain verification from Zoho Analytics' user interface itself. This allows them to configure the White Label Solution in a secured and user-friendly manner. 

Click here to learn more.

Organization Email Address


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Zoho Analytics now allows you to email views from organization email addresses (in addition to the default notifications@zohoanalytics.com). With this, you will be able to add multiple email addresses as Organization email address, and email reports and dashboards using these addresses.  

Click here to learn more.

Dependency Details Enhancements


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Dependency Details option for the views has been enhanced with the following items.

  • Views now include the Dashboards where the view is embedded. 
  • Table includes immediate child table.
  • Query Table now includes multiple level parent tables and child tables. 
  • Dependency details can be invoked from Explorer and Model Diagram

Click here to learn more.

Support to Import KML Files


Zoho Analytics now supports importing Keyhole Markup Language (KML) files as spatial data file for creating Geo visualization. 

Click here to learn more.

Prepare Data when Importing from Analytics Workspace 


What's New In Zoho Analytics

DataPrep functionalities are now available while importing from another Zoho Analytics workspace. 

Click here to learn more.

Data Snapshot History


In Data Snapshot, the history of when the snapshots were taken will be maintained only for 45 days now. Previously, it was available for 90 days. 

Keyboard Support for Delete Operations


What's New In Zoho Analytics

You can now delete rows and columns from tables using the keyboard delete option. 


Mar 12, 2022

New Business Application Connectors

We are happy to announce the following new Business Application Connectors. 

Advanced Analytics for Google Search Console


 What's New In Zoho Analytics

The new Advanced Analytics connector enables you to deeply analyze data from Google Search Console. You can track  & analyze key metrics relevant to website traffic, its performance, search engine trends  and more in real-time or historically allowing you to stay on top of your SEO efforts.

The new connector also  includes 50+ prebuilt reports and dashboards to enable you jump start your analytics. 

Click here to learn more.

Advanced Analytics for Semrush


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Advanced Analytics for Semrush enables you to analyze your search-driven marketing data in depth. It allows you to measure your online marketing performance by tracking keyword performance metrics over any preferred time line. It empowers marketers with deeper insights into keyword-driven content marketing, competitor analysis interms of domain authority,backlinks and many more.

Advanced Analytics for Semrush includes 50+ prebuilt reports and dashboards over your Semrush data.  

Click here to learn more.

Both the above connector workspaces are Ask Zia trained and can answer your questions with appropriate reports within minutes.  

Enhancements in Existing Business App connectors

Existing Advanced Analytics connectors have been enhanced with the following. 

Default Fields Limit extended for Zoho CRM


The limitation for importing default fields from a module in Zoho CRM is extended from 100 to 200. 

New modules added to Existing Connectors


The following modules are added to the existing connectors.  

Advanced Analytics for QuickBooks

  • Customer Type Module

Click here to learn more.

Advanced Analytics for Zoho Finance

  • Invoiced Estimate
  • Purchase Order Salesorder Mapping
  • System Mails
  • Sms Notification
  • User Details
  • Budget
  • Budget Details
  • Landed Costs
  • Landed Cost Allocation
  • Shipping Bill
  • Shipping Bill Item
  • Bill of Entry
  • Bill of Entry Item
  • Sales Receipt
  • Sales Receipt Item
  • Delivery Challan Invoice

Click here to learn more.

Expanding Databases Connectivity


Zoho Analytics now supports importing data from the following databases:

Cloud Databases 
Local Databases 

You can now also import from MongoDB using Zoho Databridge. This allows you to easily import data from the UI in a few clicks. 

Trial Available for Analytics Portal


You can now avail a 15 day trial for Analytics Portal. The Portal allows you to organize reports & dashboards you have created into pages and publish them as a microsite for easy access to your users.

Avail the trial to experience the benefits of Analytics Portal. 

Click here to learn more.

Export to another workspace


What's New In Zoho Analytics

You can now export the blueprint of views in one workspace to another workspace. This reduces the effort and time involved in re-creating similar reports across different departments or business units. You can easily export the views and import new data into the same model. 

Click here to learn more.

Copy workspace with data source


What's New In Zoho Analytics

You can now copy the relevant data sources connectivity settings along with copying a workspace. This reduces the effort to re-configure the data source again in the new workspace. You can easily import data from the same source after just authenticating it.

Click here to learn more.

Formulas supported in Live Connect


You can now create both Aggregate Formulas and Custom formulas in workspaces where you have setup Live Connect to cloud databases. 

Custom Sort Search Box


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Custom sort dialog in charts now supports a search field when the legend has more items to sort. This helps to find items for easy sorting.

Export and Email Enhancements


Apply User Filters in Tabular view

What's New In Zoho Analytics

You can now choose to apply the default user filters while exporting the Tabular views 

Export Row Numbers

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Now you can add a row number column to your tabular reports while exporting data. This option will auto generate sequential numbers for all the exported rows. 

User Interface Enhancement


User Interface has been enhanced with the following options to provide further improve user experience. 

  • By default, while saving a new view (report/dashboard/table), the newly created folder, or the last accessed folder will be selected as the folder to save the view. 
  • Now you can open the View Underlying Data pop-up in a new tab by using the corresponding icon  on the top right of the dialog. 

    What's New In Zoho Analytics
  • From now on, when the browser is refreshed all the open views (tabs) in the workspace will be automatically restored. Previously, only the last opened view will be restored. 



Dec 21, 2021

Multi Language Support for Zia


Ask Zia now supports English and Spanish languages. By default, the language specified in your Zoho Account will be selected as the language for Zia. You can choose to change this when needed.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Click here to learn more. 

Custom Permissions for Analytics Portal


You can now set custom permissions in an Analytics Portal. This feature allows you to define fine-grained view permissions for each user or group.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Click here to learn more. 

Themes Support in Advanced Slideshow


Advanced Slideshow now offers a set of cool preset themes to enhance the visual appeal and set a tone for your presentations.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Click here to learn more. 

Enhancements in Live Connect


Live Connect for databases is now enhanced with the following options.

Live Connect support for more Cloud Databases

We have enabled Live Connect (Beta) option for the following cloud databases:

Live Connect Support for more Local Databases

We have enabled Live Connect option for the following local databases:

Caching Reports/Dashboards to load fast

You can now load reports and dashboards based on Live Connect tables from cache for a set duration. This reduces the time to load your reports and dashboards, by fetching data from the live database. The local cache will be refreshed after the set duration to keep the reports fresh.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Click here to learn more. 

Sync Meta Data for Individual Table

You can now synchronize the meta data changes for each table separately, instead of synchronizing all tables in the workspace. Use the Sync link in the Data Source setting of Live Connect workspace to do this.

All compatible data type changes will be automatically synchronized. In case the data types cannot be synced, it will show a column mismatch. You can resolve the mismatch as mentioned here.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Click here to learn more. 

Join Tables in Zoho Analytics

Zoho Analytics now allows you to define lookup relationships among the connected tables easily using the Lookup Column feature. Previously, Live Connect tables were joined only based on the relational data model defined in your database. This will help you perform cross-functional analytics across live connect tables from the same cloud database in Zoho Analytics.

Click here to learn more. 

Handy Delete Option

You can now delete views from a Live Connect workspace. You can also restore a deleted view from Trash, within 45 days of deletion.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Click here to learn more. 

Change Role for Multiple Users Together


You can now change the user role for multiple users together. With this feature, you can easily define the same role for multiple users in one go, without repeating the tedious process.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Click here to learn more. 

Remove Data Source for a Table


You can now remove the data source for an individual table too. Data Synchronization will be removed for the specified table alone. You can choose to synchronize data from other sources, or manually import data into this table as needed. For the rest of the tables, the same data source will continue to be in sync.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Click here to learn more. 


Oct 18, 2021

Enhancement in Importing Zoho Analytics Workspace

From now on, when you are importing data from another Zoho Analytics Workspace, the data types of the columns will be copied as is from the source table.

For example, when you import currency data, it could be  be identified as Number or Positive Number based on the first few records. Now, in the following case the numeric columns will be identified as Currency based on the source table. `

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Click here to learn more.

Data Alert supports AND/OR condition

Data Alert criteria can now be specified with both AND and OR conditions. This enables you to define more powerful criteria to track the key trend changes.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Click here to learn more.

Tabular Functions Support in Query Table

Tabular functions, also known as Window functions, are now supported in Query Tables. Tabular functions compute the result based on a set of rows than just a single row. These functions really enable you to do more poweful computations on your data set. Example of Tabular functions are RANK, ROW NUMBER, LEAD, etc.,

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Click here to learn more.

Custom Sort User Interface

Custom Sort user interface has been revamped to enable users to easily arrange the values in the desired order using drag & drop or using arrow keys.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Click here to learn more.

New Modules added in Advanced Analytics for Zoho Books

Advanced Analytics for Zoho Books now supports the following modules.

  • Delivery challan invoice
  • Sales receipt
  • Sales receipt items
  • Bill of entry
  • Bill of entry items
  • Shipping bill
  • Shipping bill items
  • Landed cost
  • Landed cost allocation
  • Budget
  • Budget details
  • User details
  • SMS notification
  • System mails
  • Invoiced_estimate

Click here to learn more.


Jul 13, 2021

Zoho Analytics 5.0 What's New

We are extremely delighted to unveil the incredibly advanced self-service AI-powered BI - Zoho Analytics 5.0 to the public. Crafted and molded with 60+ new features to empower every business at every stage of BI workflow.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Experience analytics like never before with the following new capabilities and enhancements:

Comprehensive AI-Powered Data Preparation


You can integrate, model, clean, and enrich data from inside Zoho Analytics using our all-new and very own AI-powered advanced self-service data preparation service, Zoho DataPrep. This integration vastly improves the ETL (extract-transform-load) capabilities of Zoho Analytics. Read more.

What's New In Zoho Analytics


Explore Data with Augmented Analytics

As you know, Zoho Analytics is augmented deep with  AI/ML features. We are adding a lot more features to enhance your experience.

Introducing Zia Insights

Our smart assistant Zia takes augmented analytics (analytics assisted by AI) a notch higher. Now, Zia provides automatic insights, in easy-to-understand narratives, to facilitate your decision-making. Read more.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Ask Zia Conversational AI

Zoho Analytics now provides a chat box, where you can have a more immersive and meaningful conversation with Ask Zia. Read more.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Do you know Ask Zia can now speak to you in Spanish too? Start conversing with Zia in Spanish.

Note: Spanish support in Ask Zia is still in Beta testing.

What-If Analysis

What-if analysis is a new powerful analytical feature that allows you to simulate complex scenarios, and find optimal business outcomes. Using this feature, you can study how data points change as you change the influencing factors. Read more.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Enhanced Forecasting

You can now choose the forecast model that best suits your requirements, from the available four models - Exponential Smoothing, Seasonal Trend Loess Decomposition, Regression, and ARIMA. 

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Also, you can now forecast values for the columns dropped in the Colors shelf. Read more.

Sentiment Analysis

Zoho Analytics supports sentiment analysis, a branch of Cognitive Analytics. This feature automatically gauges your data sentiment and creates a sentiment column in your data tables.

Currently, this feature is available only in Twitter Pages and Twitter Competitors' business app connectors. Read more.

Windowing, Granularity & Other Functions

We have brought in more features to functions. In windowing functions, we now support Map Groupby, Ignore filters, running total, and rank in aggregate formulas. In granularity functions, we now support include, exclude and filter functions. Read more.


Reimagine Data Storytelling

Data Storytelling is about delivering consumable insights through familiar, everyday business workflows, thereby increasing the adoption of insights. With Zoho Analytics Data Storytelling capabilities, you can craft beautiful presentations, or set up purpose-built high-quality analytical portals for sharing insights.

Crafting Presentations - Advanced Slideshow

Craft immersive presentations, blending visualizations created in Zoho Analytics, using Zoho Show our online presentation service. Read more.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Analytics Portal

Setup purpose-built analytics portal/microsite embedding reports and dashboards along with other web elements. Read more.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Embed Ask Zia anywhere

Embed Ask Zia at any point in your business workflow and empower decision-making at all endpoints.


Visualizations in Zoho Analytics gets a lot more cooler

The data visualizations list in Zoho Analytics is getting bigger with a set of cool new visualizations coming in.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Word Cloud Chart

Want to analyze the frequency of words appearing in a data set? You can use the newly added Word Cloud Chart. It can also be used in tandem with another metric. Read more.

Geo Maps with Image Backgrounds

Provide more context & a spin of creativity to your geo-data visualizations using custom image backgrounds. Overlay your geo-data over an image to create geo maps with image backgrounds in Zoho Analytics. Read more.

New KPI Dial Chart Types

Introducing 3 new dial chart widgets - Simple dial chart, Speedometer dial chart, and Conditional dial chart, enhancing visualization options in KPI widgets. Read more.

Tabbed Dashboards

Have extra-long dashboards that require lots of scrolling? Or multiple dashboards with data that needs to be analyzed together? The Tabbed Dashboards option is here to help. Read more.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Enhanced Tabular View

With a new designer and filter support on Tabular Views, there are more ways than ever to analyze your data from multiple dimensions. Though lightweight, the enhanced Tabular View is a powerful reporting option. Read more.

Merge Axes

Previously, you had to choose to either have all axes separate, or all axes merged. Now, you can group axes that you want to merge. Read more.

Display Images in Charts

You can now have images, rendered from Image URL data types, displayed as charts axis values. Read more.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Chart Designer Contextual Settings

Contextual column-specific settings option is now available for the columns dropped in the Chart Shelf of the Chart Design Area. You can access the options by hovering over the columns dropped in the Chart Shelf of the Design Area.

Conditional formatting in Pivot is now extended to row series!

Until now, you could conditional format the data in pivot view Data series only. Now, Zoho Analytics lets you color-code your pivot views based on conditions for the Row series as well. Read more.


Data Modeling Made Simple

Revamped Table Edit Design UX

The Edit Design UX has now been revamped with a cool new layout and useful options to enhance user accessibility. The new layout is segmented into three sections - Columns, Lookups, and Formulas. Read more.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Data Model Diagram Enhancements

The Data Model Diagram UX now comes with a set of handy options. You can now easily rename a table; format, rename, delete, and change data types of your columns from the Data Model Diagram UX.

Enhanced Lookup Model Cardinality

You can now create lookup relationships based on multiple cardinality options - One to One, One to Many, Many to One, and Many to Many relationships.

Workspace Level Formatting

Centrally format your data at a workspace level from the workspace Format Settings. This way you can maintain a consistent data format for all the tables available in the workspace. Read more.

Export/Import Templates

Have you found it difficult to duplicate reports across Workspaces? You'll find the new export and import templates feature handy. You can now export a single report—or a bunch of reports—as a template file and import this template back into another Workspace. Read more.


New Business App Connectors


Zoho Analytics prides itself on providing ready-made, advanced analytics connectors to over 50+ popular business apps. The following new business apps are getting added to the list of advanced analytics connectors:

As always all the new connectors come with 100+ pre-packaged domain-specific reports & dashboards each, to jump-start your analytics.


Access Control

Viewer Role

Not all Zoho Analytics users create reports and dashboards. Most of us just consume, or view reports. So we have come up with a Viewer role. When a user is added as a Viewer, they can access the reports and dashboards in read-only mode and also interact with them. They cannot create reports of their own. Read more.

Note: The Viewer Role users can be purchased as a separately priced add-on.

Options to Control Request Access

As an Account Administrator, you can control the visibility of the Request Access option, which is displayed to users when they access an unauthorized report/dashboard. You can also control who can approve such requests placed. Read more.


User Experience Niceties

As a part of our continuous endeavor in enhancing the user experience, we now support the following cool options in Zoho Analytics

Night Mode Support

Zoho Analytics UX now supports a trendy night mode theme. You can now toggle the Zoho Analytics interface between Day and Night UX modes.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Gradient and Artistic Theme support

You can now customize the theme of your overall product based on artistic/gradient palette.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Viewer Mode

We have added a new mode called the Viewer Mode. When this mode is on, the user is presented with a clean and light interface optimized just for viewing & interacting with your reports & dashboards. Read more.

What's New In Zoho Analytics


Analytics Marketplace & Apps 

You can now install our analytics app from the following Marketplaces and jump-start your analytics journey right away.

Zoho Marketplace

Complement your analytics journey with the apps catalog from Zoho Marketplace. A partner-driven ecosystem that powers an assortment of apps.

Shopify Marketplace

Ecommerce analytics app delivered natively on Shopify marketplace for end-to-end store insights.

ServiceNow Marketplace

Service desk analytics app delivered natively on ServiceNow marketplace for comprehensive IT insights.

Jira Marketplace

Jira Software analytics app delivered natively on the Atlassian marketplace,  to provide impactful, real-time insights into your projects and improve outcomes.


Re-energized Mobile Apps

Your analytics are more mobile than ever!

Introducing Zoho Analytics - Dashboards app!

Zoho Analytics - Dashboards app is an immersive purpose-built app to access, explore, and get insights on the go from your business dashboards. Enjoy analytics like never before with an intuitive and immersive visual experience. Available on iOS and Android. Read more.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Zoho Analytics Mobile App

Conversational analytics on mobile

You can now, causally, converse with Zia from your mobile devices using an immersive chat-like interface and get instant insights.

Commenting on mobile

You can now comment and collaborate with your teams right from your mobile app.

Read more.


Improved versions of Zoho Analytics APIs

An enhanced Zoho Analytics Version 2.0 is now available. The new version is more standard-based with lots more API endpoints and features. Read Documentation.


Explore the enhanced Zoho Analytics 5.0 and share your valuable comments/feedback to support@zohoanalytics.com.  We would love to hear from you! 

Join the post-launch event with our team of experts and learn everything about Zoho Analytics 5.0 through a live demo and interactive fireside chat with our product managers. Register now!


Apr 15, 2021

Import Data from Zoho Analytics Workspace


Zoho Analytics now allows you to import data from other Zoho Analytics workspaces. You can import data from one workspace to another using the Zoho Analytics Workspace tile under Import Data. Learn more.

What's New In Zoho Analytics


Multi-Org Import Supported for Zoho Finance Analytics


You can now import multiple Zoho Finance organizations' data into Zoho Analytics using the Import Multiple Organizations Data option. Learn More.


Mar 04, 2021

Share Slideshow UI Revamped


The Create Slideshow and Manage Slideshows pages have been revamped with more interactive options.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

The new UI captures:

  • Slideshow Preview: You can now preview a created slideshow in the Copy URL page of the Create Slideshow wizard.
  • More Contextual Options: You can modify your slideshow settings from the Manage Slideshows page, which is now enhanced with more contextual options for better usability.

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Chart Sorting Enhancement


Until now, you could sort the Multi-Y charts based only on the dimensional column (X-axis). Now, Zoho Analytics allows you to sort the Multi-Y charts based on Y-axis values as well. You can choose to sort your chart based on either one of the Y-Axis values.

Also, we've renamed the sorting options using the dimensional column name to provide better visibility on how the chart is sorted.

What's New In Zoho Analytics

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Feb 18, 2021

Revamped Manage Users User Interface 


We have revamped the Manage Users interface in both account and workspace level for an enhanced user experience.  Now you can easily manage your users without a hassle. 

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New Module Supported in Zoho CRM Connector


Advanced Analytics for Zoho CRM now supports synchronizing data from the following new modules along with the already existing ones:

  • Subforms
  • Linking Modules
  • Picklist History tracker

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Jan 08, 2021

Zoho Expense - New Addition to Zoho Finance Analytics 


Now Zoho Finance Analytics extends support for Zoho Expense services (in addition to Zoho Books, Zoho Invoice, Zoho Billing, and Zoho Inventory). 

What's New In Zoho Analytics

With the Zoho Expense advanced analytics connector, you can gain insights into your organization's expense and trip management data. You can also get details about various expense categories and policy violations.

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Zoho Finance Apps available as individual connectors


You can now setup the integration with any of the Zoho Finance apps -- Zoho Books, Zoho Invoice, Zoho Billing, Zoho Inventory, and Zoho Expense -- individually from Zoho Analytics. All these connectors are now available as separate tiles for easy setup.
What's New In Zoho Analytics


Enhancements in Ask Zia


Ask Zia is now enhanced with the following features to enable Zia to provide more advanced reports as a result.

Predictive Analysis

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Ask Zia now supports predictive analysis. You can now ask questions to Zia about future trends/forecast apart from just historical data insights. 

Reports as Result

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Now Zia also suggests existing reports and dashboards that are relevant to your question as a result.

The answer you are looking for might already be available as a report in the workspace. If your query matches with an existing report, Zia will suggest that as an answer.

Add as Synonyms

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Now you can add the unrecognized words in your question as a synonym to a column in your tables in a few clicks. Setting up synonyms enriches the vocabulary of Ask Zia to answer questions.



Dec 14, 2020

Merging User Filters Enhancement


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Merge User Filters in Dashboard has been enhanced to support all data types. 

Previously, only text column based user filters could be merged. Now you can merge user filters with all data types such as number, date, email, percentage, and others. 

This is pretty useful in cases when you have a dashboard with reports created over similar columns from different tables, but still want to have a single common user filter to apply over them.

Learn More.


Support for Pagination in URL/Feeds Import


You can now import huge data files, available in URL/Feeds/REST APIs, in small batches into Zoho Analytics. Choose either one of the following pagination types and have your data files imported in batches into Zoho Analytics.

  • Page Number: You can use this option when your data is stored in multiple pages and you want to import them in the same sequence into Zoho Analytics.
  • Next Page URL: You can use this option when your data is delivered in pages with each page providing the URL for the next page to import.
  • Offset and Limit: You can use this option when you have a huge dataset and want to import them in batches, by providing the start position and batch size of each batch, into Zoho Analytics.​

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New Module Supported in QuickBooks Connector


Advanced Analytics for QuickBooks now supports synchronizing data from the Customer Type module.

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Easy Export options in Explorer 


To enhance the user experience we have introduced the following new export options in the Explorer

Export Views from Explorer

What's New In Zoho Analytics

A new option to export multiple views from the Explorer is added to enable the users to access the option easily. You can select the views in bulk and invoke this option. 

Export Views in Folders

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Now you can easily export or email all the views in a folder into various formats with a few clicks. Previously, you could export a folder only as a PDF. 

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Authentication Made Easy for Zapier


What's New In Zoho Analytics

When you connect to Zoho Analytics from your zaps created in Zapier, you no longer need to provide the AuthToken from Zoho. You can now directly use Zoho's username and password to connect.

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Oct 06, 2020

Switch Chart Axis Dynamically


Interactive capabilities of charts has been further enhanced with the new Switch Axis feature. Now you can switch the X-Axis column dynamically as required and view the chart in different dimensions.  

What's New In Zoho Analytics

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Set Alternative Text for Web URL in Grid Views


From now on you will be able to display an alternative text for Web URL columns, instead of actual URLs, in the Pivot Tables and Summary Views. This can be set as part of the column formatting, for columns of type URL. 

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Import from more Local Databases with Zoho Databridge


Zoho Analytics now extends support to import data from the following databases using Zoho Databridge.


Spatial Data Import


Zoho Analytics now supports a new file type import - Spatial Data File. You can now import your spatial data into Zoho Analytics and create geo-maps to analyze your data in detail. 

Zoho Analytics supports Shape, TopoJSON, and GeoJSON file formats. Geodata formats namely point, polygon, and multi-polygon will be auto-identified when you import spatial data files.

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Sep 03, 2020

Expiry Date for Private Links


What's New In Zoho Analytics

You can now set expiry date for the link generated for a view, using Access without Login permission. After the said date, the link will expire automatically, and the view will not be accessible.


Option to Request Access


What's New In Zoho Analytics

A shared user can now use the newly introduced Request Access option to request for read permissions for a shared view.

When a shared user tries to access a view without proper permission, they will be navigated to the access denied page as shown above. From here, they can request access to the view from the Administrator by clicking the Request Access button. The Account/Organization/Workspace Administrator can approve the access request, and share the view to the requested user.

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Show/Hide in Pivot View


What's New In Zoho Analytics

You can choose to hide columns using the new Show/Hide Columns option in Zoho Analytics' Pivot View.

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Aug 25, 2020

New Data Connectors 


Advanced Analytics for Instagram

What's New In Zoho Analytics

The Advanced Analytics connector for Instagram enables you to analyze your user traction and account performance in detail. It allows you to slice & dice your Instagram account data and get insights on your followers (age, gender, and place) and how popular is your brand. 

This integration includes 45+ prebuilt reports and dashboards over your Instagram data to help you jump start your analytics right away.    

Learn More.

Advanced Analytics for Sage Accounting

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Advanced Analytics for Sage Accounting helps you to analyze your key financial metrics such as accounts, expenses, invoices, and many such KPIs. With this connector, you can create insightful reports and dashboards on your financial data and thereby stay well ahead in your financial journey.

The integration packages 75+ prebuilt reports and dashboards over your Sage Accounting data, offering indepth financial analytics.

Learn More.

Both Advanced Analytics integrations are Ask Zia trained and can answer your questions with appropriate reports in seconds. 


Chart Enhancements


New Chart Type - Histogram 

A new Chart type Histogram is added now. It is a special form of bar chart where the values are plotted over continuous rather than discrete categories and useful to plot frequency distributions. 

What's New In Zoho Analytics

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New Chart Options

What's New In Zoho Analytics

We have added new chart options to create horizontal bar, horizontal stacked bar and 100% stacked bar charts.

With this option, you can also create a horizontal bar/stacked chart with multiple Y axes too.  


Jul 22, 2020

Ask Zia - our AI assistant with cool new features


A set of cool new features has been added to our already smart Ask Zia. The enhanced AI assistant will now support:

  • Ability to Understand Unstructured and Incomplete Queries: Ask Zia can now interpret grammatically unstructured queries appropriately. In the example below, although the query is not properly formed it will still be interpreted rightly as "show me sales by region in the previous year".
    What's New In Zoho Analytics
  • Typo Tolerance: Ask Zia is now typo tolerant. It can even understand misspelt words and interpret your questions right. The example below shows that misspelt words being handled appropriately and the question being rightly answered.
    What's New In Zoho Analytics

  • Ability to Interpret Accurate Function Type: Ask Zia can interpret the intent of your questions, derive the functions to be applied on your data, and generate the metric that you are asking for.

    For example, the questions "Which region has the highest total sales" and "Which region has the highest number of sales" read very similar, but are subtly different. The first question should get the Region with the highest TotalSales (Sum function type). Whereas the second question should show the Region with the highest Sales Count (Count function type).
    What's New In Zoho Analytics

    What's New In Zoho Analytics

  • Comprehend Short Dates and Weekday/Weekend: You can now ask questions with short dates and weekend notations like "Sales for Apr, May, and Jun 2020" or "Show me the weekend sales for June 2020".
    What's New In Zoho Analytics

    What's New In Zoho Analytics

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Organization Administrator role now available in Zoho One!


The Organization Administrator role is now available for Zoho One users as well. Earlier, the role was made available only to Zoho Analytics users. Based on the request from many Zoho One users, this role is now extended to Zoho One as well. 

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Enhancements in Export and Email Dialog UX


The UI of the Export and Email dialogs has been enhanced for better usability. The new UX supports easy user navigation with succinct options.
What's New In Zoho AnalyticsWhat's New In Zoho Analytics

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Workspace Explorer Enhancements


In Workspace Explorer, you can now make sub-folders as "Default" folders too. Until now you can only make parent folders as default.

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Jun 11, 2020

Fill Chart with Pattern


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Now you can apply attractive patterns over your chart to enhance the visual appeal of your chart.  

You will find a set of prebuilt, pattern-based palettes. You can also create your own pattern palette to apply in your chart. This feature is of immense benefit for users with difficulty in identifying colors.

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Import from Cloud Databases into an Existing Table


What's New In Zoho Analytics

So far, Cloud Databases were listed as data source only when importing into a new table. From now on, they will get listed as data source when importing into an existing table too.

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May 28, 2020

Option to Disable Dynamic Drill Down


What's New In Zoho Analytics

An option to enable/disable Dynamic Drill Down in a chart is now available on the Chart Settings page. 

By default, the Dynamic Drill Down option will be enabled for the charts you create in Zoho Analytics. You can now choose to disable it if needed, from the Settings page. 

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Workspace & Explorer Enhancements


Converting a sub-folder to a parent folder is now possible. You can now convert a sub-folder to a parent folder with just a single click.

Another handy feature that's now available -- you can now easily favorite your reports and dashboards when you are viewing them, by clicking the new favorite icon placed right next to the name of the report/dashboard.

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User Filter Enhancement


For ease of accessibility, we have enhanced the already existing behavior of cascading User Filters. The option "List only relevant values" is now divided into "List only relevant values" and "List Relevant Values, with "Show All" option". 

  • List only relevant values: This option is used to set up cascading User Filters i.e., if you want the second (or subsequent) User Filter's value to be dependent on the value that you have chosen in the preceding User Filter(s). 
  • List only relevant values, with 'Show All' option: This option is similar to List only relevant values, with a Show All link. Clicking Show All will list all the values in the dropdown for filtering.

Learn More.

May 13, 2020

Publish Within Organization Enhancement  


What's New In Zoho Analytics

So far you can publish views to entire web users or users within your Zoho Analytics Organization. Now you can also publish reports and dashboard to users in your Zoho Organization.

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Column Level Publishing


What's New In Zoho Analytics

So far restricting selective columns is available only while sharing. Now you can publish selected columns from your table. This enables you to control what data your users get to see. This will particularly be helpful in case you have sensitive data in your table.

Learn More. 


Select Organization to Import Data


What's New In Zoho Analytics

If you have Organization Admin privilege for multiple organizations, now we give you an easy option to import data into any organization right from the Home page. When you import data, it will prompt to choose the organization in which the workspace has to be created and data needs to be imported                 

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Apr 30, 2020

Smart Data Alerts via Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Webhook!


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Until now, any anomaly or change in your key business metrics were brought on a snap to you via Email and In-app notification channels. In addition to the already existing channels, new to join the line of channel notifications are:

  • Slack
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Webhook

Get data alerts any time, anywhere. Stay well-informed and prepared.

Learn More.

Apr 23, 2020

Trend Line


What's New In Zoho Analytics

We are happy to announce that Zoho Analytics now supports plotting Trend Lines in your charts. Trend Lines are used to identify the trend present in your data. Zoho Analytics can plot the past and future trend in your time series or number series data. 

Zoho Analytics provides five models to derive the Trend Line. They are Linear, Logarithmic, Exponential, Power, and Polynomial.

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Expand and Collapse Pivot View


What's New In Zoho Analytics

A new Expand/Collapse option is added in Pivot View. This is a handy feature that helps users to drill into the pivot data using expand/collapse option. 

Users can now view the data in a hierarchical manner. i.e., they can view the higher group and gradually move to the groups within or do the reverse.

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Date based Lookup Column


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Now you can define a date column to be a lookup column too. 

When reports are created on tables involving date lookup, Zoho Analytics will automatically derive the appropriate date function to be used to join the tables and generate the report. 

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Mar 30, 2020

All collaboration options now under a single menu


What's New In Zoho Analytics

The collaboration options Share this View, Make this View Public, Edit Shared Details, Email, Embed, URL/Permalink, Slideshow have all been grouped and listed inside the Share button for easy accessibility. You can now access all the collaboration options from the Share button.

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Mailing views to multiple users made easy!


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Mailing view(s) to multiple users after applying the "Share Filter Criteria" has now become easy. So far, it was possible to mail only one user, at a time, applying the Share Filter Criteria. This limitation has been removed. From now on, you can send the filtered view(s) to multiple users and groups.

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Feb 28, 2020

New Data Connectors


Advanced Analytics for Site24x7

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Advanced Analytics for Site24x7 helps to improve your service/platform availability & quality with meaningful insights on outages, alarms, monitors, and infrastructure.

You can easily track the outages by analyzing the key metrics such as downtime count, duration of outage, frequency, and more across locations. This helps in identifying the root cause of downtime and take appropriate steps to maximize website, application and server performance and availability.

The connector comes with 85+ handpicked default reports and dashboards, which provide in-depth insights on various metrics to get a complete overview of all your monitors instantly. 

Learn More.


Advanced Analytics for SalesIQ

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Advanced Analytics for Zoho SalesIQ helps you to understand your customer actions and their experience by visually analyzing their touchpoints. Analyze KPIs like website traffic sources, visitors' geographic distribution, the average time spent on your website, shared responses, and many more with our prebuilt reports and dashboards. Tracking these KPIs will help you to optimize lead generation, enhance your users' experience, and convert them to customers, thereby helps you to increase your ROI.

Apart from analyzing data from Zoho SalesIQ, you can blend data from other applications such as Zoho CRM, Zoho Desk, Salesforce CRM, Zendesk, etc., along with Zoho SalesIQ to do end-to-end cross-functional analytics.

The Advanced Analytics for Zoho SalesIQ includes 75+ prebuilt reports and dashboards over your Zoho SalesIQ data that help you to jump-start your analytics right away.

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Wildcard Filtering Option


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Zoho Analytics now supports a new filtering option named Wildcard filter for text columns. Now you can filter the data by constructing filter criteria. This allows you to filter data specifying multiple conditions at the same time. You can join the conditions with AND/OR logical operators. 

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Support for Percentile Calculation


Zoho Analytics now supports Percentile as a summary function for creating reports. You can now plot a report applying percentile function on column. 

e.g., when you plot the 90th percentile of a column, it will show the numbers below which 90% of the column values lie.

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Get Notifications in Zoho Analytics Mobile App


You can now get notifications in your Zoho Analytics Mobile App (both iOS and Android) for the following actions:

  • When an alert is triggered
  • When a view is shared with you
  • When you are added to or removed from a group
  • When a scheduled import fails

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Feb 20, 2020

Support for Amazon S3


Amazon S3 is the latest entrant being added to the list of Cloud Storages/Drives supported by Zoho Analytics. You can now analyze data from files stored in Amazon S3 buckets, using Zoho Analytics. 

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White Label Settings Page Revamped


What's New In Zoho Analytics

The White Label Settings Page has been revamped with a lot of additional features and enhanced usability. The new UI is divided into Settings and Administrative Action tabs, with each tab containing various customization options. 

A gist of the new features introduced:

  • Password Policy Settings: Configure and manage users' password settings. 
  • Ask Zia: Enable the smart assistant Zia. Zia is a search-driven augmented analytics assistant, helping your users create reports instantly, by just asking questions.
  • Password Reset Option: Reset users' passwords.
  • Account Deletion Option: Delete user accounts.

Learn More.


Jan 31, 2020

New Data Connectors


We're happy to announce two new Advanced Analytics connectors--for LinkedIn Ads and Eventbrite--powered by Zoho Analytics. 

Advanced Analytics for LinkedIn Ads

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Advanced Analytics for LinkedIn Ads, enables you to visually analyze your marketing Ad campaigns, measure the outcomes, and derive actionable insights in minutes. Quickly analyze key performance metrics like traffic, CTR, CPC, CPM, conversion rate, and much more. Apart from analyzing your LinkedIn Ad campaigns, you can also blend data from other sources to get end-to-end insights of your entire business function. 

The connector comes with 75+ handpicked default reports and dashboards, which provide visual insights of Ads campaigns. With LinkedIn Ads Advanced Analytics, you can make more informed decisions when running multiple LinkedIn Ads campaigns to grow your business. 

Learn More.

Advanced Analytics for Eventbrite

What's New In Zoho Analytics

Advanced Analytics for Eventbrite helps you to analyze and draw insights from the key elements of an event, like the registration count, attendees count, tickets sold, etc. By analyzing and tracking these KPIs, you can get insights about how successful was an event conducted and come up with actionable insights for improvement.

The Advanced Analytics for Eventbrite includes 60+ prebuilt reports and dashboards over your Eventbrite data that help you to jump-start your analytics right away.

Learn More.


Display Values in Chart Legend


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Now you can choose to display the legend items with or without the corresponding values. 

You can also customize the format to display data. This option is available for Pie and Funnel Charts. 

Learn More. ​


Pivot/Unpivot Operators in Query Table


Query Table now supports the following keywords in the query.

  • Pivot - This rotates a specific column's unique row values into multiple columns of the table.
  • Unpivot - This rotates multiple column headers of the table into a specific column's unique row values.


Alignment options in KPI widget


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Now KPI widgets support alignment option. By default all KPI will be aligned to center.  With this change, the alignment of the existing widgets in your dashboards will be changed to the center. 

Jan 20, 2020

Embed / Publish UI Revamped with Lot More Options!


What's New In Zoho Analytics

The Embed / Publish URL dialog has been revamped for better usability and has also introduced a good set of additional functionalities. 

The new UI captures the following:

  • Embed and Publish options merged in a single screen
  • Access with Login, Access without Login, and Access within Organization / External Users permission controls in the same dialog
  • Status of the already published types
  • New option to specify URL criteria 

 Make Views Public Within Organization​​

What's New In Zoho Analytics

You can now choose to make views public only within your organization. Using this option will make a view accessible only to the users within your organization.

Learn More.

URL Criteria

What's New In Zoho Analytics

A new option to Specify URL Criteria has been made available in the Embed / Publish URL dialog. Using this option you can apply dynamic filters. 

By default, the criteria you provide here will be appended as part of the URL. You can mask the same using Mask Criteria in URL option if required.

Learn More.

For more learning on the new Embed / Publish dialog, do read our help page.


Customize Auto-Blending in Connectors


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Zoho Analytics has the capability to blend data across connectors for business apps automatically. Now, you can customize auto blending suggestions by customizing the look-up columns suggested between these connectors.

Auto blending is now available for a couple of connectors. You can also define your own look-ups manually, as required.


Data Snapshot Supports Charts with Forecasted Values


What's New In Zoho Analytics

Now you can snapshot data from your charts which contains forecasts. You can then create reports on the predicted values across timelines and compare them with your actual data.

Learn More.


New Modules and Fields Supported in Connectors


Zoho Analytics supports new modules and fields for existing connectors. Provided below is the list of newly added modules and fields.

New Modules Supported​​

Connector NameSupported Modules
  • Abandoned Checkouts
  • Abandoned Checkout Note Attributes
  • Abandoned Checkout Shipping Lines
  • Abandoned Checkout Line Items
  • Abandoned Checkout Discount Codes
  • Abandoned Checkout Tax Lines
  • Abandoned Checkout Line Items Tax Lines
  • Abandoned Checkout Tax Lines
  • Abandoned Checkout Line Items Applied Discounts
  • Abandoned Checkout Line Items Properties
Zoho CampaignsCampaigns vs Contacts vs URL
XeroQuotesQuote LineItems


New Fields Supported​​

Connector NameModuleSupported Fields
Zoho Projects & Bug TrackerMilestone BudgetThreshold
Users ProfileStatus
YouTube ChannelTime Sheets Is TimerStart TimeEnd Time
VideosDuration (video duration in seconds)
Facebook AdsAd Insights40+ new fields
Adset Insights40+ new fields
Account Insights40+ new fields
Campaigns Insight 40+ new fields


Workspace Explorer Enhancements


Moving views across folders has now become easy. You can select multiple views from across folders, and move them to a folder within a Workspace. Also, you can now move the parent folder as a sub-folder and move sub-folders from one folder to another within a Workspace.

Another handy feature that has been added is that you can favorite your most accessed reports and dashboards from the left navigation menu bar.

Learn More.


Enhancement in "Similar to Another Table"


Similar to another table has been a handy feature, which helps you to create similar reports on a single click, over a new table, similar to the ones already created over an existing table. So far it has supported creating reports only on a single table, not considering the connected tables. This limitation has been removed. From now on, you can create similar reports based on connected tables as well. 


Shortcuts to Create New Dashboards and Reports


What's New In Zoho Analytics

A shortcut link Create New Dashboards / Create New Reports is now available in the left side navigation menu bar of Dashboards / Reports tabs respectively. 

With the ease of a single click, you can now create a new report or dashboard. 

Learn more about Dashboards and Reports.