Files Reports
Here is a detailed look of all the files reports in Zoho People
To access the various Files Reports, navigate to Reports on the bottom left corner of your screen and go to the Organization Reports tab.
Personal uploads
The Personal uploads report gives the administrators a view of the total number of files of each employee has uploaded and the amount of space space used. Use the filter option to filter based on file formats and click Employee to search for a particular employee.
Note: Personal Uploads is available only in the Enterprise edition of Zoho People.
Acknowledgement receipts
Using the Acknowledgement receipts report administrators can see the number of employees who have acknowledged reading an document (for files with Acknowledgement enabled). This is useful when sharing important documents, circulars, team-wide announcements, as it will help in ensuring that employees have acknowledged the information that is conveyed to them. Use the filter option to filter by file name, file format or date range.
Clicking on a particular file will show options to Acknowledge or Revoke (if already acknowledged). In the bottom of the screen, you can also view the acknowledgement received/pending fraction. Additionally u can click on the ellipsis icon for export options, and use the drop down to view employees who have acknowledged, or employees who are yet to acknowledge (pending).