
The Mobilisten Android SDK comes with the extended ability to customize certain strings. You can use the following attributes in your application's strings.xml file to customize the corresponding strings.

Note: Translations will not be supported on our end for customized strings.

Example code:

Copied<string name="livechat.conversation.title">Conversations</string>
<string name="livechat.messages.title">Chat with us now!</string>
<string name="livechat.article.title">FAQ</string>


Key nameDescription (To customize)Default Value 
livechat.conversation.titleContent of the toolbar in the conversation screen.Conversations
livechat.conversation.startchat The content of the start chat buttonStart Chat content of the search result response when there are no matches for the input.Looks like there aren't any matches to the search word you entered!

The content of the description text when no conversations are available.

Note: You need to use the string format here since we use the portal name dynamically.

<string name="livechat.conversation.emptystate">All your conversations with %1$s \n will be listed here.</string>

All your conversations with <portal name> will be listed here.

livechat.conversationThe title of the conversation tab layoutConversations

The content of the end chat timer indication

Note: You need to use the string format here since seconds will be getting changed dynamically.

<string name="livechat.conversation.endchat.timer">Chat session will end in %1$s</string>

Chat session will end in 10s
livechat.conversation.statusThe Content used to denote the open chat in the conversation list view.Open
livechat.message.waitingforconnectionNo internet banner content (both conversation list view and chat window takes the same key)Waiting for network connection
livechat.conversation.subtitle.missedThe Content used to indicate the missed chatNo operators available
livechat.conversation.subtitle.queue.positionContent used to denote the current queue position of the conversationSpot in queue:
livechat.operator.waiting.responseThe content used to denote the waiting responseOperator will join shortly
livechat.conversation.subtitle.waiting.detailsContent used to denote that the details are yet to be filled for initiating the chatAwaiting your details
livechat.conversation.filetype.imageThe content used to denote the last message as Image in the list viewImage
livechat.conversation.filetype.audioThe content used to denote the last message as an Audio file in the list viewAudio
livechat.conversation.filetype.videoThe content used to denote the last message as an Video file in the list viewVideo
livechat.conversation.filetype.othersThe content used to denote the last message as file in the list viewFile


Key name Description (To customize)Default Value 
livechat.messages.titleContent of the toolbar in the chat window.Chat with us now!
livechat.message.input.hintContent in the placeholder of the chat window (input area)Type your message here...
livechat.messages.operator.typingThe content of the typing indicator in the toolbartyping...
livechat.messages.option.takescreenshotThe content of the take screenshot option in the attachmentTake Screenshot
livechat.messages.option.sharefileThe content of the Share File option in the attachmentShare File
livechat.messages.option.takephotoThe content of the Take photo option in the attachmentTake Photo
livechat.messages.option.endchatThe content of the End Chat option in the chat windowEnd Chat
livechat.messages.endchat.confirmationThe content of the description text in the 'end chat' confirmation dialogWould you wish to end this chat?

The content of the end chat timer indication inside the chat window

Note: You need to use the string format here since seconds will be getting changed dynamically.

<string name="livechat.messages.endchat.timer">Chat session will end in %1$s</string>

The chat session will end in 10 secs content for the Email Chat option in the chat window.Email chat transcript content used to request email address when the email transcript is clicked.Enter your email address content used when the email address entered is not in the correct format.Enter a valid email address
livechat.common.nointernetThe warning message when any operations (that requires internet connection) is performed when there is other is no internet connection Please check your Internet connection
livechat.messages.sharescreenshotThe title in the screenshot preview while sharingShare Screenshot
livechat.messages.shareimageThe title in the image preview while sharingShare Image
livechat.messages.departmentThe title of the department list view dialog when the pre-chat form is disabledChoose a department
livechat.messages.alert.upload.filesizeexceedThe content for the warning response when the maximum file size(50MB) that is allowed to share is exceededMaximum upload size exceeded
livechat.messages.alert.chatreqfailureThe content for the warning response when the chat request is failed.Snap! Looks like you can't place this chat request!
livechat.messages.record.slidetocancelThe content of the 'Slide to cancel' hint during voice recordingSlide to cancel
livechat.reopen.titleThe content used in the reopen button for the closed chatsReopen chat message used to denote that the chat is ended successfullySession Ended message used to denote that the chat is reopened successfullyYou’ve reopened the chat message used when all operators are busy to accept the chat requestWe missed your chat request

The content of the Info message used when chat is taken over by another operator.

Note: You need to use the string format here since the operator name will be used dynamically here.

<string name="">Chat Transferred. Hi, %1$s here!! I'd be happy to assist you further.</string>

Chat Transferred. Hi, <operator name> here!! I'd be happy to assist you further.

The content of the Info message used when the operator joined the conversation.

Note: You need to use the string format here since the operator name will be used dynamically here.

<string name="">%1$s has joined this conversation.</string>

<operator name> has joined this conversation.

The content of the Info message used when the operator is forwarding the chat.

Note: You need to use the string format here since the operator name will be used dynamically here.

<string name="">%1$s is forwarding the chat</string>

<operator name> is forwarding the chat

The content of the Info message used when the other operator accepted the forwarded chat.

Note: You need to use the string format here since the operator name will be used dynamically here.

<string name="">The chat has been forwarded to %1$s successfully.</string>

The chat has been forwarded to <operator name> successfully.

The content of the Info message used when an operator is transferring the chat to another operator.

Note: You need to use the string format here since the operator name will be used dynamically here.

<string name="">%1$s is transferring the chat to %2$s.</string>

<operator1 name> is transferring the chat to <operator2 name>.
livechat.messages.action.copy.successThe content of the response when the message is copied successfullyCopied to Clipboard
livechat.message.typingindicatorContent of the bot typing indicator in the chat bubble.typing
livechat.messages.offlineThe content used in the offline banner (both conversation list view and chat window takes the same key)We're not around at the moment. Please leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. content used while calculating the waiting time for the next queue positionCalculating wait time... used in the Queue bannerYou are in chat queue

The content used for the estimated time remaining for the current queue position

 You need to use the string format here since waiting time will update dynamically here.

<string name="">The estimated wait time is about ~ %1$s</string>

The estimated wait time is about ~ <time> used in the  queue position areaSpot
live_chat_no_application_to_handle_uriThe content used when there is no application to open/view the URLYou don\'t have an application to open this web page content used as the Sender name for Profanity alert message (only for waiting chats)Abuse Alert


Traditional Form:

Key nameDescription (To customize)Default Value label content for the name fieldName label content for the email fieldEmail label content for the phone fieldPhone
livechat.messages.prechatform.traditional.department.labelThe label content for the department fieldDepartment
livechat.messages.prechatform.traditional.campaign.labelThe label content for campaigns fieldI would like to receive newsletter campaigns
livechat.messages.prechatform.traditional.question.errorThe error response content when a question is not entered.Enter Question hint content of the name field Enter your name content of the error response shown when a valid name is not provided.Enter a valid name hint content of the phone fieldEnter your contact number content of the error response shown when the provided phone number is not valid.Enter a valid phone number hint content of the email fieldEnter your email address content of the error response shown when the provided email is not valid.Enter a valid email address
livechat.messages.prechatform.traditional.dept.hintThe hint content of the department fieldChoose a department
livechat.messages.prechatform.traditional.dept.errorThe content of the error response shown when a department is not selected.Choose a valid Department
livechat.prechatform.submitThe content of the Submit button text Submit

Conversation Form:

Key nameDescription(To customize)Default value
livechat.messages.prechatform.conversation.nameThe content used to collect the name of the visitorHow would you like to be addressed?
livechat.messages.prechatform.conversation.emailThe content used to collect the email of the visitorWe can drop you an email at?
livechat.messages.prechatform.conversation.campaignThe content used to request campaign subscription of the visitorWould you like to subscribe to our newsletter?
livechat.messages.prechatform.conversation.campaign.yesThe content used for accepting the subscriptionSure
livechat.messages.prechatform.conversation.campaign.noThe content used for the 'not interested' option for the subscriptionNo
livechat.messages.prechatform.conversation.deptThe content used to collect the department name from the visitorPlease select the department to which your request should be routed
livechat.messages.prechatform.conversation.phoneThe content used to collect the contact number of the visitorCan we have your contact number?

Inline From:

Key nameDescription(To customize)Default value
livechat.messages.prechatform.inline.messageThe content used in the description to collect user details from the chat windowPlease provide us a couple of details to initiate a chat.
livechat.messages.prechatform.inline.buttonThe content used in the button that is used to open the pre-chat form from the chat windowFill Form

Feedback and Rating:

Key name Description (To customize)Default Value of the message in the chat window upon feedback submission.Thank you for submitting your feedback feedback dialog's title content.How was your conversation experience with us? feedback dialog's subtitle content.Please take a moment to drop your rating.
livechat.rating.skipThe Skip feedback contentSkip placeholder content of the feedback input field.Type your feedback here content inside the submit button of the Feedback formSubmit content used in the button used to open the feedback dialog from the chat windowSend Feedback


Key nameDescription (To customize)Default Value
livechat.article.titleContent of the toolbar in the article screen.FAQ
articles.emptystateThe response showed where there are no FAQs.Our FAQ section is yet under construction. Do scoot back later! response showed when there are no matching FAQs.Looks like there aren't any matches to the search word you entered!
articles.startchatThe content of the button in the empty state viewStart Chat
articles.recent.searchThe title of the recently searched articles listRecent Searches
articles.recent.viewedThe title of the recently viewed articles listRecently Viewed feedback response text after like or dislike is given for an articleThanks for your feedback!