FCM HTTP v1 API Migration

From June 20, 2024, Google will deprecate the legacy FCM APIs to ensure uninterrupted push notification functionality. Therefore, it is recommended that you migrate to the new HTTP v1 API as soon as possible. Follow the below steps to migrate. 

Step 1: Generate JSON private key

  • Navigate to Project Overview > Project settings > Service accounts. 
  • Under the Firebase Admin SDK, select Node.js and click on Generate new private key

  • Click Generate Key to download your private key JSON file on the warning modal.


  • Ensure the Firebase Cloud Messaging API (V1) is enabled under the Cloud Messaging of the FCM console. If it's disabled, follow the below instructions. 
  • Click the three-dot icon beside the Firebase Cloud Messaging API (V1), and select Manage API in Google Cloud Console. 

  • You will be redirected to the Google Cloud console and enable the Firebase Cloud Messaging API.

Step 2:  Configure Push Credentials in SalesIQ

  • Open SalesIQ, navigate to Settings > Brands > Select the brand > Installation > Android > Configure push notifications and enable them. 
  • Then, click Browse and select the generated private key.
  • Finally, click Upload to use this private key for sending push notifications.

After these steps, the Legacy FCM API migration to the HTTP v1 API will be successful, ensuring your push notifications continue to operate seamlessly.