Update a Holiday
To update the holidays set for your org.
Request Details
Request URL
Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52
Sample Request
Copiedcurl "https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v7/settings/holidays"
-d "@update.json"
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
-H "X-CRM-ORG:{your_org_id}"
Input JSON
- idstring, mandatory
The unique ID of the holiday that you want to update.
- namestring, mandatory
The name of the holiday. Note that the special characters ~ , ` , # , % , & , + , = , [ , ] , { , } , | , ; , < , > , ^ are not allowed.
- datestring, mandatory
The date in the YYYY-MM-DD format that the holiday falls on.
Input JSON
"holidays": [
"id": "3652397000011199002",
"name": "Founder's Day",
"date": "2023-08-24"
Possible Errors
- The holiday name contains one or more of these special characters: ~ , ` , # , % , & , + , = , [ , ] , { , } , | , ; , < , > , ^.
- The date, shift's ID, holiday type, or name is invalid.
Refer to the "details" key in the response for the API name of the field that has the error in the input. - MANDATORY_NOT_FOUNDHTTP 400
One or more of these data is invalid - name, date, type.
Refer to the "details" key in the response for the API name of the field that has the error in the input. - DEPENDENT_FIELD_MISSINGHTTP 400
You have not specified one or more of the dependent fields.
Resolution: When you add holidays to a shift hour, the "type" key is mandatory. - API_NOT_SUPPORTEDHTTP 400
You are trying the API from API version 2 or below.
Resolution: This API is supported only from API version 2.1 and up. - LIMIT_EXCEEDEDHTTP 400
You are trying to create more than 52 holidays per year.
Resolution: A year cannot have more than 52 holidays. - OAUTH_SCOPE_MISMATCHHTTP 401
You do not have the right scope to access this API.
Resolution: Create new token with ZohoCRM.settings.business_hours.ALL or ZohoCRM.settings.business_hours.UPDATE scopes. - INACTIVE_USERHTTP 403
You are an inactive user in the org.
Resolution: Inactive users cannot access this API. Contact the administrator. - NO_PERMISSIONHTTP 403
You are not an admin.
Resolution: Only admin users can set the holidays for the org. - INVALID_URL_PATTERNHTTP 404
Please check if the URL trying to access is a correct one
Resolution: The request URL specified is incorrect. Specify a valid request URL. Refer to the request URL section above.
Sample Response
"holidays": [
"code": "SUCCESS",
"details": {
"id": "3652397000011199002"
"message": "Holidays updated successfully",
"status": "success"