Shift Hours

Shift hours allow you to assign shifts based on employees' work hours or time zone and enable you to assign activities based on a user's availability.


To set shift hours for your organization through an API. Note that the shift hours must fall under the business hours configured for your org.

Request Details

Request URL



Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52



Sample Request

Copiedcurl ""
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
-H "X-CRM-ORG: {your_org_ID}"
-d "@input.json"

Input JSON

  • timezonestring, mandatory

    Represents the time zone you want to set the shift hours for.

  • namestring, mandatory

    The name of the shift hours. Note that the special characters ~ , ` , # , % , & , + , = , [ , ] , { , } , | , ; , < , > , ^ are not allowed.

  • shift_daysJSON array, mandatory

    The days of the week you want to set the shift hours for. Note that you can set shift timing only on the days your business operates on.

  • same_as_everydayBoolean, mandatory

    Represents whether the shift hours are the same everyday. When this value is false, the JSON array custom_timing becomes mandatory. When this value is true, the JSON array daily_timing becomes mandatory.

  • daily_timingJSON array, mandatory when same_as_everyday is true

    Represents the shift timing for the week in the HH:mm format. For example: "daily_timing":["10:00","17:00"].

  • custom_timingJSON array, mandatory when same_as_everyday is false

    Contains the following keys in every JSON object of the array:

    • days - string, mandatory - The day of the week that has a custom time for the shift. Example: "days":"Monday".
    • shift_timing - JSON array, mandatory - The shift timing on that day in the HH:MM format. For example: "shift_timing":["10:00","17:00"].
  • break_hoursJSON array, optional

    Contains the following keys in every JSON object of the array:

    • same_as_everyday - Boolean, mandatory - true represents that the break hours are the same everyday, and daily_timing is mandatory. When this value is false, the custom_timing array becomes mandatory.
    • break_days - JSON array, mandatory - The days of the week break hours are allowed.
    • daily_timing(when same_as_everyday is true) - JSON array, mandatory - The break timing on that day in the HH:MM format. For example: "daily_timing":["10:00","10:30"]. Note that break hours cannot exceed two hours per day, and a day can have only two breaks.
    • custom_timing(when same_as_everyday is false) - JSON array, mandatory - The break timing on a day in the HH:MM format. For example: "custom_timing":["11:00","01:00"]. Note that break hours cannot exceed two hours per day, and a day can have only two breaks.

      days - string, mandatory - The day of the shift the custom break timing applies to.

  • holidaysJSON array, optional

    Use this array to create a new holiday while creating a shift hour.
    This array must contain the following keys:

    • name - string, mandatory - The unique name of the holiday. Note that the special characters ~ , ` , # , % , & , + , = , [ , ] , { , } , | , ; , < , > , ^ are not allowed.
    • date - string, mandatory - The date in the YYYY-MM-DD format that the holiday falls on.
  • usersJSON array, optional

    The ID of the user who you want to assign these shift hours to. Use the key effective_from to assign this shift to the user on this date. The format is YYYY-DD-MM.
    When you do not specify this key, the user gets assigned to the shift immediately.


  • You can create a maximum of 50 shift hours for your org.

Input JSON

    "shift_hours": [
            "timezone": "Etc/GMT+12",
            "name": "shift hours with holiday10",
            "shift_days": [
            "same_as_everyday": true,
            "daily_timing": [
            "holidays": [
                    "year": "2023",
                    "name": "Holi10",
                    "date": "2023-04-24",
            "users": [
                    "id": "3652397000001464001",
                    "effective_from": "2023-04-23"
            "id": "3652397000001438001"

Possible Errors



    • One or more of these data is invalid - shift timing, timezone, break timing, effective from date.
    • The input contains more than two break hour timings.
    • The input contains more than seven shift days or break days.
    • The shift name contains one or more special characters - ~ , ` , # , % , & , + , = , [ , ] , { , } , | , ; , < , > , ^.
    • The break hours overlap.
    • The break hours fall outside the shift hours.
    • The effective from date is not greater than the current date.

    Refer to the "details" key in the response for the API name of the field that has the error in the input.


    You have not specified either the name of the shift hour or the timezone in the input.
    Resolution: The name and the timezone of the shift hours are mandatory in the input. Refer to the details key in the response to find out the missing key.


    You have not specified one or more of the dependent fields.

    • For custom shift hours, days is mandatory.
    • When same_as_everyday=true, daily_timing is mandatory.
    • When same_as_everyday=false, custom_timing is mandatory.

    Refer to the sample input for the structure of each of these keys.


    You are trying to create more than 50 shift hours for your org.
    Resolution: An org can have a maximum of 50 shift hours.


    You are trying to set shift hours before setting up business hours for your org.
    Resolution: You can add shift hours only after you add business hours.


    You are trying to set break hours for more than two hours.
    Resolution: Each shift can have a break timing of a maximum of two hours.


    Please check if the URL trying to access is a correct one
    Resolution: The request URL specified is incorrect. Specify a valid request URL. Refer to the request URL section above.


    You do not have the right scope to access this API.
    Resolution: Create new token with ZohoCRM.settings.business_hours.ALL or ZohoCRM.settings.business_hours.CREATE scopes.

Sample Response

    "shift_hours": [
            "code": "SUCCESS",
            "details": {
                "id": "3652397000011173006"
            "message": "Shift Hours created successfully.",
            "status": "success"