
In Zoho CRM, the administrator assigns a profile to every user which decides the user's level of access to Zoho CRM data. Use this API to get the details of different profiles.

Get Profiles


To retrieve the data of profiles of your organization.

Request Details

Request URL


To get a specific profile:


Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52



Possible operation types

ALL - Full access to profiles data
READ - Retrieve profiles data

Sample Request

Copiedcurl ""
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
Copiedresponse = invokeurl
	url: ""
	type: GET
info response;

Response JSON Keys

  • display_labelstring

    Represents the display name of the current profile.

  • created_timestring

    Represents the date and time at which the current profile was created.

  • modified_timestring

    Represents the date and time at which the current profile was last modified.

  • namestring

    Represents the name of the profile.

  • modified_byJSON object

    Represents the name and ID of the user who last modified the current profile.

  • descriptionstring

    Represents the description of the profile, if any.

  • idstring

    Represents the unique ID of the profile.

  • created_byJSON object

    Represents the name and ID of the user who created the current profile.

  • typestring

    Represents if the profile is a normal_profile, lite_profile or portal_profile.

  • permissions_detailsJSON array

    Gives the details of the view, create, edit, and delete permissions given to the profile for different modules. Note that this array is rendered in the response only when you fetch a specific profile.


  • The object with display_label zmeeting is removed from the permission_details array.
  • In the response, under tool > categories, individual JSON objects are added for the features Zia and Share.

Sample Response

  "profiles": [
      "display_label": "Administrator",
      "created_time": null,
      "modified_time": null,
      "custom": false,
      "permissions_details": [
          "display_label": "View",
          "module": "Leads",
          "name": "Crm_Implied_View_Leads",
          "id": "3652397000000026113",
          "enabled": true
          "display_label": "Create",
          "module": "Leads",
          "name": "Crm_Implied_Create_Leads",
          "id": "3652397000000026107",
          "enabled": true
          "display_label": "Edit",
          "module": "Leads",
          "name": "Crm_Implied_Edit_Leads",
          "id": "3652397000000026110",
          "enabled": true
          "display_label": "Delete",
          "module": "Leads",
          "name": "Crm_Implied_Delete_Leads",
          "id": "3652397000000026116",
          "enabled": true
          "display_label": "View",
          "module": "Contacts",
          "name": "Crm_Implied_View_Contacts",
          "id": "3652397000000026155",
          "enabled": true