Get Duplicate Check Option


To retrieve the Duplicate Check Preference Options configured in your account.

Request Details

Request URL



Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52


scope = ZohoCRM.settings.ALL  (or)
scope = ZohoCRM.settings.duplicate_check_preference.{operation_type} 

Possible operation types

ALL - Full data access 
READ - Get duplicate record check preference 

Supported module



  • modulestring, mandatory

    Represents the module whose Duplicate Check Preference details you want to retrieve.  Supported module: Leads. 

Sample Request

Copiedcurl ""
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd"

Response JSON Keys


You can retrieve the following Duplicate Check Preference configurations:

  • converted_records (Converted Leads in UI) - The system will always check for duplicates on all the Leads using the unique fields (e.g., Email).
  • mapped_module_records (Contacts in UI) - The system will check for duplicates  in the Contacts module using mapped fields.

Response JSON Keys for the "type" : "converted_records" (Converted Leads)

  • duplicate_check_preferenceJSON object

    Represents the duplicate record check preference details in the Leads module.

    • typestring

      Represents the type of duplicate record check preference. Here, it is "converted_records" i.e., Converted Leads.

    • type_configurationsJSON array

      Represents the configuration type.

Response JSON Keys for the "type" : "mapped_module_records" (Contacts)

If the duplicate check preference is enabled for Contacts (mapped_module_records), the response will be as below.

  • duplicate_check_preferenceJSON object

    Represents the details of the duplicate record check preference in the "Contacts" module.

  • typestring

    Represents the type of duplicate record check preference. Here, it is "mapped_module_records"  i.e., Contacts.

  • type_configurationsJSON array

    Represents the configuration type.

    • field_mappingJSON array

      Represents the unique fields mapping in Leads and Contacts modules.

      • current_fieldJSON object

        Represents the unique fields in the Leads module that are mapped to the unique fields in the Contacts module.

        • api_namestring, mandatory

          Represents the API name of the unique field in the Leads module. 

        • idstring

          Represents the ID of the unique field in the Leads module. 

      • mapped_fieldJSON object

        Represents the unique fields in the Contacts module to which the unique fields in the Leads module are mapped to.

        • api_namestring

          Represents the API name of the unique field in the Contacts module.

        • idstring

          Represents the ID of the unique field in the Contacts module. 

    • mapped_moduleJSON object

      Represents the details of the mapped module i.e., the module to which the unique fields in the Leads module are mapped to. In this case, Contacts module.

      • api_namestring

        Represents the API name of the mapped module.

      • idstring

        Represents the ID of the mapped module

Possible Errors


    The http request method type is not a valid one
    Resolution: You have specified an invalid HTTP method to access the API URL.
    Specify a valid request method. Refer to the endpoints section above.


    The API does not support the specified module 
    Resolution: Please specify a valid module. Supported Module : Leads


    Resolution: The client does not have a valid scope to retrieve duplicate check preference option. Create a new token with the required scopes. Refer to the scope section above.


    Authentication failed
    Resolution: Pass the access token in the request header of the API call.


    No permission to access the module
    Resolution: Contact the administrator.


    Please check if the URL trying to access is a correct one
    Resolution: The request URL specified is incorrect. Specify a valid request URL. Referto the request URL section above.


    Internal Server Error
    Resolution: Unexpected and unhandled exception in the server. Contact support team.

Sample response for the "type" : "converted_records"

    "duplicate_check_preference": {
        "type": "converted_records",
        "type_configurations": null

Sample response for the "type" : "mapped_module_records"

    "duplicate_check_preference": {
        "type": "mapped_module_records",
        "type_configurations": [
                "field_mappings": [
                        "mapped_field": {
                            "api_name": "Email",
                            "name": "Contacts",
                            "id": "2423488000000000449"
                        "current_field": {
                            "api_name": "Email",
                            "name": "Leads",
                            "id": "2423488000000000563"
                "mapped_module": {
                    "api_name": "Contacts",
                    "name": "Contacts",
                    "id": "2423488000000000129"