API error codes
This page contains common error codes you may face while trying our APIs and what action must be performed to troubleshoot those errors.
Error code | Error message | Action to be performed | Code |
8026 | Upgrade your Zoho Sign license. | Your current subscription does not include access to this particular feature. Please consider upgrading your plan to access full functionality. You can find a detailed comparison of features on our pricing page. | UPGRADE_LICENSE |
9101 | Add at least one field for a signer. | Either one field should be mapped for the signer to sign the document. Add a signature or text field according to your use case for the signer. | ADD_ATLEAST_ONE_FIELD |
12008 | This document has already been submitted. | The document has already been sent out for signature. If you need to modify the document after being sent ,use the document correction process. | DOCUMENT_ALREADY_SUBMITTED |
9018 | File size exceeds the maximum limit | Check the document size. Individual documents must not exceed 25 MB and total envelope must not be exceed 40 MB. | FILE_SIZE_MORE_THAN_ALLOWED_SIZE |
9020 | Invalid file format | Error occurred due to invalid file extension. The allowed extensions are pdf, jpg, jpeg, png, doc, docx, html, htm, tex, txt, sxw, odt, rtf, xls, xlsx, and ods. | INVALID_FILE_EXTENSION |
You can also raise a support ticket by dropping an email along with relevant screenshots to support@zohosign.com (support@eu.zohosign.com- For EU region).
If this page doesn't cover the error code you have faced, you can always find a list of all possible errors here.